In case you don’t know me…

For those of you who didn’t follow me on my previous diary, I figured I would write a short synopsis of my life from the time I started writing in 2000, to the present day to bring you up to date.

In 2000, I already knew my marriage was over but we didn’t actually get divorced until 2005. Those 5 years were sheer hell. Having to live with someone who no longer loves you and you know is cheating on you is no fun. But I sucked it up for the sake of my 3 children and to put a plan in place so that I wouldn’t get screwed over by my vindictive ex. I began to squirrel money away in a private account. He didn’t know about it because he let me handle all the finances, big mistake. I managed to put away several thousand dollars in a few years. I also had to figure out what I was going to do for a living. I was a SAHM for many years. So I went back and forth trying to decided what to do.  So I opted to go to massage school. I wanted to do something totally different, that I had never done before. It ended up being one of the best decisions of my life so at least I got that right.

In 2005, it was over. He ended up getting remarried quickly (less than a year later) to the woman he cheated with. All I can say is that they deserve each other. I, on the other hand, relished my freedom and vowed never to marry again. And so far I haven’t. And I am glad I didn’t because I like being free. Not great financially (more on that later) but I was finally independent. And I like that feeling.

I started my massage career in 2004. It has had it’s ups and downs but I really still enjoy it. It is hard on the body though and I did have some injuries along the way. I got them all sorted out and continued to work. I changed jobs many times. The last job I had was in a spa which closed in April of this year. I have been struggling ever since. I decided to start my own practice and things have been slow. Prior to that, I have lost two properties (including my own townhome) to foreclosure and had to file for bankruptcy so it has been tough. I am tough too though, so it is what it is.  I feel like I can bounce back. I am not a victim and refuse to feel like I am one. This too shall pass. And I am grateful for what I do have.  My apartment is old and ugly but I am grateful to have a roof over my head that doesn’t leak. I have running water, a toilet and electricity. I am not rich but I am still better off than most of the people on this planet. I eat every day. I have clean water to drink and a comfortable bed to sleep in. I have clothes to wear and shoes. Not expensive shoes but shoes none the less. My car is 12 years old, has over 105,000 miles on it and still runs.And most of all, I am happy. That means everything to me. I am grateful for all of it including my family.

So the plan is to get my business up to full force and move into a nicer apartment next year. That’s my goal. It is doable.

Wish me luck.




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November 20, 2017

The very, very best of luck to you. What a shame that you had to travel that road. But, what doesn’t kill you… Like you – I don’t have the best of anything. But like you say, being happy tops it all. I’m guessing that there is a rich man or woman running around that will never touch the level of happy that you (and I) have. Congratulations on that.

November 20, 2017

I get the feeling that you WILL achieve your goals!! It’s good to have them and to be positve in life!

November 20, 2017

With such a good outlook, I’m sure you’ll reach your goals!

November 20, 2017

That was inspiring. Well done for living through it and coming out with the right attitude!

You are right, having ones freedom is such a valuable thing.

November 30, 2017

Sometimes change is a good thing and it seems to be a good thing for you. I have been down that road myself and what happened was that I found who I really was. Life is grand! Good luck with everything! But I somehow thing you will be just fine in the end.

November 30, 2017

Sounds like you’re one strong lady. If we lived closer I’d go to you for massages! My current RMT talks too friggin much during the massage. She’s a nice girl but I just want to zone out!