once, twice, three times a roommate

After 4 years of living on my own, I don’t remember much of the roommate code. Like, if your roommate has people over, do you make an appearance? Hang out? I felt like a weirdo not acknowledging anybody, so I passed through to "get some water" and say hi. 

Backing up a bit.  I’m moving to Philadelphia in October, but my previous apartment building only does year-long leases and doesn’t allow subletting, so I had to move. It was a huge pain and a bit of a disaster (story for another day) but I’m starting to realize it was for the best. I had accumulated SO much crap in my old apartment. Oh, and let’s not forget the fact that my cat stopped peeing in the litter box two years ago. Where has she been peeing for the past two years you ask? Uhm, my carpet, obvi. Yah. I know. My friends who showed up to help me move were also deeply disturbed. But, it’s like that quote from the Handmaid’s Tale – "Ordinary, said Aunt Lydia, is what you are used to. This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. It will become ordinary.”  

At any rate, the new place is heavenly in comparison, even if I do have to share the space. With the hardwood floors and the new environment the cat’s been a perfect angel in regards to litter box use and everything really. 

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