The Roller-coaster Rolls On…

Hey my loves!!!!

I disappeared… Again lol. I am terrible at being consistent at writing but I’m trying yall!

As the title states, life has been quite the roller-coaster still but on much happier notes! Since my last entry, I’ve really reconnected with once of my closest friends and ministry partner, Shea. When I moved to St. Louis, shortly after, the Lord took her to Little Rock. Our lives both got crazy busy in our new places rather quickly, so we didn’t keep in close contact with each other those 5 years we were both gone. Ironically enough (It was totally a God thing), shortly after I moved back with my parents, she moved back with her mom as well. I had no idea she had moved back or that she was even in town when she was put on my heart to contact after so long. It was just on my heart to check on her and touch base with her. Found out she was in town and went to a church in Memphis with her that following Sunday just so we can finally catch up. Well that’s when I found out that she had just moved back. It honestly was just like neither one of us had ever moved away. Even my relationship with her daughters picked up right where we left off. We’ve become pretty inseparable ever since then. She is my Twin after all. This all was back in… the end of February or the end of March.

Since then I’ve joined the church in Memphis and just loving the growth that’s happening with us in this season. She joined before me. I’m stubborn so it took me a while, and the Lord gently convicting me, to join. I wanted to make absolutely sure that this was the place He wanted me to be planted and not just because I liked it there. He spoke. I joined. And as I said earlier, I am definitely seeing the growth from it! The Lord has been showing me so much about myself and my family that He wants to shake up grow its almost unreal. But I love it! He’s been teaching me and correcting so many things in me. Reprogramming old mindsets is so hard though, especially when you’ve dealt with depression and insecurities your whole life. But its definitely worth it if you’re willing to be patient with yourself and put the work in!

We also had to move into another apartment unit at the end of last month, on my birthday weekend no less! The property management was shutting down the back half of the property, which is where we were, and gave us 30 days to move into another unit or move off the property altogether. So we moved, but it has been such a blessing! A hard, stressful transition… but a blessing no less.

To paint a picture of the scenario:

Our old place was literally in the back abandoned part of the property. Our unit was the only unit occupied on our street as well as the surrounding streets. Every other building and lot around us, literally, was overgrown, untamed lots and condemned dilapidated buildings. If I can get back there during the day and take pictures or video to show you all, I will. The electric company took out all the electric poles out of the back of the property like a week  before we started the moving process, so our front and back porch lights were the ONLY lighting in the back of the property. I cannot begin to describe how black the darkness was back there. That made it impossible for me to take my dog out before bed, so poor Max had to endure holding his little bladder until morning.

The new place is right on one of the main streets of the property, so there’s lots of traffic, which makes me feel a lot safer overall. We’re living amongst civilization ya’ll! There’s plenty of street lights and things are not overgrown or abandoned. It’s nice to come out of the “wilderness” into the “normal” part of the property. The move happened just in time because a couple of weeks ago there has been sightings of a cougar and her cub wandering around close to where our old place was. I could not imagine walking Max around back there and running into a cougar! Of course we still have to keep a look out for them because I am not sure if they have been caught and moved or not. I definitely feel safer being somewhere with a lot more traffic to deter the wildlife from wandering around here.

Anyway, to say the least, its been a crazy rollercoaster of a year FILLED with changes and transitions. I know the changes are not done yet. I am currently on a journey of trying to figure out a new direction in my life. I definitely do not plan on living with my parents long term. I am not exactly sure what the future holds though. Ministry is still my number one avenue, but I also have a desire to go back to school to get a counseling degree. Crazy right? I have no idea how I am going to pay for that or anything, but that is my heart’s desire. There are other little avenues that I want to branch off into as well. I’ve started a YouTube Channel, Mighty Mokee, which I would like to become more consistent with, as well as writing. I also make jewelry, and would love to begin selling things on Etsy. I know I am all over the place! I love everything that I am doing, but I have no idea where to start!!!

There’s so much more to update, but I’ve rambled long enough in this post. I am definitely endeavoring to be consistent in writing here, especially with NoJoMo right around the corner. I hope that will still be a thing here! I remember loving the writing prompts and reading other entries during NoJoMo and DePhoMo.

Anyway, I love you all! Read you soon!

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