Nazi Nation + WCB = One Pissed Off Manda

Good evening to all of my OD family. Hope everyone is doing well this evening [morning] where ever you are in the world. Things have been changing dramatically here in the Keyser household. For starters, we’re moving again.

We got a notice a few weeks ago stating that we weren’t allowed to have our rabbits even though they knew about Fuzzy and said it was fine that we had him. That was the last straw and I snapped. I filled out a town house apartment application next door to my mom. Called last Monday and found out that we got it so, we are out of here as of May 31. I can’t wait. I’ve had enough of Nazi Nation. I call this place Nazi Nation because you step one TOE out of line you get bitched at. It’s unreal. We’ve gotten so many notices in our door over this past year it’s no wonder they have to plant so many trees on the property. We’ve gotten a notice stating we had “irregular amount of lint” coming our the dryer vent. I do laundry daily…or almost daily. I have 2. I have my clothes, Pat’s clothes and the twins’ clothes. We’ve gotten a notice stating that I had to remove my “remove your shoes at the door” sign because it “didn’t match the rest of the apartments.” The one that they’ve had HUGE bitch about is that our kids are “too loud”. Hello, they’re 2 [almost 3]!! And now this newest one. I even had the management come to my door wanting me to make peace with my crazy neighbor and that she keeps complaining that Owen and Riley are banging there beds against the wall. I had her come in and showed her that I could fit my arm behind there bed, so I have no clue what the hell she hearing. She even put her hand back there. Then everyone has gotten notices about the cigarette butts. It’s warm out it’s time to clean up the unsightly mess. I agree…it’s gross to look at it. Pat cleaned up all of his that were right in front of our door. The same crazy neighbor that bitches about my kids says it just MY husband that smokes in this building, when just 2 days ago she walking back and forth having a smoke. This woman is…ugh…special? The crazy thing about her is this…SHE HAS KIDS!! 2 of them to be exact. So, in short, I’ve just had enough. So we’re moving. It’s a more “pet friendly”, the kids can play, we can have our grill [mmm, grilled fish…I can already taste it], we can have a small pool…I can’t wait. We’ll have a full basement, a first floor and a 2nd floor. Still 2 bedrooms…but there kids’ room is huge. Much bigger than what they have. It’ll fit 2 single beds…plus dressers…and it has 2 closets. It has 1.5 bathroom…which will be nice. We’re excited…just hate the actually moving of the stuff part.

ANYWAYS, onto another thing. 3 words…Workers Compensation Board. Ugh!! Well there was a glimmer of hope…for a moment. I called them last Monday [as well] and I finally found out that they have FINALLY started working on my case. Holy shit…7 MONTHS LATER!!! I called back the next day and there had not been a decision made yet. Waited 2 days, called back on Friday and they said the same thing…no decision has been made yet, but if I hadn’t heard anything within 4-6 WEEKS I’m more than welcome to call back. So, maybe by mid-July? Almost shy of a year from the original court date. Enough said about that. I can’t even think about how PISSED OFF I am about this situation.

Onto something positive. I had an appointment with my PCP to fill out the papers for my seminar for the LAP Band on the 29th. Out of the 3 people that work in his office [himself and 2 nurse practitioners] I have 2 out the 3 that think that the LAP Band surgery will be the best thing for me. He agreed with me. So now the seminar and we go from there.

Owen and Riley are doing great. Owen has his post-op appointment on the 27th. I can’t tell a difference. He just doesn’t listen to me for whatever reason. Pat says he can hear just fine. I’ve gone to bed crying because I think he can’t hear. If he can’t, then we deal with it…but from what others say, he seems to be doing fine. I can’t figure out how to put the wax in his ears. Every time I try he freaks out crying “OW MOMMY!!” I swear I’m not trying to hurt him if I am…I just don’t want the water to go in his ears. Plus every time I try they fall out. Very frustrating.

Riley has developed this little prissy attitude. It’s not a constant thing, but it’s there. Plus she’s in the ‘I don’t want to nap’ phase, so by the time it’s dinner time she’s falling all over me just whining and crying. When she doesn’t get her way she lets out this high pitch screech. I call it the tea-pot scream. Very very annoying…it’s the kind you can feel ripple down your spine.

Pat and I talked about another kid. He doesn’t think he wants another. A part of his does, but a part of him doesn’t. He doesn’t want to do the every 4 hour feedings. I’m half and half. I miss having a baby baby, but seeing I’m in the terrible two’s about to transition into the awful three’s, I’m not sure I could do it without having a nervous break down. It makes me sad that there is talk that Owen and Riley are it. So many of my OD favs. plus my friends that are either just finding out they’re pregnant, in the middle of there pregnancies or just had a baby [like my friend from middle school Amanda, who had her 2nd son this morning at 12:09] that it make my insides hurt. Maybe after the twins go to school…

Well everyone, I’m going to end this [long] entry. I’m tired. Pat has off the next 4 days. It’s a very muchly needed vacation for him from work and for me for not having the kids all by myself all day. Momma gets tired. Until next times…toodles.

♥ Amanda

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April 25, 2010

Maybe it will be easier to have another baby, since you’ll probably have only 1 instead of 2 the next time. Plus, you’ve had expirence. Your neighbor seems crazy. Maybe she’ll end up complaining too much about the next tenants and they’ll actually put her out. Congrats on moving! You have to be persistant with Workers Comp. Ive heard that they try to call you and piss you off…

April 25, 2010

…so you will hang up on them. If you do that, it triggers something in their system to say you were uncooperative and that can hinder your case. Also, a lady who I went to school with used to work for them, she said that the first thing they learned in training was that when they first recieve your claim, not to even read it, to just deny it right off the bat to see if you will send it back in.