Exploring the Statute of Limitations

At the (sensible) urging of Bridget Jonesing, I’m going to pen another entry. That way, you can all resume being the glib, inappropriate, and raunchy people I’ve come to love.


One last bit about Dad, though. The memorial service and funeral were very touching. I was moved to tears on several occasions by the unexpected kindness of friends and strangers alike. I received a lot of supportive words and gestures from the most unlikely of places. That sort of thing gives me faith in humanity. One example has stuck with me:


After the funeral, I went to Mark’s for a housewarming party/going away party for my friend Joe (who’s being deployed to Korea for a year). A guy I know and see from time to time at parties thrown by friends, Dave, pulled me aside.


He said to me, “Duke, I’m sorry to hear about your dad. My dad died about two and a half years ago quite unexpectedly. It was hard to deal with, and for the longest time, I felt lost. But I came to the realization—and you will too—that now you are your own man. All the things your dad and your uncle Jesse have taught you down through the years are yours to use and pass on as you see fit. They’ve passed the torch to you.”


Sage fucking words, my friends.

So anyway, on to the good stuff.


There is a long-standing, largely-unspoken, yet occasionally-broken rule among men (and probably among women too) that goes something like this:


Don’t get involved with your friend’s ex.


I can’t say that I’ve always followed this rule. There was a Jen in my past who had been involved with both Mark and my buddy Rob prior to me. But she wasn’t serious with either of them. So she and I gave things a whirl. But even then, I could tell through his not-so-subtle hints that Mark didn’t like me mashing all over her. So that was one of those things that never came to fruition. When he finally got over it, she had moved on to another man.


Within the last month, Mark shacked up with an old late-night regular of mine. I gave him the nod, but he told me that nothing happened. He said she spent the whole night talking about me.


Still, I can list plenty of other examples when this has happened. The consensus seems to be that when it’s not a serious relationship, you can get a pass from your friend to pursue. With one extremely fucked up exception (a friend of mine wound up marrying a woman his brother had previously boned), I can’t think of any instance in which things have actually worked out.


And now, there is this girl.


Jessica and I have had a strong connection for years. We’ve had the discussion and flirted with the line from time to time, but held the emotion in check for a variety of reasons. The chief of which is the fact that she dated Mark in the past. For some months. Twice.


But that was years ago. Like 1996, and briefly in ’99. I vaguely remember them together when I first moved back from Rhode Island. It wasn’t long-lived, though.


Last summer, we all wound up at the same bar. Jess and I snuck in a few kisses, and she stayed at my place—with Mark in the spare bedroom, me in my bed, and her on the couch. We thought about going the secret route with our rendezvous, but both of us were way too loyal to Mark to even consider it. I told him about the encounter, and tested the waters. He gave me the nod, and it seemed quite genuine. “You should date her,” he suggested.


Still, Jess and I opted to hold off for a while. It didn’t seem quite right. Months passed.


Spring has a tendency to bring women out of the woodwork. After awakening from a long winter’s slumber, I heard from her back in March. I’d just dumped some lunatic, and she likewise. We e-mailed back and forth a little, and she sent me the following:


I find it very hard to believe you suck at dating.  You’re HOT, fun, humorous, you have a goodjob, a house, etc.  So what’s the problem?  I assure you that the problem isn’t you.  Sometimes it takes us women a while to stop being fickle and get our heads on straight.  Don’t give up on dating just yet.  It would be a big blow to all the single ladies in KC AND leaves little hope for me.  🙁  Someone deserves the #1 spot on your speed dial (besides Mark).


She was right. I AM hot. But more importantly, someone does deserve that top spot on the proverbial speed dial. Still, the time wasn’t right. I’d just lost my uncle and had begun to care for the old man, and I couldn’t imagine making time for a woman. A tryst would’ve been easy, but she told me she wasn’t interested in a purely-sexual relationship. I’m not out to dupe anyone, so I let her know that I wasn’t available. And we left things at that.


Well, to make an extremely long-winded story short, she was at Mark’s party. And she looked de-fucking-lightful.


Because I seem hell-bent on denying myself the things that would bring me great pleasure, we didn’t do the deed. But we did wind up back at her place. In her bed. Until Sunday afternoon. And we’ve made tentative plans for Friday night. Mark knows about this past weekend. On Wednesday, during our flag football game, I’ll tell him about Friday. I expect he’ll be unphased.


At this rate, we should be an item by 2014.


Am I an idiot for getting involved with a buddy’s ex? Am I an idiot for waiting so long? I’ve come to grips with the fact that Mark has already “been there.” It was, after all, years ago.  And I’m no saint, myself. Jess is a kick-ass woman. I think she’s a risk worth taking.


But I have been wrong before.

Log in to write a note
July 31, 2006

In matters of the heart, my experience has always been that I regret the things I didn’t do. I hate to sound hokey, but you’re the hero in your own life. If this girl could be The One, you owe it to yourself to pursue her or at least check with Mark that he’s given up his dibs for good.

August 1, 2006

At least you learned ONE thing from me…

Well, we’ve all been wrong before, at least once, but I don’t guess that means that we’re always going to be wrong. I think checking with Mark again obviously shows that you have a lot of respect for your friendship with him. The fact that you’ve held off getting involved with her when so many opportunities to get involved presented themselves shows you have a lot of respect for her too. <P> I don’t think I’ve ever read anything you’ve written that doesn’t indicate that you are a solid, grounded guy. It’s one of the reasons I am so happy to read when you update. I do hope it works out that you two can date, and I hope it’s a wonderful experience.

