Trying to put mommy and daddy in an early grave…

Evening, how is everyone? It has been a hell of a day over here, and it all started at 8 this morning. Well I woke up at 6:30 like I do every morning [’cause I gotta pee] and Owen and Riley were still in there room, asleep and the gate was still up. We put a gate up in front of there door to teach them to call for us not to just run free through the house and do as one pleases. The need mommy or daddy to help them. Anyways, next thing we know it 8 in the morning and all I hear is the ringing, like a door bell. I remember I was having a dream about going somewhere and I had just past a Jeep with no lights on and it was pitch dark on. Then I heard voices. “They’re sleeping.” “Come on honey.” I shot right up from bed “PAT OUR KIDS ARE OUTSIDE!!” He went flying out of bed and sure enough the neighbors had brought Owen and Riley back from being outside. They were all the way up by the road. Which from were I live, it is about a 3 minute walk [for an adult without kids]. It’s not too busy, but a road is a road. I don’t care. My kids were up there having a grand old time. Riley had some small cuts on her toes. It was 47 degrees out this morning, and they went to bed in shorts and a t-shirt. I had them climb into bed with us to warm up because they were ice cold. No socks, no shoes, no nothing. They just snuck out. I am just so thankful that the people that found our kids GAVE THEM BACK and they gave them back ALIVE and UNHARMED!!!

Then while I was making breakfast, they snuck into the bathroom and flushed a whole roll of TP down the toilet, AGAIN! They like playing in the blue water.

Mom came and got me. We went and got and chain lock for the front door, some hooks and eyes for the bathroom and my door, and I got to get out for awhile.

Just wanted to write about that. I’m heading to bed. I’m dragging. I’ll write again soon. I went and seen the shrink so I have to tell you all what he said. ‘Till then…toodles.

♥ Amanda

Amanda Keyser
amanda keyser
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What a day!!

September 30, 2009

wow! glad they are okay!

September 30, 2009

oh my goodness, glad their ok.*random*

September 30, 2009

I am going to lie and tell you that it will get better when they are 3

September 30, 2009

hahaha im sorry your above note made me laugh, i’m going to lie as well as say it will get better at 3 🙂 just kidding, i wont do that to you, but from what i hear 4 is amazing! thats what i’m waiting for! but man you had a day! i would have shit my pants! thank god they were okay!

October 1, 2009

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!! How scary, I’m so glad they are okay.

October 1, 2009

Don’t let them fool you, 4 is NO better, lol. They get mouthy and sassy and stick out their tongues… *Hugs*

October 1, 2009

Oh my god! So glad they are home safely!!!

My goodness scary stuff!

October 2, 2009
