Health and work hours.

I’m hoping that after I write this entry, I can post it. It’s taken me ages to even get into the site.
After my last entry, I had meant to post some Scotland photos, but things have been happening and I just didn’t have time.
Most of August we were both visiting doctors and specialists for various ailments. Mine was mostly to do with being weaned off one lot of meds on to a new one. I’m still in the process of doing that.
Husband’s was rather more serious. After having stress tests he found out his heart was fine but his problem is coronary artery disease. So whether he likes it or not, he’s on cholesterol meds for life. He’s not happy about taking any sort of pills, but on his last GP visit he was made aware of what could happen if he stopped them.
After that had been sorted out, my work hours were suddenly changed. My usual work week was Mon to Sat, a couple of hours each day. Then they asked if I would be interested in doing the mornings too, 3 hours each day. Another 2 people were hired and I was in charge of training both. After training, they were to share some of the mornings and also Sunday. However, one of the ladies decided the hours weren’t enough. By this stage I had worked 9 days straight and was totally exhausted. I decided it was time for a bit of negotiation.
I asked my boss if I could work Mon to Fri, and do the extra morning hours only on Wed to Fri. I was happy for the other girl to do the rest, and she was more than happy to do them. He agreed, so I no longer work Saturdays. Yippee. I can’t remember the last time I had a Saturday off without getting someone to work for me. And working the extra 9 hours a week, I’m getting more money than before. Happy days all around!
My brother Ian is further down the dementia road. He went into respite for 2 weeks so his wife could have some down time. His speech has gone entirely and a carer comes in 3 times a week to shower him. I don’t know if he knows us any more. We’re going to Melbourne in a month and
will find out then how he is. I think the family are also looking for full time care in the near future. Sad to see this happening.
A couple of weeks ago when the weather was getting warmer, I took my electric blanket off the bed, and put the cooler sheets on, and wouldn’t you know, winter came back with a vengeance. I’ve had to put another blanket on the bed and the heater has been on as the mornings have been so cold. And while this has been our weather, Sydney has had bushfires. Stupid weather all around.
Well I shall post this short entry, just to let any interested person know I am still around! Later on tonight I’ll try posting some of our photos from Scotland. Wish me luck.

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Very sorry you’ve had health worries – it clarifies our priorities, but is stressful. I hope all is well now. Very sad about yoru brother … there is nothing much that can be done by now, I guess. Many wishes for strengh and well-eing to those who care for him. Yes, wasn’t hte weather mad? I have all clothes out just now, waiting for it to sort itself out before packing anything away. 26 deg today, 35 one day last week!

September 15, 2013

Aging is not an easy process, is it? Go for the full time care. It’s too much for your SIL. Caregivers need breaks. RYN: If you ever get to the US western states, be sure to see one.