August 1, 2006

Ha…I have a better one. Don’t get involved with your sister’s ex. Even if she has realized she’s gay and has moved on with a chick.

After this long? With his permission? Don’t think twice…go for it!

August 1, 2006

I personally feel that there are enough people in this world that I would never ever ever date a friend’s ex. Or a sibling’s (EW!). But it does make sense that you’d find someone dateable in the pool of friend’s exes because it would make sense that you’d have things in common. All the power to you, as long as it’s not going to ruin the friendship with Mark.

August 1, 2006

RYN: I personally enjoy getting high before a work out because I get really, really into stretching. I relax, and breathe into it. I want to be as flexible as I was 10 years ago when I was in gymnastics, so that’s my tactic and it works damnit! Also, unlike most people, smoking gives me a BURST of energy. I just keep going and going and going, and I don’t wear down. I know – I’m a freak!

everything sounds right about her, and since it’s finally a good time for you stop worrying about your friend, he can handle it!

Depends on how legit he is with his ok. I had one who said ok and later she decided it wasn’t ok when she realized I had more fun with him that she did. Needless to say (because we were young girls) it was not pretty. She drew battle lines between friends & everything. I really couldn’t have cared less once I realized I ended up in a happier place, but just make sure his “sure” is the real deal.

August 1, 2006

Depends on how the friend feels about it. I’ve dated friends exes before, but ALWAYS after checking with the friend first. Bros before hos, and all that. Chicks before dicks.

August 1, 2006

I think she sounds pretty great. Its only going to be a matter of time for you, I think. The right woman, the right time, and boom…Big Daddy becomes a real daddy. It would seriously be a crime if a guy like you didn’t have a great family someday.

August 1, 2006

Yay, I’m so glad to read you!!! My thoughts on your Dad, Dave is totally right, I have found that path as well as far as using everything my Dad’s taught me. That is part of the cycle of life I think. It still is so hard I am so sorry for your lost but your friend definitely summed it up perfectly. It will actually bring your family comfort and those who loved your Dad to see those pieces of him in you. ************************************************* As far as Jessica goes, “Carpe Diem” you can’t live today and worry about the present or past. Everyone has a past with other boys whether you know them or not. Today’s what we’ve got to be happy with. So, go be happy, really its okay. I think the timing is a bit *meant to be* personally, I mean with everything you’ve just been through and taken care of, you need some love and fun. Love,

August 1, 2006

Do not go for it. I’ll be jealous. You ready for a drunken call tomorrow night, mister?

August 1, 2006

Concerns about Mark: As long as Mark said that he’s ok with it, and he did, then that shouldn’t be a problem Concerns about it taking so long: Oh HELL no. If you want a deep, lasting relationship with a woman, putting it off as long as you can is a good test that’ll it’ll work, and that she’s REALLY interested in you and not the idea of you. Eric

August 2, 2006

First, Dave’s comments are very true- I think that the lessons our dads teach us are their final gift to us. Second, I think you’re fine after all these years to at least date her. Checking in with Mark is, of course, the gentlemanly thing to do. Of course you have to be prepared to accept his feelings about the whole thing.

August 3, 2006

I too would spend the whole night talking about you.

August 3, 2006

Seems like an appropriate amount of time has passed. And if Mark is green lighting the whole thing, I would say you are in the clear.

August 3, 2006

ryn: Yup, Perez is awesome. I’m such an addict! BTW, I love your icon thingy up there! Very good show.

August 3, 2006

RYN: Even my cell phone recognizes that you are the King of All Things Booty-centric, and when I am engaged in the act of macking, it dials you up in order to worship at the temple of Big Daddy. Or something.

August 4, 2006

RYN: Thank you. Seriously.

August 4, 2006

My poor ass, my ass! No matter what you may think, that thing will never be “small”, no matter what I do to it. I promise.

August 8, 2006

Thanks for the notes hon, you rock. How’s the new hunny? RYN: I am ready to call the property manager’s boss or CEO of the company just ’cause no one puts ME off!! love ya…

August 8, 2006

Sage words, indeed.

Sounds like you’re being cautious enough on this one. And it’s years later, and you have his blessing…of course, feel that out a bit, but I’d say you’ve got a good thing going if you want it.

RYN: I found it on a random google image search…can’t even remember what I searched under. Lack of Sleep or something like that.

August 15, 2006

Hmmm. I just randomed in and discovered that you are debating on dating someones else’s leftovers. Isn’t this world not big enough that we can not meet new people who are entirel dis-associated (sp?)with other people we know/knew? Hey, you don’t know me….we should have coffee sometime. I like coffee…almost too much. Maybe you shouldn’t…I could scare you off with my bizarre habits….Hmmm? Okay. Okay? XO,

August 16, 2006

RYN – Let’s see some photos.

August 16, 2006

Then I think you should start drinking coffee and visit Canada. Don’t worry, it’s not too big!! *grin* XO,

August 17, 2006

*sigh* November 12. Coming up, far too fast!

August 18, 2006

Hey J, been awhile since i was here. I am sorry to hear about your father but just think that now he is in a peaceful place looking down and watching all of you. hugs, Aims

August 20, 2006

No. You are not an idiot. I’d say the statute has passed. Coming from the point of crossing that line when it certainly HADN’T and no it didn’t work out as we know, I’d say you’re in. And enjoy it. Now. Since this is how old of an entry? How the hell did it go? xoxo

August 22, 2006

Get in there, fool, before someone else does! That’s my piggish advice for the day. Thank you and good night.

