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October 25, 2013

RYN – Dude. I texted Mr. 39 a picture of my bellydance costume that came in the mail today and he was like HAWWWWT, I wanna be inside you. I was like, MMmmm. He goes, I don’t know if I can wait til Thursday. I almost replied, motherfucker, you HAVE to wait til Thursday. Instead I was like, Oh yeah? He goes, “Make time for me…” Seriously? ~I’ll be

October 25, 2013

…like, I get that you say you’re sorry and you feel douchey, but that doesn’t cut it. Yes, I’m a strong and not very emotional person, but you CRUSHED ME and I’m not ready for you to do it again so soon. Fuck. So, we’ll see. I mean, we’ll do it again. I don’t plan on seeing him until Thursday. ~I’ll be

October 25, 2013

I’ve got NBG tomorrow for lunch and supposedly the Pilot Saturday night but I don’t think that will actually happen (zombie makeup takes FOREVER to get off…). And I’m totally craving Me Time to make these robot costumes. It’ll be good for him to have to wait, anyway. And probably good for us both, sexually. SO PUMPED FOR NBG TOO. GOD. ~I’ll be

Ahhhh it’s amazing! Also you are the cutest. I’m gonna puke rainbows now.

You are rocking that purple so hard. It suits you. 🙂