Teenage Dream

August 12, 2021 – 8:49 P.M.

Last night as I was leaving Effie’s house, a teenager was crusing down the street on a skateboard or longboard. He was in shorts, a baggy top, beanie and had headphones or earbuds or airpods idk but he was listening to music and singing out loud. It startled me at first cause it was dark but then I smiled and chuckled quietly to myself. This kid is like the epitome of what kind of teenager I wanted to be!

I always daydreamed of being the girl with the cute over the ear headphones and colored hair who rollerskated the streets (or sidewalks really) to places I was going. Maybe the appeal was the sense of freedom. The not caring whose eyes were on me and being completely comfortable. Seems like such a nice feeling.

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