August 22, 2006

ryn: of COURSE it was a bad idea. Deliciously bad. bad, naughty, sick, stupid and wrong. But baby…..it felt so, so right. MAGICALLY right. and i loved every second of it. p.s. at least you can stop your boycott of FRS; she stopped working the strip club. p.s.s. but you can still be tsk-tsk-ful of me, i won’t mind. where would i be without my jiminy cricket.

August 22, 2006

COOL………… so when you gonna invite me to a real football game in KC ????……….Hey, from ova here!!….

August 22, 2006

ryn: yeah, thanks for the reminder. 🙂 i was just glad someone mentioned the photoshopping. i am SO tired of people going off on nicole’s weight.

August 24, 2006

RYN: I think it’s because in the VERY beginning I saw in him exactly what I was looking for in a man. He was fun, sexy, and honest all rolled into one. I just didn’t realize that he was incapable of seeing past himself. And for some reason I’m still clinging onto the idea that maybe he’ll grow a brain and be perfect. I know it’s dumb.

August 24, 2006

don’t worry, you are thoroughly beloved. by like, 98%.

August 28, 2006

Hey, today I’m missing you horribly. Consider writing an entry?

“She was right. I AM hot. But more importantly…” LOL

I’m sorry my condolences for your father are so late. I had no idea until today when I finally upgraded again. I am so sorry for your loss, I can imagine how hard it must have been and must continue to be for you. As for the girl – are you crazy? of COURSE you should go for it. If you think she’s good enough for you (and she better be) I’d be thrilled to see you happy with a good woman 🙂

September 3, 2006

And you were concerned about the working out b/c…why exactly?

September 7, 2006

Did you stop boycotting me yet?

ryn: I typed it up in Word with Paragraphs and all but in pasting it they were lost. It was 2am and I was too tired to bother fixing it but I will today.

September 19, 2006

ryn: amen!

it’s acceptable only if he is truly ok with it. some guys pretend to be, then get pissed when you do it. they play the “you knew I really didn’t mean it” card after the fact.

and ryn: yeah that helps

September 22, 2006

Are you still ignoring me? HMMM?

September 25, 2006

RYN: Maybe I AM afraid of being manless? My relationships always seems to overlap. But at the same time, I enjoy the constant busyness of juggling men.

September 26, 2006

ryn: what was it about?

September 27, 2006

ryn: hey, at least I’m on your list.

September 27, 2006

ryn: petunia lane was at a friend’s wedding back in January that Ben and I went to up in Tacoma. and she was lookin’ HAWT!

September 27, 2006

Okay, now I’m mad. I quit the strip club, for God’s sake. And I never stripped once.

September 28, 2006

I’m coming to KC this weekend for a wedding….and I’m bringing the man!!!

DAMN! How did you like Sundays’ game? (like you are going to answer me.) 😀 / I hope all is well with you. Its going to be a great season, maybe this year they will make it. 🙂

October 5, 2006

Okay, you seriously need to write here. I miss you. You are almost to the complete bottom of my favorites list, though Paige still has you beat. I know you have been through a lot and I love that you still read me but I miss reading you! Love,

October 10, 2006

Hey J, i am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. I know how hard that can be. I just lost my grams about a week ago and the funeral was yesterday. Still numb and can’t believe she is not here anymore. I was with her up to the end and it was tough. In the numb phase right now. About the girl, i say if you feel she is worth the risk then why not? Aims

October 12, 2006

Thanks so much for your note hon. A lot of this spine of mine is coming from what I know my Dad would want me to do for myself. That last fight when he was basically telling me what a crappy wife I was just made me laugh because I know how much I do for him, the kids and the restaurant. I pictured my Dad and his steely irish blue eyes and it gave me strength. He would not have wanted this forme or the kids. I miss you!

ryn: damn it! Thats what I figured. Oh well.

October 18, 2006

ryn: nicely done. i actually laughed out loud at that.

October 19, 2006

RYN: You two may have a point there. My best bud basically said the same thing. She went to counseling with her ex-husband, but by the time they went it was too late. I will consider it if we keep having the same thing happen over and over. And…the weight? Exercise + diet + stress + falling in love = 118.

October 23, 2006

ryn: she is the EVP at Penguin in charge of finding new writers. She is the one that discovered Pessl (..calamaties in proper physics…) Every author I have spoken to (5 so far) that have book deals based on blog who were previously unknown had to have a book proposal to shop around with 1 sample chapter. The reason,I’m told, is that when you are doing a memoir or something that is non-fiction, you are groomed and directed. If you have a blog already they prefer to read your chapter and portions of it to talk about the outline.

October 23, 2006

RYN: You totally have a little bit of a foot fetish. Don’t deny it!

RYN: Great idea! I wonder if they’ve ever had quesidillas??

October 25, 2006

You will NOT be that old man. I won’t let you.

Just to keep you updated on the important things in life…It turns out that Okaasan LOVES quesidillas. I’m now checking into the availability of flour tortillas over there. LOL

October 26, 2006

ryn: Nope. Someone else’s husband.

RYN: LOL, no! I just had a crappy vac.

October 28, 2006

You probably already are; like it or not. Special begets special. God bless.

October 28, 2006

So, I guess you will just not be happy until you’re all the way at the bottom of my favorites list like Paige and Dani 🙁 write dammit! Thanks for your notes hon. You hold a special place in my heart here at OD. Love,

October 31, 2006

You bastard. I see how you are. I saw you leaving a note somewhere. Oh yes I did!

