good day ? ? ? ? ? ? … i think so ..

ok so its official . i have managed to loose more weight than id imagined ….. people now comment on it …. . which is good .

i kinda like it and it makes me feel good .  my eating habits have changed alot …. i now automatically go for the healthier options in the fridge or on the list …..  snack on fruit and have loads more veg . but heres the catch . a few years ago i had to go to hospital because of pains in my belly .. it turned out to be a rather large cyst which they removed  as it was attached to my fallopean tube. i was hugely reassured that i could still have more children if i wanted them.  they only knew i had a huge cyst because i lost weight but still had a massive belly .  so heres my question , i know i have lost weight and have the printouts to prove it . but why is my belly still so big ? and it hurting again but this time on the other side….ive been told ill always get cysts ”down there” . so time to go back to the doctors ? i think so ..

other than i wish you all a good day and ill be back later . xoxo

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