My “field trip” to the Hospital…

.Tic Tock.
4:24 p.m.

Black pants, Old Navy shirt, and white socks

Chocolate Chip Waffles

blue Kool-Aid

.Listening to.
“Seize The Day” -Avenged Sevenfold


.Wish upon a Star.

Ok, so I wanted to write this entry yesterday but I didn’t get around to it due to reading my favorites, responding to notes, and cleaning up after the girls. Anyways, Monday night after I wrote my entry I talked to Dan [my mom’s boyfriend] for awhile. I went and started my car and then came back in the house to go to the bathroom. When I went there was blood on the TP. I freaked, but tried to stay calm enough so Dan wouldn’t anything was wrong. I flew to go and get Pat from work. I told Pat that I was bleeding again. We went back to the house because I had to pee again and we told his mom that we were going to the hospital. I checked in at 12:10 and didn’t get into a room until 12:35. They came and took my blood around 1ish, then I sat there for an hour waiting for the doctor to do her exam thinger. The nurse I had was a BITCH!! She came in and asked me if I gave them a urine sample yet. I said no and at that moment I had some bad heartburn. I mentioned that and the nurse was like “well that’s part of pregnancy,” in a really snotty voice. I was ready to jump out of the bed and slap her across the face. Anyways, I did the urine sample and the doctor came in and did the exam. She said that everything looked fine, that there was little no blood at all. She said that now all she is waiting for is my urine test then she’d discharge me. It got to be 3:45 in the morning and the nurse came in and said I could go and that everything was fine. My levels are were they should be…2300, plus a few…which is much better than at this time it was at 816. All that it was was me spotting and they said it was normal. They told me to take it easy and not stress over it. So I basically went to the hospital just for them to tell me that I am overly worried. Can ya blame me?

Anyways, things are ok…I think. My cable got shut off because Pat’s mother didn’t pay the bill. That includes my cable, obviously, my internet and my phone. [I’m at my mom’s right now.] I’m not happy at all. I’m really scared that we aren’t going to be able to afford this baby and that maybe it was a bad idea to push so hard. Pat says to not worry but I can’t help it. I’m just worried.

Well I just wanted to write about my little trip to the hospital the other night. I’m alright along with the baby!! Oh, side note before I end it. I read my tickers last night and seeing that one said that my baby is the size of a grain of rice, I got a snack baggie and a grain of rice and put it in there. I went and got Pat from work and I told him that I had a present for him. I handed him the baggie and told him that was his offspring. He freaked because he didn’t see the rice right away. He thought it was my way of telling him that I lost the baby again. He got mad until I told him about what I read. He was like “don’t do that again. You just gave me a heart attack.” In a way I thought it was cute [the whole rice thing] but I felt terrible for making him think that.

Anyways with that said, I am going to end it here. Until next time…toodles!!

♥ Amanda

pregnancy week by week

.The Angel.

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December 6, 2006

Thank goodness everything is OK! Nice with the rice!haha.:)

I’m glad the baby’s ok! X

December 6, 2006

I’m so glad everything is ok! I know what you mean about not being able to afford the baby. Scary stuff but it’ll all turn out. =) ♥

Glad to hear everythings okay. And I noticed you were listening to Avenged Sevenfold.. good band.

December 7, 2006

maybe you should have thought things through before you went and got your self pregnant, talk about being selfish thinking more of yourself than you are of that poor innocent child, there was a reason god took your last one from you, ever think of that?? i feel sorry for your child more than anything.

December 7, 2006

I’m glad that everything is alright!!! Also, everything will fall into place *about the not being able to afford a baby and all* when it needs to!! **Hugs**

December 7, 2006

I’m glad you and baby are ok. That kind of thing is so scary and you can never be too careful. I hate how doctors act like you coming in is just a waste of their time. It is their F****** job, if they don’t like it maybe they should have chosen another occupation.

December 8, 2006

Glad your little one is fine xxx

December 8, 2006

i’m glad to hear everything is all right!

am glad the babies ok honey…x