Things on the home front are…

…Going quite well actually. Wednesday was the only day that Owen was miserable, but I can understand why. He slept pretty much ALL day long. He was up for about an hour when Pat’s dad came up. [Yeah, Pat’s dad made the almost 2 hours trip from Olean to Canandaigua because he wanted to see Owen and Riley, but as you all know Riley wasn’t home.] He went back down around 1ish that day, got up around 4, went back down at 4:30, and woke up around 9ish. Pat and Owen ended up putting me to bed seeing I had to be to work at 7 Thursday morning. Owen wasn’t far behind.

Thursday, he got up and was acting like nothing happened to him. Running, playing, climbing. As long as he isn’t tearing the wound open and isn’t bleeding I’m happy. He got his first shower today. He hasn’t been able to take a shower or bath because of the incision. [They LOVE showers more than they like baths. Go figure.] He can’t be in a bath or completely submerged in water until Sunday. We are suppose to go back and see the surgeon in 3 weeks. I haven’t called to make the appointment yet, but I’ll call Monday.

Yesterday I went and got Riley from my dads. I wasn’t there long. I was just so drained from Wednesday, then working and running all day Thursday. We got home around 8 last night and I was in bed by 8:27 and sleeping 15 minutes later. Pat, [man I love him], uses my back massager on me nightly. Lately I’ve been having REALLY bad back problems. The last episode that I had I could barely stand, couldn’t turn, couldn’t pick up the kids, and the one that scared me the most is I couldn’t even pick up a fork without pain flying down my spine. I called the hospital but seeing they haven’t seen me they couldn’t diagnose me. My mom thinks I might have a pinched nerve. I called my primary doctor and told him what was going on and he felt that if I was in that much pain that I should go straight to the ER. [Well I don’t have insurance so to walk into the hospital is enough to put me in debt for the rest of my life.] Well I had a massager but the kids got a hold of it and snapped one of the feet, so I got a new one and ever since then I get “15 minutes of fame”, or so Pat calls it, and ever since then, I haven’t had any problems…knock on wood. The only really issue I’m having is my hip. Hurts everyday. Anyways, went to bad really early and I slept a good 12.5 hours. I didn’t get up until 9:30 this morning. Got ready for work and went.

Today was one of those days that I just wanted to be over. People still look and treat me like I have no idea what I am doing. I’ve been a cashier numerous times, not much changes when you go to a different store. Oye. It drives me CRAZY that people think that they are better than you at the same job your doing. Makes me want to pull my hair out. Came home today and just chilled with the kids. They destroyed my living room to an unrecognizable room. I believe the only thing they didn’t mess with is the Christmas tree.

I have to take Riley to the doctor on the 16th. She has to have a recheck because when we were there a week or so ago she had an ear infection and couldn’t get her flu shot. So she’s getting a recheck and hopefully her flu shot.

Pat and I are good. We are just really stressed, and now relieved, about the situation with Owen. He has missed a lot of work which cuts down the pay check so we haven’t been able to pay the rent. We are now 2 months behind, but the manager for our apartment is cool and understands that Owen had to have surgery. It’s just getting to us. We haven’t fought with each other, so it’s a good thing.

Hmm, I think that is it for the moment. I’m gonna end it here and get ready for bed. I’m tired again. Go figure. Until next time…toodles.

♥ Amanda

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.The Angel.

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oh wow your babies are so adorable

I’m very jealous of your back massages!