Giz Me Affections Nao!

I’m just going to be as blunt as possible because there really is no delicate way to put this.

I"ve come to a point in my life to where I expect more, especially out of guys.  I know the kind of heartbreak they are capable of and I’m just not willing to go through it without some form of compensation.  I’m not really willing to go through it at all, but because I can’t ever know for sure what’s going to happen, I demand certain things…things that I’ll be able to look back at and say "that’s why it was worth it."  I’ve had that…to date.  But with this guy I’m dating now…I don’t have it. 

He’s affectionate enough to keep me around, but nowhere near as affectionate as previous boyfriends.  I haven’t had many.  I’m picky, obviously, and the few I have chosen have been extremely affectionate and that’s one of the things that drew me to them.  All except for Cody, he was a little above "affectionate enough", but what made him awesome was how weird and unique he was. 

Anyway, I’m tired of giving everything I have to every single guy I commit to.  Hell, I’m tired of committing to guys that don’t give me everything.  I’m tired of walls and games, trying to be a hardass when really, I can already see your whole strategy from a mile away.  Straight up…this guy is intimidated by me.  Physically and intellectually.  That’s fine.  I don’t care.  I’m flattered.  But the main thing that attracted me was pretty eyes, direct manner, and affection.  I’m okay with that.  But not if I ‘m not getting enough of the 3rd one.  That’s a biggie.  I’m an attention whore.  I’m not going to lie.  I’m an attention whore, not in the usual sense of the word, but I need someone to show off for, someone to spoil, someone to watch me, to witness…and if you can’t give me that…then there are guys that will.

That’s really all I have left.  Magic moments.  This issue goes much deeper, but I won’t delve into it here.  I’m trying to make it as simple as possible. 

I need affection.  I need attention.  At least to the level that I’m used to from past relationships.  Fuck.  Even Cody texted me more than this when we weren’t together physically.  And he’s a weird, distant, emotionally retarded motherfucker!

It wouldn’t be so bad if this hadn’t been covered already.  He says "I can’t read minds."  So I tell him today, since we aren’t spending the night together, "text me so that I don’t miss you so much."  Okay…well that was 3 hours ago.  I tell him I’ll be up for awhile playing video games.  No texts.  Nothing.  

So what insidious little plan weasels its way into my head?  Well, there’s 3 different guys right now that have been trying to date me for over half a year.  One of them I did actually date for a couple of days before getting back with Cody.  I can’t lie.  I’m tempted to call him and go hang out with him.  I’ve had an entire bottle of wine and I know that’s gonna be highly influential in whether or not I kiss him.  And yes, that would be cheating.  I know.  But fuck if I’m not tired of this shit.  I’m not sure I even want to be in a relationship anymore.  I’m tired of having to spell everything out, of doing all the fucking work, of bending for the other, molding to him.  

I guess I’m spoiled.  Sam spoiled me.  I know what it’s like to have someone give 100%, to bend for you, to be there for you no matter what, to make you feel like you’re the only girl in the whole world…why did it end?  He wasn’t intelligent or open-minded enough and he was insecure, intimidated not only by my looks and the guys that hit on me, but by my intellect.  He constantly felt the need to instigate arguments to prove his intellectual capability.  Unfortunately, all he managed to do was prove his inferiority.   Other than that…he was perfect.  I loved him.  I just couldn’t deal with his insecurities after 5 years of trying to show him why he shouldn’t have any.  I have enough of my own and the only thing that’s really, super important to me…is how you treat me and how much affection you give.  That’s the deal breaker/maker.

What’s that saying? Shit or get off the pot? Yeah.

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February 12, 2012

So would you date me if I affectionated you? *wink* ;D I bet I’d give you more attention than even sam. I’ve had girls get all flustered and upset because I can be overaffectionate. >.> I never understood that. I don’t bend 100%, I just feel too strongly for the girls I get close to. Well, too strongly in their book. I think it’s right to feel that way for the person you’re with if they’re right.

February 12, 2012

We’d be more =s intellectually too, more growth instead of just….stagnation. ;O You’d only outrate me in the looks factor. XD Course I wouldn’t be willing to date you since you’re far away, so pointless musing. Hope you don’t mind me thinking it out loud to you.

February 12, 2012

Actually for the most part I agree, and I’ve done it before. BUT. The physicality is really important to me too. I’ve done this thing w/ Kate where we dated at a distance for a while and she’s never been willing to actually bridge the distance. Like, I’m MORE THAN WILLING to apply for canadian citizenship and move as close to her as possible til I can get it to make it work but…

February 12, 2012

…she’s never wanted it to happen. Kinda moving past her at this point. Point is I’ve done it and it’s left a bad taste in my mouth. -_- Also: NO U !

February 12, 2012

Yeah, you’re totally right. I instantly disliked him when I heard that he did that already. >.> You can and will find better, I’m sure.

February 12, 2012

I mean what if he gets to know you then bam, decides you’re too crazy for him? Cause lets admit it, you’re a bit crazy in some ways. Off the deep end whoooooosh! He really prob doesn’t even know if he likes you at ALL, just entranced by how you look, you know? 3 weeks is no time really when it comes to knowing someone.

February 12, 2012

Lol. That sounds like you on alcohol. What kind of truth were you trying to find?

February 12, 2012

^^ And keep in mind I make it a point NOT to associate w/ men like that, lol. I don’t have a harem of bros. Just a small circle of super-awesomesauz friends.

February 12, 2012

Hm…*shakes head* I could never get into drinking too much, or the people who do every friday. Amuses me to think you did that to him though. xD Almond crusted chicken time >:]

February 12, 2012

Ouch, yeah. That wasn’t very nice. >.< *smacks your little paws* You don’t do that! xD Yeah, I figured you did. Passion when sexing someone up is a big ****ing deal. I HATE HATE HATE women who just lay though. O. M. F. G. Honestly I might as well just buy one of those….fleshlights I think they’re called…if that’s all you’re gonna do. My best girl was superpassionate. Krystal.

February 12, 2012

Literally. It’s expensive as **** considering what it is too and how little it lasts. A gym trip? That’ll last all week. A video game? Months if it’s a good one. Alcohol? Just another ****ty night. **** that. I am kinda a drinking pro though. Not because I do it often but because it’s in my genes. Lots of alcoholics in my ancestry and I can kick em back better than most. Still pointless though

February 12, 2012

Yeah, we’re one and the same about sex + kissing. At least, as much as I know how you feel about it so far anyway. I NEED that. Part of the reason I dislike long distance so much. I need to touch. Even without the sex. Little touches mean a lot to me too, throughout the day. Amy, the older lady I live with, has had to get used to me every so often touching her hand or something, lol.

February 12, 2012

She’s a great woman and she means a lot to me. *nods*

February 12, 2012

Want some almond chicken? ITS GOOD STUFF!

February 12, 2012

Nomnomom. What’s your favorite food?

February 12, 2012

Guess you went to bed. Or passed out. xD Sleep well paradoxy!

February 14, 2012

*bites you!*