NaNo excerpt *ha ha wtf life

Whatsherface stumbles onto the grass. Her first instinct is to plunge face-first into the earth, but her crippling fear of sudden fire ant attacks stops her. Instead she simply walks forward, continuing to shield her eyes. Laughter bursts out of her like taco farts from a Mexican restaurant owner.


Guys, don’t tell Clint, but I’m totally fucking up NaNo.

The sky is a perfect, gorgeous blue. Only a few wisps of clouds hang in the air—also somewhat like taco farts from a Mexican restaurant owner—and the sun is high. Probably high noon, she thinks, without any fucking concept of what that means other than the fact that it’s pretty bright and warm around then.



EDIT 2: Remember that dude, uh, Trent, who I met on the street like 6-8 months ago while I was drunksmoking at 2 AM, and I let him kiss me?  Totally just ran into him again.  Talked for a while, and wow, he’s just as weird as I remember.  Super good with words, interesting, asks a lot of questions.  Says a lot of inspirational things.  But I wasn’t drunk this time, hooray, so when he was like "lol can I come upstairs and give  you a massage" I was like "lolno."

Anyway, that was weird.

Bed time, motherfuckers.

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BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I AM LOSING MY SHIT RIGHT NOW. Dude, I was trying to read this to Craig, and I couldn’t even say the word “Whatsherface” because I was laughing already. By the time I finished I was breathless. You are rocking this NaNo thing.

Re: I wonder if you could help me understand how this phenomenon happens, since you’ve been on Amanda’s side of it. If you like someone, like their company, etc, why wouldn’t you want to see them? I mean, I know I don’t like to see people *all* the time cuz of being hermit-y and introverted and blah blah blah, so I definitely get *that*, but I still contact them here and there. Why would someone hold back on purpose? Do you legitimately just kind of forget? But if you like them, how do you forget? For so long, anyway. None of these are rhetorical questions or judgmental questions, I’m seriously trying to make sense of it and since you understand it maybe you can help. Maybe it’ll make me more sympathetic to her and not so easily hurt by it.

Oh my god I’m going to laugh to death. This is brilliant. You are brilliant.

November 6, 2013

Yeah! (I totally want to know where Whatsherface is going.)

re: I’d be happy with a “what,” if not a “why,” so please, shed away!

I think “lolno” was the absolute correct answer 😛 hahaha