November 3, 2006

RYN: Really? Then why doesn’t he ever call? ;^) Eric

RYN: It’s on a cinderblock foundation, with crawl spaces underneath the whole thing.

RYN: Well damn, and here I was thinking you were wondering why my floors were so cold. LOL!

November 6, 2006

ryn: I’m glad your cousins don’t eat turds.

ryn: I’m 5’9. These guys are all just huge. have you not written since August or are you all private entries?

November 8, 2006

RYN: It wasn’t an election, honey, it was an intervention.

November 11, 2006

Cant wait to post the photos for you… Shoot me your email address again in case it’s not in my outlook when I get home. mmmkay??? You’ll LOVE it. Simply gorgeous. Book a honeymoon suite if you can–request room 241. It’s only like $150 more for a week. The view from the room is insane.

November 14, 2006

RYN: were you doing your Borat impression or asking me about the Hummer?? LOL 🙂

November 14, 2006

Very nice, I like… made me have big liquid explosion! LOL. My mom went and saw the movie with a friend she grew up with upon my recommendation. We had shown her some clips of him on “Da Ali G” show. Lets just say she was not impressed when he said he compared Pamela’s ass to being tight like a 7 year old boy’s. Still cracks me up though.

November 16, 2006

wow… a note from you… I can’t remember the last time THAT happened…

November 16, 2006

Definitely enjoyed hearing about it?? What was I/we doing??? Was I dressed at Borat with my thumbs up saying “much success”???? Or perhaps it was me receiving the award for “number 4 prostitute in Vegas?” LOL, yes, I’m obsessed with Borat.

November 30, 2006

the recruiter IS retarded and while the deer hating company looks ok, I only do Real estate PR.

November 30, 2006

Hi! –

December 4, 2006

ryn: thanks. I’ve appreciated your notes through this time.

December 8, 2006

RYN: What?! That doesn’t get you hot? 😉 Be well,

ryn: Why shouldn’t I get back with him?

December 13, 2006

ryn: yes, but I wouldn’t be able to forgive MYSELF.

December 28, 2006

ryn: does that mean you don’t want my body?

January 2, 2007

Actually, I expect KC to cream them. The worst run defense in the NFL vs a running team? It won’t be pretty, but you should still win handily.

Jesus Christ – is this shit show still in production?

*looks up* How nice. Personally, I like your entries. They just don’t appear often enough.

r. 🙂 I find you refreshingly honest and straightforward, both in your entries, and notes you leave (not saying you get around, but I see you around a lot). I cannot, for the life of me, imagine why someone would leave you a note like that. Ah well. I appreciate your point of view. I’m glad that note didn’t seem to phase you. 🙂

January 9, 2007

Hey Dude, GLAD you are still kickin’. Sorry to hear about your Dad, mine passed away a few years ago too. You will always have that hole in your heart, but I guess it’s our duty to carry on and pass the torch along….. GREAT sage words (as you said) Best Wishes from snowy Oregon…. Take Care….

January 10, 2007

Happy New Year, Little Duke.

January 10, 2007

WHEN ARE you going to write again ?

January 12, 2007

Hmmm….Sh*t show. Sounds messy. At the very least, your crap-tastic noter could have offered you a tissue.

ryn: I could go into deal about a conversation Eric had with my SIL about how hard it is being single and in his 30’s. ANd how he has to play games with girls. So it was so funny when you left that note. He plays games because he seems to think it’s what he has to do.

ryn: Yeah, he’ll be really easy to blow off. He lives 250 miles away.

January 18, 2007

that dream sounds AWESOME!!! I’m sure you felt full when you woke up too… or maybe hungry????

January 19, 2007

RYN: I know!! See the thing is, he’s done this another time, and I told him to tell me if he ever wants to sleep in, and he’s all…NONONO! I love doing our morning thing!! So..what gives? I guess it’s better to just say, who cares.

January 23, 2007

I think with women, there is a time-rule factor. If it’s been long enough. Besides, unless the guy really shit on us (in which case, the girls would have all talked and NO ONe would touch the guy) he’s fair game. I would NEVER date anyone who’d been with one of my sisters. I’ve seen my brother in law naked on several occations (in public, nothing sexual) and even THAT’s WAAaaAAAy too much info.

January 23, 2007


January 24, 2007

RYN: They are testing her for all auto immune disorders, not just AIDS. She has been sick off and on for a long time and they have yet to figure out what is causing it, so now that she has an actual competant doctor, they are testing her for all of them, though the chances of her having AIDS are miniscule to none. But when she heard that was one thing they would be testing her for, she

January 24, 2007

(c.) immedeately freaked out and started calling people up, going, “THEY’RE TESTING ME FOR AIDS!” Then, when people started to freak out about their own health and she wasn’t getting the attention she wanted out of it, THEN she started saying, “Why are you guys freaking out so bad? I told you the chances weren’t likely at all that I have it.” … She failed to mention that part at all. Jason

January 24, 2007

(c.) and I are still going to make the trip down to the health department to get tested just to be sure. We’re waiting until whatever virus we both have clears up first to make sure it doesn’t mess with the results. No false positives, thank you.

January 24, 2007

hardy har har you fvcking dimwit!

January 24, 2007

You know what? You have one life and dammit, you have to do what makes you happy to some extent. Believe it or not, to some degree, the same rule is unspoken among true female friends. The ones who don’t abide by that rule are the ones that are called “bitches” behind their backs. But I digress. Follow your heart…or whatever other body part leads you in the that delightful girl’s direction. 🙂

January 24, 2007

Also, my most sincere condolences for the lost of your father. By reading the previous entry, I can see that he was a great man. If you never forget all the things that he taught you… then he will never truly be gone. Take care.

