Pissed off more than reasonable doubt…

Please spare me from all the shit!!

~Time~ 10:30 pm

~Thinking~ Who the hell would want to steal from me?!

~Eating~ Nothing

~Drinking~ Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper

~Feeling~ Really pissed off and lonely

~Chatting~ No one

~Wearing~ FLCC hoodie, black pants, and a pink shirt

~Hearing~ “Dangerously in Love” -Beyonce

Hey kids how are we all today?! Well, let me tell you. I am quite pissed beyond reason at the moment. To be honest it’s been the whole weekend. It has been one from hell. Let’s go in order.

Number 1: It all started yesterday. I got woken up at 7:30 again, but this time I had to take the girls down to the bus stop. I woke up and there was about 3 inches of snow, but it was light enough to just swipe off without putting any real effort into it. Anyways, Heidi caught me while I was outside and she asked me what I was doing. I told her and she said if I wanted I could go over there and have coffee with her. Alright, awesome. Got the girls to the bus, put the bills in the mail box, parked my car and walked across the street. I was over there for a good amount of time just talking and having coffee with Heidi. Leah woke up and we got to talking. We ended up deciding on going to the mall. So Lee and I came over here, she brought her clothes with her and we changed at my house. We went back to her house and we left for the mall. We went up to JC Penny’s and shopped in there. Then we went and had lunch, seeing when we left her house it was 12:30 in the afternoon. We had lunch and then we were going to go walk around for a bit while Heidi went to Sears. Well right as we were going our separate ways my mom called me. I pick it up and she told me that I had to come home right then and there because my FATHER was there to pick up Brandon already. I was like “WHAT!?” She said she wasn’t kidding and asked if I could make it home by 3:30. I said yes and that we were leaving the mall right then.

Number 2: We left the mall and my mom called me back to tell me some stuff. Well my father left and told my mother that I “missed out on my money because I wasn’t there to give him a receipt.” I was like “WHAT?! He couldn’t wait until 3:30?” Mom said no and that I’d get it Sunday. I said that I doubted it because it’s my father. Then he told my mom what he got me for Christmas. Mom was like “Guess what Jay got you for Christmas?” I was like “What!?” She asked “What did you say you were going to throw at him if he got it for you?” I said “He didn’t.” Mom was like “What are you gonna throw at him?” I came back with “He got me that fucking lap top!! It’s not worth the $200 they were asking for. The software on there isn’t up to date. They already had someone look at it and said it wasn’t worth it because of the software.” I got so mad. He got me an outdated lap top. I have been dying for one, yes, but not an outdated one. We’ll see what it’s all about when I get home.

Number 3: I cleaned the house and when I went down to the laundry room to get the laundry Little Kitty aka Joey throw pretty much a whole box of kitty litter all over the floor. I sat there and shook my head and was thankful that that room wasn’t carpeted. Cleaned that up and not an hour later he had more on the floor. For Christmas we are getting the cats a covered litter box so we don’t have to deal with this everyday. Right now as we speak, theres litter all over the floor again that I have to go and clean up. I love my kitties, I love my kitties, I love my kitties!!

Number 4: My computer has been acting really bad lately. Someone sent me a virus through AIM and now it won’t go away. It is making my AIM go nuts. So just forewarning people who use AIM. If a link comes up saying view my pictures and it’s a like to pictureprofile.com with a /picture12 don’t click it. Now I have viruses like crazy on here. I can do multiple virus scans a day about 5 hours apart and the same amount of viruses come back. John came over yesterday to try and fix it. He even manually deleted these viruses and while I was gone today Norton did a virus scan and came back with the shit he manually deleted last night. He is going to come over Tuesday and we are going to try again.

Number 5: *THE KICKER FOR THE WEEKEND* Well I haven’t drive my car in a couple days. I went out this afterno

on around 2:54 to have a cigarette with Lee and Heidi, I looked over to my car and what did I see? My license plate was gone. SOMEONE IN MY PARK CAME IN MY YARD AND STOLE MY FRONT END LICENSE PLATE!! Yes, you read that correct, stole the fucker right off. Bolts and all. I tweaked!! I went in and called 911. They told me that I couldn’t do much of anything until Monday when I can go to the Sheriff’s department and file a report. I called the park management to tell them. I flipped out the answering machine. They called back and told me to call the State Troopers and file a complaint with the park. I said alright. I called the State Trooper Barracks and told them that I would be there in an hour. I hoped in the shower and left. Got to the State Troopers and waited there for a good 45 minutes for them to fine the report paper they needed to file the report. They took my information and asked me how I knew it was stolen. I told them that Thursday was the last time I did any extensive driving and it was there. When I went outside last night to put Christmas presents in the truck of my car it was there as well. My car hasn’t moved. She said alright. She filed out the paper and told me what I needed to do next. On Monday I have to take the remaining plate off my car and go to the DMV with them and the report and have them re-issue me new plates. I said alright. They also told me not to drive out of the county. I didn’t plan on anyways. So after diddling fucking around there I went and did the errands that I had to do for mom, came home and called Bonnie, the park manager. She came up to the house and gave me the complaint papers. I have to bring them back to the office on Monday. She said that they are going to start making a file of all this stuff. I also told her that this isn’t the only time someone has fucked with my car. Someone during the summer went through my window and stole a pack of cigarettes out of the car. And mind you they weren’t the cheap ones. They were Marlboro Lights which cost me $4.92. I told her that I had an idea on who it was. She asked me who and I told her it was the woman’s grand-children that use to be in tight with the previous managers. She was like “Shirley?!” I said “yes, her grand-children.” Bonnie said that I wasn’t the only ones complaining about them. That they watched them steal cigarettes out of peoples car without them knowing it and then cornering them. So yeah, that’s the kicker and the most extreme thing that has happened this weekend. I don’t know what else that can happen to me this weekend to make me feel any worse.

Well onto something different. I haven’t talked to Sean since the 1st. I am a little nervous to talk to him again. I should go see him, what would it hurt?

Hmm, well John and I have another movie date. We are going to go and see “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” on Tuesday. It should be fun. We’ve been hanging out a lot lately. Now remember guys, him and I AREN’T back together, yet. We are just hanging out as friends and having a good time. Anyways, he took me out and got my favorite food the other day, Chinese. Buys me pretty much everything that I want. Makes me laugh. We just have fun. I love the boy so much I just don’t want to get back into anything and have it fuck up again. Just using a lot of caution this time.

I have court this week as well. On Wednesday to be exact. I am a little nervous about that. If I don’t update before hand, I’ll let you guys know how it went when I update again.

Monday between me going to the DMV, and the park management, I have to call Uno’s to set up my second interview. Cross your fingers for me guys. It always works!!

Well it’s 11:04 and I have a cat room and laundry to do before mom gets home. I also have to go to Wal Mart when mom gets home. I love this time of year. Wal Mart is open 24/7 until the 23rd. Woo hoo. PLCG!!


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wow so much going on that sucks about your license plates and the viruses….xx

December 12, 2005

Omg, no wonder your pissed! I would have been kicking someone’s ass!! ((HUGS)) xoMeg