life sentence

i can’t remember if i wrote about my ex’s prison sentence.

he was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison and is now in a prison in Oklahoma somewhere.

and for him, 20 years will likely be a life sentence. not because he is old, but because he is not strong enough to survive.

he’ll die there.

and that’s what should happen.

he has nothing left. everyone that used to hope he could change his life has given up on him.

there is nothing left in this life for him.

i have never given up hope on someone before. no matter how bad it got. i always believe that people have a chance.

but not this time.

he needs to be put out of his misery. i am just grateful that the women and people he victimized can rest easy for the next 20 years. it’s the the most free i have felt in a long time.

there was always that lingering fear that he was lurking somewhere around a corner waiting to pounce when he had the chance.

i don’t have to worry about that anymore. finally he is paying for what he did.

finally he will not charm the court system into going easy on him by making a bunch of empty promises.

i am not sure if he has tried to call. i have had a few missed calls from numbers i didn’t recognize, so who knows.

i write about him now with a distance that is completely detatched. when i once wrote in this very journal with extreme and intense emotional and psychological investment in my circumstances as they related to him, i now feel as though i am telling someone else’s story.

relaying a message.

and that feels right. and good. because for a while, all i believed i was was a victim. i was his victim. and that idea had been beaten into me so many times literally and figuratively that i had forgotten about everything else i was.

now i don’t even recognize the person i was then. it’s hard to imagine, at this distance…that i was ever even in that situation. at times it feels so vague and blurry that it seems more a figment of my imagination than anything.

i haven’t forgotten so much as to have lost the character i developed during that time, however. i will remain forever a changed person (for the better) as a result.

but it’s about moving from the victim to the survivor.

the enabler to the fighter.

my time under his reign is now a faded memory. and now my fear of his ressurgence has subsided.

i am free because he is not.

Log in to write a note

I am glad he is getting what he deserves. You deserve to feel safe and secure. <3

Yay, it’s waaay overdue. RYN Yes, it’s me. It sounds like me to me! Nick is Ani, but calling her “Dick” would be too obvious.

October 18, 2009

I wish I could end the chapter in my life over the person who victemized me…(not my spouse) but someone else….it seems like a little piece of happiness I deserve to get back….a little piece of sanity. I hope you got yours.

October 19, 2009


October 19, 2009

It’s awesome that you are no longer the victim because I think as long as we remain somone’s victim, they have power over us. To let go and survive and become a better person from it is the best revenge one could possibly have… **hugs**

October 19, 2009

It’s Independence Day. Go out and celebrate.

October 19, 2009

Your own happiness comes first, right? Remember that!

October 21, 2009

you are a survivor and I feel soory your ex has not learned nor taken resp. for his behaviour and choices.

October 21, 2009

Breathe a sigh of relief! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh….. now doesn’t that feel good? 🙂

October 22, 2009

wow. powerful writing. i am so glad you are a survivor/overcomer.. can’t help but wonder of those who are not.

Most scholarships are given in the summer, before the fall semester starts so there’s not much out there that I could get for winter. And like I said, even with the grants and financial aid, I will be at food shelves and possibly homeless because I won’t have enough money left over to pay for basic necessities despite not having to pay them back for up to five years. Also, you can swear in notes now I think.

November 16, 2009

*HUG* Your strength is inspiring. 😉 *HUG*

November 26, 2009

RYN: Thanks for the congrats! I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving as well! Where have you been?! I miss reading your entries! Hope all is well! Take care!

LOL You’re the only one who commented on the odd combination of food, and on what I consider to be my most amusing Tweet to date. I don’t know why but I always make me laugh. Anyway. I would recommend giving me cookies. Not that it’s a panacea or anything but it’s just a nice thing to do. Was cleaning (!) and unearthed all the cards you’ve ever sent me. If I were more organized I’d promise to get you one but in any event I’m going to try because they make me happy and I presume they do the same for you. And you’re one of three people who ever, ever sends me a card in the mail (besides shroomi and savvy, yo) because I am an internet nerd. <3

My entry titles aren’t dates, they’re just numbers of entries per month. The purpose of this journal is to record memories, not to rant about specific topics, which is why the titles are so monotonous.

January 1, 2010

I hope everything in your life is good and happy girl!! Happy New Year

January 8, 2010

Happy New Year Nylaha! Hope all is well in your world. Time for an entry yet? hmmm? Just prodding….. I know, I know…. I’m one to talk.