January 26, 2007

And how are YOU?

January 26, 2007

ryn: you’ll be sorry! you’ll miss me when i’m gone! what, that’s not the right response? hey. it’s better to burn out than to fade away.

January 26, 2007

To all the people who keep nattering on about the world being big enough to find new people to date….flog off will you. It’s not about dating the entire world, it’s about finding the person you click with and if you click with someone why shouldn’t you give it a chance? I’m with EWS on this – if Mark is cool with it then don’t keep hanging around to see if he changes his mind. Besides,anything prior to oh,…2000 should be considered ancient freakin’ history. Sounds like the only person who’s unsure is you. Figure it out man, we need some nice entries up in this joint!

January 27, 2007

of course I didn’t give it up. I only went on 2 dates with him and we didn’t even hold hands. There was a rather chaste kiss on my doorstep on our second date. Perve

January 27, 2007

RYN: Smartass. 🙂 Techincally, Jeff won it. But yes, the Hummer was prize. Heheh…you said Hummer. Be well,

January 30, 2007

ryn: WHAT??? Oh come ON! ;o(

February 1, 2007

ryn: isn’t it enough to know you are the #1 diarist I’d like to f*ck?

February 5, 2007

parku, that was EIGHT years ago! i’m practically an old lady now!

February 5, 2007

RYN: I put up the logistics explanation for you on the entry. I know you’re asking because you’re jealous. 🙂

February 7, 2007

So, judging from your avatar, you are still alive. …unless you got blown up by the lite bright terrorists.

February 14, 2007

Why? I mean I just need more of an explanation … if you care to explain.

February 21, 2007

What the fuck dude? Can’t you throw us a MORSEL?

February 22, 2007

ryn: you can blame “TG” for the monkey suit.

what do you mean “why do you cling?”

I’m not the clingy one. He’s the one always seeking me out.

So you’re seriously going to tell me to just avoid him and that’ll solve it? Is that how you would want a girl to handle you?

February 24, 2007

what in the hell are tapas?

Well I’ll be totally honest. I did say we should take a break, when in my heart i meant completely break up. For the first two months he would call and text but I wouldn’t play into it. It was around our birthdays that it was like “Ok, I could use a little lovin, I’ve already been with him” so we hooked up a few times…..

So we had a pattern after that where we would see eachother every 3 weeks or so for a quick fix. And it was during one of those times that we hung out and everything clicked like it did when we first started dating, and that’s what made me consider getting back with him, much to your dismay (if you remember). But then we got back into the same routine that sucked…

So all in all I don’t think all the blame should be on me when he was having his cake and eating it too. He was talking to girls, messing around with them all while he was still talking and hooking up with me.

February 26, 2007

RYN – Bullsh*t! There’s always drama among your wolves, too! Didn’t you used to like one of your friend’s girlfriend? I wish I could remember the details. Besides, vadge tastes funny. I miss it, though. I really do.

February 26, 2007

RYN: =) My bad. But you’re a doll for leaving me with not only a smiley emoticon, but also putting a smile on my face.

February 27, 2007

RYN: Roving or bits of uncarded fleece go on the drum carder and become batts. Batts are spun and become yarn. 🙂 Riviting, eh? 😉 Be well,

RYN: You’d get along just fine, especially in Tokyo. It is such an intense city, like NYC ten-fold, but a lot of people speak at least a little english. The transit system is complicated, but most signs are also in english. Pick up a really good guide book and you’d do well.

March 6, 2007

RYN: Agreed. But aren’t you seeing someone now?

RYN: Yes – – great group. But they couldn’t even remember the words to the songs that night.

March 15, 2007

RYN: “Why don’t you buy a car? Even a little $500 turd to get you to work and back?” We’re on the same wave length there. Do you have one for sale? I haven’t (yet?) found one that wouldn’t take a large amount of money to make road worthy. If I find one, I’ll snatch it up faster than spit on the spittle. 🙂 Eric

March 19, 2007

RYN: She reads through the notes she gets, and argues with us in class over them. The people who try to defend their work are usually the ones with the least defensible work. Seriously, it took me fifteen minutes to read the first page of her story — crazy syntax.

March 20, 2007

ryn: RE: my ‘walking thru the door …’ entry — you naughty dude! LOL! You really do that? No way! Remind me to sound the horn when I see you coming thru. HA! HA!

March 23, 2007

ryn: HITLER YOUTH RALLY??? now, now Parli – that’s a little harsh. MH is a RABID Eagles fan. They actually think the “eagles” symbol means daddy.

March 23, 2007

I guess I know how I’ll dress them up if we ever meet. Head to toe Eagles green (they have Eagles outfits, their plates are Eagles, their cups are Eagles, they Eagles bibs). Okay, now I’m starting to freak myself out. I never thought about how much of it there is! And btw, are you EVER going to write another entry or have you reincarnted yourself again?

You must be back from Mexico by now. Surely THAT deserves an entry. Sorry for the lack of email. I’ve been at home and without my Outlook which has all email addresses stored for easy access. Hope things are good.

March 27, 2007

ryn: thanks. Can you tell me the whole story or tell me where I can read about it? I only remember the concept.

March 27, 2007

ryn: fair enough. send me your email addy.

April 2, 2007

RYN: That rectal exam and root canal thing is GREAT. I am totally going to use that.

April 2, 2007

I had to scroll through an insane amount of notes to get here. RYN: She refuses to donate 800k in my name!

