

Clothing item/outfit of the year:

Mudd Jeans and my NFG Shirt
Hairstyle of the year: All different colors and always down
Jewelery of the year: My ’A’ necklaces
Makeup product of the year: Black eyeliner and white shadow
Colors of the year: Pink
Hottie of the year: Nate….but you know

…Daily life…

Food of the year:

Mac n Cheese
Drink of the year: Sprite Remix
Class of the year: 12th grade Accounting
Appliance of the year: Hairdryer
Recreational activity of the year: Cruseing the streets….if that counts
Best means of communication of the year: Phone and the internet
Most despised means of communication: Writtin notes


Gift of the year:

Rose on V-day
Holiday of the year: V-day
Memorable moment/s of the year: Hookin up with Nate and all that stuff…the summer…all that great grand and wonderful stuff
Person who had the biggest impact on you: My friends
Miracle/blessing of the year: Getting with Nate


Embarrassing moment of the year:

Too many
Health issue of the year: Umm..none
Fetish of the year: My hair…as usual
Phobia of the year: Someone coming to get me in the dark
Crush of the year: Nate
Month of the year: September 20th….the day I turned 17 and August 13th the day I got my license


Old friend of the year:

New friends of the year: Joe
Best friend of the year: Leah
Love interest of the year: Nate

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