Had This Been An Actual Emergency

 I wrote a private entry that I saved for one second 


as a Friends Only entry. By stupid accident and I’m kicking myself. If you did not have access, this is the reason.

That is all.

Please return to your normally scheduled viewing activities. 

This concludes the test of your Emergency Diary System. 


Log in to write a note

Phew! Dialing down the panic meter.

I miss you.

I see those all caps and two exclamation points. It is not a lot but it is a little… something. Offering you a small smile. Just a small one. Hoping you smile back. Wishing for you: some of your sparkle… some of your old VERVE. Just a smallish bit like a tingle of life that reminds you that you ARE still you. ((quickhugs))

p.s. If I were out there, perhaps I would drag your ass out for some drinks and dancing. Maybe we BOTH need that?!?! I need something… (& if you started to cry it would be ok too, I’d totally get it) xoxo for your squishy heart mostly.

okay lady. hope you are doing well.

i totally broke my nose on the door trying to get in and read it. ow.

? Hope you’re doing okay.

Was that the one with the highly detailed sexual fantasy about me in it? Cause that was a GOOD one!!!!

I’m happy that you’re still kind of around here. How is everything going? Any news about the breach? I’ve been thinking about it so much. I really hope that you’ve figured out who it was, somehow.

love you

ryn: so happy to get your note. i know i can FB stalk if I want to but it’s different. like trying to talk to your workbff during business hours about good girl shit and the phone keeps ringing or the boss keeps coming by. Just not the same. Ya know? Glad you are writing – at least for yourself. xoxo

Oh, phew, I thought I’d been defriended. Dang OD glitches. Hope you’re doing OK.

Phew! That was close! I am glad you didn’t disclose your proprietary information.

you’re very missed around here. i hope you come back soon.

I was so hoping you we’re ready to write again!

ryn: glad you liked it and thanks for the compliments. it’s funny how people take offense. that woman is a pastor and while, obviously, i wasn’t suggesting that ALL pastors are out for our money, that’s how she took it because that’s what she is and thereby completely missed the point of all the rest of it. perception. she perceived a blog post about pastors who only care about money and thatwas only a tiny bit of what i wrote–a line that was included just to stir the pot and piss people off anyway. but thank you, i appreciate the feedback and the compliment. *kisses your cheek*

ryn: lol, of course i do! that’s what it’s CALLED!!!! soda is what you people on the edges drink, we midwestern folk call it pop and that’s the way it’s supposed to be!!!!

It’s been one of the better seasons in a while, that’s for sure. The early seasons were still the best, I think, but this one has very solid. I was talking with my buddy Jimmy the Cow the other day about it and we agreed that they have made an effort to show more boobies this season as well which is always a step in the right direction. My question is: Once Dexter finds out that Deb poisoned herself and he’s already killed Hannah McKay does the Dark Passenger decide to take Deb out? Because THAT would be awesome! If he kills Deb and LaGuerta in the same episode next week, my mind will officially be blown!

I would LOVE to but I have to GET a Dear Hoops first! I never got it. I know you said you were sending it, but I never got it. You can send it to dearhoops@gmail.com or because you’re one of my extra special, super duper, absolute, for reals yo favorites and also my OD fiance, you could even send it to albert.riehle@gmail.com if you wanted to! But untils I gets it, I cannot answer it! ;P

Happy solstice dear one.

ryn: are you keeeeeeding me? hell no, I wasn’t ignoring you! i try to answer questions for Dear Hoops from people I DON’T adore in a reasonable amount of time, even when they are dumb questions that I’ve answered 3,742 times already. For my beautiful OD fiance I’d have interrupted myself from ROO to answer your question! Anyway, the post is now up and I hope it helps. If you want/need more I’m happy to help outside of DH too. And for the record, I thought it was a good question and one that quite a few ladies out there can probably use and apply to their own lives so there! I didn’t see anything in my spam folder, but for whatever reason, I’m sorry I didn’t get it sooner. And in the future, please understand, know and believe that you are in the upper tier with me and if I don’t answer you promptly, it probably means that I either didn’t get it or I got it, made a mental note to reply when I was able to do so (if I was super involved in something) and then promptly forgot and in those cases (don’t happen often) I will feel VERY badly, but MUCH worse the longer it goes on, so do me a solid and nag me a bit, huh? 😉

happy new year – to coco as well!

I wanted to leave you a Facebook message, but it seems either you have unfriended me or closed your account. I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing. I was just thinking of you. Hope you had a good Christmas and have a rad new year.

ryn: lol, i can’t take too much credit for all that. it’s just ball-busting. if it wasn’t for ball busting i would have any relationships with any males at all–in the whole wide world. it’s true–i hope–that i’ll never have to worry about getting a dick pic, but if a friend of mine was contemplating sending one, that’s what I’d say to him. “make sure the zoom on her phone is really good!” <br> When in doubt, always go to dick size and virility to ball bust. Unless he’s fat or bald or talks with a lisp or ends calls to his girlfriend with “I love you” or he has, at any point in his life, been anywhere near anything close to being phallic shaped. And remember, it doesn’t need to be true. In fact, you don’t want to go after a real truth. Like if his dick was tiny, you’d ball bust him on something else. You don’t want him to get a complex, you just want to fuck with him. Anyway, have fun ball busting but don’t get too good at it! I don’t want a ballbusting OD fiance!

ryn: you get to get away with those things because you’re bee-yooooo-teeeee-full and I want to do dirty things to you! 😉

Hey girl, idk if you still check this place but just wanted you to know you are missed! And I hope you’re doing well! 🙂

my gawd it was exciting to see you in bold. hope you are well, miss you.