April 6, 2007

Found you while wandering through OD.

April 11, 2007

RYN: I’ve tried it. Ehhh….don’t need to do it again. It doesn’t appeal as much.

April 12, 2007

RYN: Well, what do you expect? YOU won’t come and sweep me off my feet! LOL

April 14, 2007

so, what’s going on for you these days? Happy? Working? Single/dating/married? I want to know all!

April 16, 2007

ryn: I don’t think he really understands, because it’s not like he follows me around the appartment and we also have a huge place. most of the time he’s watching tv way over in the living room while i’m in the bedroom reading or we’re in our own separate computer rooms. to him being in different rooms is the same thing as ‘space’. I think mostly it’s my fault because I could say no to most of the

April 16, 2007

things we do on weekends and just stay home alone for a few hours but i don’t like to miss anything fun so my only chance for time alone is when he’s doing something i don’t care about (like watching the game or at band practice) and those things are so often cancelled. if he’s going out to dinner with friends i always want to go!

April 19, 2007

ryn: because of my extreme attacks of hypoglycemic hunger I’ve had my blood sugar tested several times and it’s always been fine. But I can’t seem to believe that it is, because you don’t get THAT sick from being hungry on a regular basis from a fast metabolism!

April 25, 2007

ryn: but would you want to see ME in person?

April 30, 2007

ryn: the way i was able to make it work last time was by finding some specific foods (especially at breakfast and lunch) that I enjoyed eating and just stayed in that rut. Took the whole planning element out of the equation.

May 1, 2007

Because men ALWAYS suck! lol I’m guessing from the fact that I was perfectly happy with one and he turned into an asshole. My guess. Glad to see you are alive.

May 3, 2007

ryn: did you like the leg shots?

May 4, 2007

j, i say that if you believe this person is worth the risk and you see it being the right time, then go for it! You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. If your buddy went out with her a long while ago and says he is ok with you dating her then i say why not? We only live once. hugs, Aim

May 9, 2007

ryn: nicely done. the whole ‘tried to be an internet millionaire but lost’ thing did a number to my credit score.

Oooooooh, I only dated presidents… And trust me, many, many, MANY non-prim & proper things happened! That’s why the girls ended up hating me so much. Too bad for them I had more fun & continue to have more fun.

May 11, 2007

ryn: i’m extremely disappointed in the potential v the reality of Bush, but I absolutely can’t vote Dem, so I’m kind of stuck with the Republicans. If there was ever a viable third party that actually could make a difference in politics as usual, I would be all over that in a heartbeat.

ryn: SCREW YOU! 😛

May 11, 2007

Because I’m idealogically opposed to pretty much the entire Democratic agenda

I’d pretty much like at throw a football at my mother right now but I can’t. Mother’s Day is tomorrow and that wouldn’t be nice.

Gay shmay. It’s the frosted tips circa 1998 that irk me.

May 15, 2007

ryn: by that notion, it doesn’t make any sense to go to a barber -IE: the dems – where I know I’m gonna get a shitty haircut. Better to hold out for the possibility that my barber might actually learn how to cut hair again. Or find a third barber altogether.

It’s hard to think clearly when people say dirty things to me!

Oh, trust me. I got that memo a long time ago. Just changing the method of removal. Lasts way longer.

May 22, 2007

I always hang in there. Go back, you missed the version with pictures.

May 29, 2007

RYN: Right now, I totally agree with you because I havne’t ever had lobster done right. But snow crab? Man, put a pile of legs in front of me and I’ll put those around me to shame with my mad crab leg crackin’ skillz. True. Be well,

I’m actually really shocked that you took my side this time. Usually you take the side of the man I’m ranting about.

June 1, 2007

You need to update again, dude. It’s been close to a year. Well, ten months, but still close to a year. 😛

June 2, 2007


June 4, 2007

Oh come on. I’ve been ignoring her for DAYS. I had to say SOMETHING before I blocked her ass! I’m calling dispatch at lunch to have her number blocked from my cell phone and I already blocked her email. I should have blind copied him so he could see it before she erased it, just for fun. Honestly though I don’t care. And it felt good to at least be a LITTLE childish back. She is trying to convince me it was all a game so that she doesn’t lose face, but everyone already knows and it’s not like it matters. I said my piece and I’m done. I wanted to call her names too, but I held back. Mostly. I had to have SOME fun with it.

June 4, 2007

Ha! Lust left me a voicemail saying the same thing. Please just don’t respond to her anymore. My 2 texts and one email to her 17 voicemails, 2 texts and one email. Shit. Girl doesn’t get any fun around here!

June 11, 2007

Do we have to wait till 2014 to find out what happened?

ryn: I swear they were covered last time I was in! I promise!

June 19, 2007

RYN: Huh. My male coworker said the same exact thing. *am suspicious of all you mens* Be well,

Hey you…it’s high time for an update!

There’s not a scuff because they just came from zappos.com on Wednesday. In fact, I’ve only tried the right shoe on! I hate getting new tennies dirty & it’s too rainy & muddy right now. It would break my love filled heart right now. I will just bounce around in them around the house praying for sun.

July 10, 2007

RYN: I just heard two soft thuds as your nuts fell off.

July 10, 2007

I’ll be in your state next month. I’m going to St. Louis to visit the diarist formerly known as ‘elsie’. Any suggestions for the great city?

July 13, 2007

ry snakefilled pit n: once again – you have found a way to bring much needed levity to an otherwise unpleasant situation. Thank you.

