it’s all the same

nothing has changed.

except i got the test results back from the ultrasounds. surprisingly, no cysts or fibroids, so that’s great news. there were a couple things that came up on the scans but nothing alarming or that isn’t being dealt with. i will spare you all the details.

all my other test results came back normal. also fantastic news.

but now i am left to wonder if everything is so "normal" then what the hell is wrong with me? clearly my body is not working as it should. and while i am glad to hear it’s not x, y, and z that is wrong, something is causing all of this nonsense.

the doc gave me more drugs to try to fix things but unfortunately they have made things worse. i am waiting for a call from her to see if she has any other ideas.

i was having such bad cramps last night that i was doubled over in pain crying. i took aleve, which usually works WONDERS on my cramps. i took 3. i NEVER take more than one. three didn’t even come close to touching the pain. i got a hot pad. i went for a walk. i drank lots of water. NOTHING helped. chewie wanted to take me to the ER. and i guess if we had more money, i would have gone.


surprise, surprise, isaiah is having trouble in school again. the only difference between this year and last year, though, is that i like this teacher’s way of dealing with things much better.

last week she called lyndsey and told her to come in because isaiah was acting up. why she didn’t call chewie when he was sitting at home and lyndsey was working, i don’t know. but i guess he was being beligerant and not following orders and disrupting other students.

more of the same.

and of course, that night isaiah was at mom’s house. so when she said she was going to punish him, we asked isaiah later if she followed through with the punishment and he said no.

like i said, it’s all the same. nothing has changed. she never follows through on disciplinary actions, except to sometimes threaten to call chewie if he doesn’t behave. nice. use the kid’s dad as a threat because you know he will actually follow through with what he says.

that’s why isaiah doesn’t act like a little shit at our house. he knows he can’t; but at mom’s house, and evidently at school, he pretty much knows he can get away with anything. smart kid.

the kid has ADHD. and that’s a fairly professional opinion.

now i do think ADHD is over diagnosed and over medicated. and i also see the other end of the spectrum where kids were either over medicated and became addicted to their prescription meds, or under treated and became addicted to things like weed as they were trying to self medicate.

but this kid needs some help. he is really struggling and is developmentally behind where he should be because he can’t focus. so i am really torn between medicating the kid so he can do better in school and risk him becoming dependent on the prescription drugs; or not medicating the kid so he is set up for failure, and risk him becoming dependent on some other mood altering chemical.

and yes. marijuana can be addictive. don’t challenge me on this. seriously. you are messing with the wrong person if you try to go there.

the other frustrating piece to this whole thing is that ultimately, i can’t do a damn thing about the kid’s problems. mom is too lazy of a parent to invest any time or money to get him tested or to see if there are any other interventions besides medications that could be helpful in modifying his disruptive classroom behavior.

i know that we always closely monitor what he eats, as it’s not rocket science that giving lots of sugar to a kid that has ADHD isn’t the smartest thing to do. we also make sure he gets lots of exercise to try to release some of his pent up energy. but he is with us 2 nights a week. not nearly enough to do him any good. mom doesn’t make sure he gets exercise because that would require work on her part. she plugs him in front of the tv in his bedroom and lets him play video games all night since it’s the only thing that seems to hold his attention for longer than 2 seconds.

i told chewie to suggest that we move to a week on/week off schedule with isaiah. part of the kid’s problem is that he has multiple personalities between mom’s house, dad’s house, and school. he knows exactly what he can get away with at each location and adjusts accordingly. and because he is bouncing back and forth between all three place constantly, it creates confusion and instability in his behavioral patters.

at least if we had him for a week at a time, he would have more predictability and structure. and for that week, he would likely do a little better in school because of our efforts to ensure he gets the parenting he needs to be successful.

of course lyndsey won’t agree to that because 1.) she doesn’t give a shit about her son, and 2.) it would mean she would get less child support.

i don’t even give a shit about the child support. i would agree to continue paying her lazy fat ass the same amount of money if it meant we could make a change that would help isaiah.

when i think about this shit i get so much anxiety that i litteraly feel short of breath.

chewie went to court to see what it would take to file a legal motion to change the custody arrangements. and what we learned is that unless there is imminent threat to this child’s well being, both parties have to agree to the new terms.

and while i believe that there is threat to the well-being of isaiah because of his behavioral issues and how they are interfearing with his educational and emotional development, i know that we will have to be a hell of a lot more prepared to go to court to try to prove this. and we will need to find some money somewhere to pay for an attorney that can help us prove this.

and then we will need to prepare for the backlash from miss bitch that she will try to make our lives a living hell because we have inconvenienced her. who knows. she will crash the wedding. or stop isaiah from being able to go.

or show up at our house and slash our tires. you know, all of that tired, childish shit that a MOTHER SHOULD BE BEYOND. she is a fucking mother.


