This IS ironic

 Do you have a voice in your head that acts like a warning when you start to do dumb things?  Do you listen to it?  Or do you do what I just did and laugh… and suffer the consequences, resolving to NEXT TIME listening to that voice you KNOW is pretty wise?

I use a cone thing to place over a corning ware pot to make coffee.  I used to have a glass carafe that sat under the cone contraption but because one of my cats broke the carafe, I’ve made do ever since with the things that only kind of fit.

Once before the cone shifted and tilted and let boiling hot water and wet coffee grounds spill out, so I knew FROM EXPERIENCE that this was not the optimal way to make that thermos of coffee for work.

That little voice today said "doing this naked is asking for trouble" and did I listen?  Noooooo, it was warm and I felt good and I like not wearing clothes.

Was that a good idea?

A short "NO" will suffice.

Long dramatic story cut short, the cone shifted and a full cone of hot water and coffee grounds spilled out… and gushed all over my unit.

Yeah, my penis got burned a little bit ago, and at this point, I can still laugh at it and at myself and think "I shoulda listened".

Later on I’ll probably think worse things.

It’s highly ironic because for many years, I didn’t get to use that particular part of me for more than wishful thinking.  I’ve always kind of suspected that I’d get some horrible disease and would regret not having used it much at all in this life.  Well, I did in my 20’s and 30’s, but that was decades ago.

Now, tomorrow, I’m driving down to be with my new girlfriend, who is enthusiastic to put those bits to use, having given up on it and having found me, as I found her.

And I burned my dick.

Maybe I’ll get a coffee maker.  It might be safer.


Well, onwards, with a wince.




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December 27, 2013

Good thing my girlfriend is a nurse. Think of those opening lines? “Nurse, can you take a look at this?” “This swelling hurts” and other lines I’m sure I’ll think of later. Burning the most tender bit of me – owwww!

December 27, 2013


December 27, 2013

Oh my, Cat! I really am sorry, I mean, I might be giggling, but I’m wincing while I’m giggling. 😛 Yes, it IS a good thing that your gal is a nurse!

December 27, 2013

I do know how to reduce the swelling, but it might hurt about now.

December 27, 2013

I was so happy to read about your new relationship–and yes, the fact that she’s a nurse, in this instance, seems like a really good thing.

December 27, 2013

oh dear!

December 27, 2013

Good excuse to “play doctor.” 🙂 Still… One of my husband’s top pieces of advice has always been, “Never cook naked, especially when something hot has the potential to splash back on you.”

December 27, 2013

You could have played doctor-patient without quite so much a realistic injury, ya goof! On a serious note, feel better soon. And get a French press, you’ll never go back to the boiling water-drip-carafe setup, haha.

December 28, 2013

Oh, dear!! Hope it heals soon.

December 28, 2013

yeah, you gotta pay attention to your gut instinct. it’s usually right. take care,