July 16, 2007

ryn: no more like A-T-A

July 19, 2007

ryn: people are speculating that it’s Gamera, Chutulu, Godzilla and… crap, something else that starts with an R. i’m hoping that it’s something no one’s heard of. Except actually I really don’t care what monster it is. I’ve never been a big monster movie girl and I have full faith that JJ can make anything – godzilla, gamera, whatever – completely worth watching.

July 31, 2007

Tomorrow it will officially be a YEAR I’ve been waiting for an entry. I DEMAND an entry damn it! DEMAND it, you hear me! You’re probably married with kids and we don’t even know, or gone over to the other side, or god knows what!!! Don’t let my demented imagination run away with me man!

August 3, 2007

ryn: it’s an all-men’s magazine – just a men’s retail mag.

August 3, 2007

I say go for it. As long as he gives you the green flag… then why not?

August 6, 2007

Hmm. what a coincidence.

August 7, 2007

RYN: Would you believe I totally hadn’t thought of that? It’s very, VERY likely as there has recently been several kids in town who have it. Hm. Oh well, right? We all have to get them some time! Be well,

August 7, 2007

Over a year now… cough something up or the resulting bad juju will hand the AFC West to the Chargers.

August 10, 2007

Good lord. I came here to commend you on your latest note on J2’s diary, but then got overwhelmed by the massive amount of notes on this entry. You’re good, you.

Sorry about your dad.. *hugs* And by the way, you’re accumulating a fan base via your comment on J2’s entry.

August 10, 2007

You wrote on J2’s entry: As primal beings, we aren’t supposed to fly in planes or drive automobiles. You still scold your dog when he shits on the kitchen floor, right? It’s called evolution. You can’t handle the responsibility, you don’t get married! Man, you stole my words. Then I come here and understand what you write about the ‘EX’. Anyways, I feel like a vampire and I think people are thinking the same way about me. Consider yourself ‘hunted’.

August 14, 2007

I don’t think you are an idiot for getting involved with a buddy’s ex. I mean, he even gave you the go-ahead. and also, thanks for your note. I appreciate it.

August 20, 2007

ryn: i was counting falsehoods, not truths.

August 28, 2007

The details are simple enough. Puppies with parvo and kittens with distemper. Lack of staff, educated, dedicated or otherwise. 4 of us running it on top of working our regular jobs. A completely unhelpful community after they said they would if we did it. Being put in front of a fast moving train because no one else would do it.

September 4, 2007

RYN: You shaddup or I’ll put a frog in your pants. Be well,

September 4, 2007

ryn: Actually, I specifically asked for them in B/W. I think they have a more “timeless” feel that way. Color photos are nice, but not what I wanted for this… 🙂

September 6, 2007

ryn: what about me?

September 7, 2007

RYN Are you KIDDING? I think it’s AWESOME. If he saw what *I* used to look like maybe HE’D feel duped. lol I think it’s BADASS that he is so comfortable with himself and confident even when he wasn’t always so damn hot.

September 7, 2007

*Drags a spring board and cozy couch into your living room* Okay…let’s do this!! *grin*

ryn: dammit that is FUNNY!. I wish I had thought of that. I’d be dead nwo, but that may have been worth it

September 24, 2007

But I don’t want them both! That note was SUPPOSED to be telling CG he’s great but I am involved with someone else.

September 27, 2007

ryn: He does NOT!! Actually, he looks just like me… well, more like my dad… 🙂

Actually the Hunt family has a monsterously huge house in the neighborhood where I grew up (my house would have been on the utha side of the tracks) and my parents do earn some money from Hunt Oil. And I do drive by the in progress Hunt Oil headquarters every damn day on my way home from work. But I’m I ain’t gettin’ my ass shot for rootin’ for some team in red. Hell to the no!

October 3, 2007

ryn: I wouldn’t mind working as a biologist again- taking samples in the field and then compiling data and reports back at the office. I also would like to teach but probably on a part time basis. I have no great passion for either though which makes this easier, but both jobs pay a lot more than i’m making now working crappy temp jobs.

October 3, 2007

I would be an engineer or dietician. Both of which require another degree offered only at schools far away from here. I also had an idea for a home based business- sort of like catering but for regular dinners for families. But I have no money or car to start something like that up.

October 3, 2007

by the way, have you quit writing? are you married with kids now or something? how have you been???

October 3, 2007

ACTYN: I think you can read music better than I. In fact, you proved your worthiness by correcting me linguistically. BTW. The above acronym = Au-Contraire To Your Note. touche.

ryn: picky picky and i never said I would do it with her. but the fact that her hubby has to watch makes it a definite no

October 11, 2007

btw: don’t think that irony was lost on me. lol

October 11, 2007


October 11, 2007

RYN: I diiiiid, hehe. I was SO tempted by the chaps.. I don’t know if I’m making the right decision?! Ah, it’s hard being a woman! *laughs* I’ll just have to find a man who’s rich enough to buy me both 😉

October 11, 2007

RYN: No shit, huh? I guess it is a good thing I had him circumscised or else they probably would have done that, too.

October 16, 2007

Where ARE you?

October 23, 2007

I think it’s great! I LOVE ALL FLASHLIGHTS I’VE MET! And holy SHIT! It got a note out of you!

October 23, 2007

RYN: when did I ever tell you my age anyway?

Do you ever write here anymore? Or are they private and I’m not privy?

I miss you Parli. Come back.

