Adventureland Fun-Time World

August 17, 2021 – 12:38 P.M.

I’ll start this entry off salty to get it out of the way.

Had a company get together at an amusement park and I told Effie specifically, “I’m not taking out my lip ring, I’m too lazy.” I had planned on taking it out to avoid any awkwardness it might bring for people who are used to seeing me in our “business professional” attire. But I took a chance on it and despite having run into a very few amount of people unexpectedly, it turned out to be the one person I was hoping to see there that had an opinion about it.

I’ll preface this with saying I don’t really feel like I have a problem with someone’s opinion on body modification, I just think the way it’s expressed is key. So yes, I found, “look at you, with the earring in your lip! What is going on??” to be a little abrasive and rude. I enjoy this person a lot, I think she’s fun to talk to. I don’t understand the need to blurt these kinds of thoughts onto someone who is supposed to be your friend or at the very least a coworker you don’t hate. Maybe it’s a lack of even thinking how it comes off or how I might take it. Or maybe it’s a nerve rooted in me cause that’s how most people acted back when it was still new. Anyways if it wasn’t bad enough my response was. Yeah well. I’ve had it since I was 16 so… (I didn’t really know what else to say) to which she then goes “oh okay… well just can’t wear it to work” lol Right… isn’t that why it’s shocking enough for you to comment on it? Cause I don’t come into work with it in, ever. Idk, part of me wants to say I’m just being sensitive but at the same time I don’t think I am. Obviously I like my lip ring. I wouldn’t still have it otherwise. I’m sure she didn’t mean any harm. Just rude honestly.

Come to think of it, this is the same individual I told I’d love to have colored hair and she had a similar reaction of “not at work”. Lol where does this come from? If she’s just trying to make a joke it’s not a good one. It just comes off as patronizing.

Luckily for me she was not the only opinionated, no filter kind of person there. There was this ride operator who was way more pumped up than you’d expect for someone running the Tea Cups. He was like newest coaster on the lot status lol not criticizing, I appreciated his enthusiasm. He was like “are, you, ready??!” Then did the oh c’mon you can do better than that bit to the long line of park goers. But anyways, he started up a little conversation with me first beginning with acting exhausted and asking, “can I go home yet?” Then he too thought it was a good idea to comment on my lip ring (this incident actually happened before the coworker so I thought like wow, this kind of interaction hasn’t happened in years… foreshadowing I guess) saying “whenever I see lip piercings, I always think of pain” Okay? Haha in what way am I supposed to respond to that? If I were to give him the benefit of the doubt, he was merely just making conversation. But another funny thing happened. I was standing there so long waiting for the kids to get on cause it took so long between groups to start and stop the ride, he asked if my group was riding; it had a “why are you just standing there watching like that?” kind of tone. I should have said nope! I’m just a creep…

But on a much happier note, although the day was as brutal as I imagined, I’m still happy I went. Effie recruited 2 of her friend’s older children (10 yr old boy and 11 year old girl) to go with us. I worried it would be nightmarish having to look after Libby and kids I’d never met before. However, these kids were awesome. Funny, talkative, easy going. Very well brought up it seems. This was my first time ever meeting them and I was surprised. Not saying anything about the mom, I just assumed the worst I guess. But they helped Libby on the kiddie rides which was kind and adorable.

It was so, so hot (97 degrees) and packed (last weekend of summer before school) so the lines were unbearably long. And all the walking haha so out of shape. I think the heat exhasterbated it for me. I’m actually just surprised I didn’t get a sunburn! Anyway I observed this water ride there where these things on the perimeter of the ride are shooting streams of water at you in unexpected patterns and the object of it is to actually avoid the water being shot at you while you’re spinning around. However as I watched I noticed people doing the opposite. I saw a good handful of people reaching up trying to make contact with the streams. One girl in particular made me laugh; a teenager with a pink bob, dressed in black 90s looking styled clothes, sitting there not participating in the game getting water in her face 2 times in a row but she laughed to herself in the kind of way where you’re kinda embarrassed but genuinely think it’s funny and as if you know someone saw it. Which in this case she is right because I did.

After the company dinner we set out to play some games. I actually didn’t do many and the ones I did do did not result in a prize. Except the baby game of picking a rubber fish at random and winning whatever. I got a fine headband with spring antenna and glittery foam hearts at the top. I also tried this one called break a plate and another I called spill the milk. The people running the games were actually pretty lax which made it kinda fun. The milk bottle one in particular was knock all 5 bottles off the table with 3 balls. I missed the first throw, hit 2 off the second and the guy asked if I wanted him to stack the last 3 to make it a little easier. I chuckled and said yes! Please. But then totally missed. Side note: I have seen so many guys hurling their ball at these bottles and now having played myself it is funny cause that brute strength is so not necessary. I wish I had tried a few more games but I was being a cheapskate with no confidence in my abilities. Maybe next time!

All in all it wasn’t too bad. The next day Effie was telling me how the 2 kids had gone home and told their mom I was so nice and that they liked me. I kinda felt like they did enjoy my company cause they both talked a lot and hung around me a lot. I talked a lot too but I feel bad cause I was so tired from all of it I felt like I wasn’t as good of company as I would’ve liked to have been. Regardless it was very cute. Like since I had been sitting out on most of the rides babysitting our belongings and everything, they got excited when I said I would go on something. I can’t remember which ride but one of them asked, are you gonna ride it? I said yes and they were like “okay, let’s go!” My heart haha oh and the boy wanted to pay for my game so I could play and said I was mean (in a teasing way) when I said no. Totally in a way that reminded me of my nephew. I laughed and said no, I work and make money, you can use your money on yourself 😊 and thanked him for the offer though.

Hoping next year will be more enjoyable weather wise. I could always go during fall/Halloween. I’ve always wanted to.

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