Dr. appointment #1

So I went to the doctors today. Woke up this morning at 8:15 seeing I still had to run to the college and hand in my final papers for Career Exploration. I got to the school at 9 and I had 20 minutes to spare before the deadline so I’m in the clear and my papers will be graded. After doing that I spotted off and had a McDonalds breakfast. Made it to the doctors at 9:30 and my appointment wasn’t until 9:45.

I got called in and me and the nurse talked about my medical history. We did my weight and we won’t go there. We also got talking about the twins. According to the ultrasound I have fraternal twins. [Those are the ones where 2 eggs were fertilized by seperate sperm. So I have a better chance of having a set of boy/girl.] Then the doctor came in. We sat and chitter chattered about what would happen when I seen Dr. Page. She also told me that I have a better chance of delivering at Strong Hospital [that’s up in Rochester about 45 minutes away from my house] instead of delivering at F.F. Thompson in Canandaigua which is just a hop, skip, and a jump from my house.

Then I made the appointment to go up to Strong Hospital and have my 1st Trimester screening done. I go up there on the 15th of January where they are going to do another ultrasound and more blood work to check for Downs Syndrome. Then I made my 4 week appointment which is on the 19th of January and that’s when we are going to try and hear the heart beats. The doctor also told me when I see Dr. Page that he might want to bump up my appointments seeing that I am carrying 2.

I didn’t have to do the Pap test seeing that I had already done it, and I did the cultures so all I did was get talked to and blood work. I went and did the blood work and normally I can watch it. I had 7 vials to fill, ok no problem. It got to vial number 5 and I seen the blood moving in the vial and I turned flush, I got extremely hot, and extremely sick to my stomach. It got done and the nurse took the needle out and my arm starting in the crease where your elbow is all the way down to my middle finger of my right hand had this annoying dull pain feel. I had to do a urine screen as well. They were checking for HIV, lead, my blood type, and some other stuff I can’t remember.

I got home and went back to sleep. I ignored the annoying pain in my arm and slept until 3. Got up, took Pat and his mother to work and checked in with Momma Flossie.

Her and baby Emilie are sick. She has a bad cold, and I Em has been sick all weeked with a fever and a cough and a double ear infection. Poor baby.

Anyways, that’s what happened at the doctors today. Nothing major, just my blood work that got to me. So I think with that said, I’m going to go and eat something and just chill out. Until next time…toodles!!

♥ Amanda

P.S. Thank you for all the notes. I know I thanked you back in a note of your own, but I wanted to do it again. So thank you!!

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December 21, 2006

Hopefully your blood work comes out ok if they didn’t already tell you. Good luck with that and your appointments! Hope everything continues to go well during this pregnancy!!! Have a great Christmas =)

December 21, 2006

Wow. You are brave having kids, is someone there to help you out?

I hope the bloodwork comes out ok and everything will be ok

So glad you didn’t have to have a Pap!!! :)) It’ll be cool, too, if you have a boy & a girl!! 🙂 big hugz.

December 21, 2006

Sleep is so nice when you’re pregnant.. I can’t wait to hear more as you get farther along.. Twins are going to be exciting. 🙂 I’ll be praying that everything goes smoothly for ya guys!! 🙂

That is so exciting! I always wanted to have twins! 🙂

December 21, 2006

That is good.

December 21, 2006

congrats on the twins!

December 22, 2006
December 22, 2006

Not to burst your bubble, but two sacs doesn’t necessarily mean fraternal twins. Identical twins that divide early can be in separate sacs and even have separate placentas. If the babies are the same sex, you probably won’t know ID vs frat until they are born or even later… We have two boys who look an awful lot alike but had separate sacs and placentas. We haven’t had them tested yet so we

December 22, 2006

still don’t know what our boys are. Another thing to consider, the triple screen (bloodwork for DS etc) is not as accurate for a twin pregnancy as for a singleton. My OB said that if a triple screen is “abnormal”, amnio is the next step. Amnios are riskier with twins. She asked me if I would handle the pregnancy differently if I got back abnormal results. I said no – it’s not like you can

December 22, 2006

terminate one baby and not the other at 18+ weeks when you’d have the triple screen/amnio results back… So she suggested I not bother with the additional bloodwork. Something to keep in mind – it is totally optional screening & it might just make you worry more. You also might not want any extra bloodwork – you’ll get poked and prodded plenty during this pregnancy. LOL Happy Holidays…

congrats honey

December 23, 2006

RYN: They probably said the babies are diamniotic, which just means they are in separate sacs. Our boys were diamniotic and dichorionic, but we still think they are probably ID. Either way, two babies is twice the love. ::grins::

December 23, 2006

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Wow, twins! That’s so exciting [and a bit scary, I imagine]!

December 24, 2006

omg! I’m sooo excited. I’ve always wanted to have twins, you’re so lucky! It’s good to hear that you’re doing so well. I wasn’t able to note your last entry because my computer was being dumb, but the whole “being married to Patrick’s mom” thing…girl, I know you might think that now. But that boy has been through so much with you. He’s worth it. Maybe postponing the wedding was the best thing…

December 24, 2006

…to do, but I have a feeling you two will be just fine and eventually you’ll realize that it’s meant to be. You’re such a great person! =] ♥

December 24, 2006

congrats on having twins and also i would like to wish you and your whole family MERRY CHRISTMAS