48 hours and counting…

Alright, well lets see where to start. It has now been a little over 48 hours and out of that I’ve been awake for 42 of them. Last night I laid on my moms couch and got about a half and hour of sleep. Went home and laid on my couch and nothing. I laid there with my eyes closed and that’s it. Went up to my room and did eventually fall asleep at 2 until 7:15 when the alarm went off for me to get up to go to class. I went to class and afterwards I went back home and went back to my bed. Did fall asleep for about 45 minutes, but laid there for a majority of time with my eyes closed from the hours of 10 to 12:30. Everything is betting against me on going to sleep. I don’t know why. I think the reason why I was able to fall asleep last night was I took some Tylenol for the pain and fell asleep. Then today after class while I was trying to go back to sleep everything was going on. The dog next door just barked and barked for the 2 hours, the cat sat on my dresser and did this pissy meow at me for an hour and then the funny one out of them all is a bird flew into the window. Yeah, a bird flew into my bedroom window. It was closed of course, but man! I have been so irritable it’s crazy. All I want is to sleep.

Question for all my moms that read me and gone through pregnancy!! When I pee and then wipe there is this brown blood on the paper. I know it’s blood because there is a small amount of red in it. Anyways, is this normal? This is what I have been dealing with since last Monday.

About the hate note thing. I don’t really want to go to favorites only but it’s something I should consider. I’ll let the last one go, but if I get another one I will go favorites only. God I hate that. I have always been a public diary, and now I am now considering closing my diary to only favorites…kind of hurts the feelings a little.

Baby is doing alright I guess. I don’t feel sick so much lately [knock on wood] but I’ve been hungary and have to pee constantly. Heart burn is in the mix as well. Crampy yes…sometimes it gets very bad to where it stops me in my tracks.

Well I just wanted to write a little something. Nothing much just a daily update. Until next time…toodles.

♥ Amanda

pregnancy week by week

.The Angel.

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December 12, 2006

That is actually a more good than bad sign as far as spotting goes during pregnancy. If it was bright red you would worry. I hope they figure out all is good with your u/s and tests. Good luck with getting some sleep:)

December 12, 2006

I never had the bleeding or anything so I don’t know what to tell ya. I got an unsigned note today too.. damn people. I’m glad you got at least a little sleep. Yay for not being sick anymore! All the other symptoms are just as fun though, haha. ♥

I do hope you get some sleep soon!

December 12, 2006

i did have that bleeding your talking about around the same time it was pink at times then brown it eventually went away at about 10 weeks. and now everything is fine even though it had me hella worried! hope your able to sleep soon! take care

It sounds normal to me, especially at this stage. I spotted a lot during my pregnancy. X

December 13, 2006

when i was around 10 weeks i started spotting for a little, and i even had a small clot.. my doc said it was totally normal cuz it was brown not red, red means alive blood, and as long as its brown, it just means the baby bumped something or who knows.. where in ny are u? im actually in idaho right now..!