and i have to worry about locking my garage door at night because of the stories isaiah has told us about driving past our house with mommy.


thank god i have a loud ass dog.

i have to vent about this shit hear because of course i can’t bottle this up or let it slip when dealing with isaiah and/or lyndsey.

you see, i am just a better person than that.

but little shit has been pissing me off lately, too.

isaiah had a school fundraiser and a book order. we didn’t see either of them in his back pack, so we missed upportunities to support the school and order discounted books for isaiah. why the fuck can’t the stupid bitch leave the shit in his backpack so we can see it itt?

we have asked the teacher to send home two copies of everything. and graciously, she has started doing that. butthe problem is, lyndsey still usually gets to it before us, since all the news for the week is sent home thursdays when lyndsey has isaiah. she decides whether or not she wants us to have certain information.

i’m done bitching for now. if i keep writing my blood pressure will sky rocket.

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September 29, 2009

RYN: thank you! you are so sweet. I’m glad you didn’t find any cysts and I really hope that everything works out. *hugs*

September 29, 2009

🙁 I’m sorry that there’s not much you can do if Lyndsey doesn’t agree.

September 29, 2009

Have you tried having a banana before bed for the legs or strange as it sounds putting a bar of soap under the sheet by your feet, It actually does help.

September 29, 2009

I sware I hear me talking about Madison like you do Isiah. The situations are soo similar. That being said, I’m sure the teacher called the “contact” guardian, just like Madison’s teacher does but I also called the teacher myself and asked her to call US too if a problem ever arises so we can tackle it together and not just get a story from Madi’s mom. Kudos for being such a good step-mom!

September 29, 2009

PS, I hope you start feeling better soon and the docs find out what is wrong.

September 29, 2009

Glad to hear that x,y, or z aren’t wrong! But it’s still stressful not knowing what is! I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Looooong entryyyyy. Truthfully, and coincidentally considering the content, I did not read it all but I skimmed as much as I possibly could. Anyway. You know you don’t want Isaiah to end up like me so my recommendation regarding ADHD would be to medicate him, let him develop social skills and learn how to study/cope, and then hopefully wean him off the drugs. My parents were like WE WOULD HAVE DONE THAT because they know better now, but they didn’t bother to be as observant as you and so now I’m kind of f*cked up and doing jobs a monkey could do because I still don’t have the study skills or attention span to handle The World. Don’t let Isaiah grow up to have an Outgoing and Incoming Phone. Basically. Or, if he does want that, at least make sure he has a job with T-Mobile first so they’re discounted or something. See? Random. This note is random. I do care, I am paying attention, sorry this doesn’t make much sense. //charlie

September 30, 2009

Your addiction concerns are valid, but realistically, anything *can* be addictive…even oatmeal…if the person ingesting has an addiction-prone personality. So, better to medicate now, and give the kid a fighting chance. I grew up w/ADD B4 anyone knew what it was. Professional opinion was that I was lazy and stupid. An opinion I believed until just a couple years ago. And look how well I did!

September 30, 2009

what with never having gotten a decent education (vocabulary notwithstanding), never being able to get a job with any serious advancement opportunities, and finally ending with a job I hate! Who could ask for anything more? Medicate.

October 1, 2009

I still can’t believe the US doesn’t have free healthcare, it sucks so much, it’s just not fair. Hearing about Isaiah acting differently at your home and his mother’s home, and his mother not punishing him at all and making Chewy the one she threatens him with, it all reminds me a lot of how my half sister was when we were little. Unfortunately I don’t really have an answer for it though.

October 3, 2009

I’m sorry that you seem to be stuck in the wash, rinse, repeat cycle. Those cramps sound killer! I’m so sorry. Worst stuff ever.

October 10, 2009

hey i’m checking in via my phone. It’s hard. I miss you and hope thinhs start to look up soon!

October 11, 2009

While it’s never an easy decision, I have to lean in agreement with homer on this one. Think about this you’re NOT medicating him right now… well…is it working?

October 17, 2009

RYN: Now that is really personal, LOL

October 19, 2009

I used to get bad cramps when i had ovarian cysts. antibiotics made them go away but going off the pill was the only thing that worked permanently. don’t know if yr on it or not but…how can dr’s give drugs to cure something they haven’t diagnosed??? especially w/all the side effects of most drugs. hello fuel, meet fire. I don’t even like the fun drugs anymore. tap water & air is scarey enough.

October 20, 2009

I talked to my mom about this situatiion. She works at the school here (preschool but eh) she said some of the parents ask for emails and that sometimes when my brother was going through school the school would email his father as well so everyone would be on the same page. Maybe you can request that?

October 22, 2009

good news on the test results but the intense pain has got to be very disconcerting.