A long time away

I recovered my OD, last regularly written in 2014, and last visited in 2018.  Time flies by as you get older, it seems.

I began writing in Open Diary in 2004 and wrote for nearly ten years on it, reaching people all over the world, and nearby too. I wrote of my life and things I had or was doing; jobs and people figured in stories I wrote, until the time was right for a Great Leap.

After that I lived more adventures and lived long dropped dreams and am now, at 60, a homeowner with cats and dogs and a guinea pig too.

I wonder if anyone is still around, the Favs I had then, some of whom I know from Facebook, or more like it, came to know, after OD fell offline, in what? 2012? 13?  I’m glad to see that the Lifetime Membership I bought way back when is still open to me; OD says they’ve restored my old diary, which I had downloaded anyway, so I’ll be curious to see it again, with 12 year older eyes and experiences.

It has been interesting, these lives, although I couldn’t always see it that way. Stay tuned, I’ll tell you about it.



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Hi. I knew OD from wayyyyyyyyyyyy back, like… really way back. I just re-joined. I had my sister’s account for the longest time until I got my own. Ha! 😀 I’m Sammy btw…