November 13, 2007

The women of OD miss you! 😉 Be well,

November 26, 2007

You too, darlin. You are The Original. When are you coming to see me and Sophie? She’s still here too. What a diva, holy hannah! (Both of us, I mean.) 🙂 Anyway…hope you are feeling good & doing fine. xoxoxoxo

December 3, 2007

RYN: No. he’s an ass, but he isn’t ‘unfit’. Aside from that, he’s more present as a father than the majority of dads, married or otherwise. I don’t like him much… but he is their dad. Unless he were physically abusing them, or putting them in danger or neglecting them, I would not keep him from his children.

December 4, 2007

RYN: true, true. Ah, the lessons I’ve learned over the past year. Seems like your past sage advice has finally sunk in. : )

December 11, 2007

RYN: Thank you. Thank you for your words and insight. They mean a lot to me, more than I am capable of expressing right now. Be well.

December 17, 2007

ryn: no way i expected him to “get over it.” be an adult, yes. no reason to exclude me from his life – i was a good friend to him, we had great times together – not dated-related. i wouldn’t have deleted him and ignored him…that’s just immature. i didn’t do anything to warrant the behavoir he’s had. sure, he should pull away and take time for himself…i get that (as my entry said). but tobe a dick? not cool in my book.

December 17, 2007

PLUS…we were only dating…not even boyfriend/girlfriend. the guy is over 30…grow up.

December 17, 2007

i won’t dump you ya schmuck.

You know, the thought of whether I’ll look Islamic in pictures has not once crossed my mind yet now that’s all I’ll see when I look at that picture. Nope, won’t see the “OMG, it’s so fucking cold at this damn Cowboys game” look. Nope. I’ll only see myself as a terrorist. Merry Christmas to you too! 😛 Btw, can you write a friggin entry so I don’t have to note down in Mexico?

December 18, 2007

Did not lowball…AND, they’re legally obligated to respond in writing in some way–even if it’s a rejection. He’s refusing to do that.

Well that’ll only shove the stick that’s up her ass further in. still noting in Mexico… entry? ever?

January 2, 2008

RYN: Listen you, just because Christmas is over doesn’t mean you get to start over on naughty vs. nice! What scares me is that it’s probably been done! Be well,

January 11, 2008

RYN – He’s doing great. He won’t need radiations or chemo for now! There’s this new hormonal treatment that seems to be very successful with his type of cancer (and has no side effects). They are going to evaluate him again in a couple of months. Keep your fingers crossed! Thank you for asking, Duke. You know I love you.

I’m glad I can be a source of your amusement. Never saw Pan’s Labyrinth. Was iffy on it before but The Orphanage makes me want to see it for sure, but I’ve never seen The Godfather (shock & horror!) so that’s up next on my netflix. Pan will have to wait.

January 14, 2008

RYN: LMAO. Stop! You’ll make me drunk in the spirit!

January 14, 2008

RYN: Yup! That was me! Hope you’re having a good 2008 so far!

Stefani and I tried drinking every time we heard “America,” “terrorist” and some other word while watching the movie. We quickly gave up.

Holy crap!

I’ll tell you if you write an entry.

January 23, 2008

RYN: Personally? I think he’s in for the ass beating of a lifetime. Be well,

January 28, 2008

RYN: Did you actually read my entry? I said I wasn’t going to post ‘caveat emptor” on my POF profile.

January 28, 2008

btw, I don’t see how something personal can be “pretentious”. How ’bout you leave a note after you’ve had a cup of coffee and come back in a good mood.

I prefer hardwoods myself.

Btw, did Jimmy ever point out his new diary to you?

February 1, 2008

It’s always so weird to me to see notes from you on my page anymore… not bad, just weird. You should do it more, you know? **smile** As for the distance thing, I know. That’s why I’m trying to be patient… If it was like this with him living here, then I would be running by now, but the distance does add some weight. Altho, I have to keep in mind that with him being Army, distance is going to be a recurring thing with us.

February 5, 2008

RYN: I did see that link! Do I need all the extras that come with it though? I mean sure, $6 and change but if the extras listed below are needed it adds up? Be well,

February 5, 2008

r: nope, not faves only. just don’t write much. cloverfield: i really really loved it .going to see it again with my dad. you? did you like it?

February 5, 2008

Hey would it be possible to get added to your fav list? I really want to read the entry you wrote about mp3 players. ‘m one of cinderella’s fav’s…she would vouch for me 🙂

I saw the note you left on Cinderella’s entry, and I, too, would like to know where to get an MP3 player for six fiddy. Thank you.

February 6, 2008

ryn: that was a bit of a cop out note.

I left out one part: serving them in Agent Provocateur

February 14, 2008

RYN: Thanks!!!

Not unless you write an entry. But I find it hard to believe you aren’t writing. Either you have a major case of the block OR you’re cheating on us, i.e., me. And I can’t have a Valentine that cheats on me, can I?

Kill for them? Eh. Pay for them? She did.

i’m on pills .. they keep changing then none seem to be working

February 29, 2008

RYN: I wish I could go there for a night; but it’s a gentleman’s club, ie. men only I’m afraid. All I’ll do is write an email (send some saucy modelling pics, hehe) and phone them up asking for details/some questions (I have lots!) I haven’t abandoned ‘wildchief’ as such, I’m just taking a break – I kind of reached the stage where I lost my will to write so much x

Well, then it was just meant to be.

ryn: I know, I can’t believe he did it to himself. No meds for pain or anything, of course I think he drank himself into a drunken stupor following his “operation” but I don’t blame him for that!

March 13, 2008

The point was neither her proximity to Hillary nor the blatantly racist aspect of her statements. It was that in this year when it should be a complete gimme for whoever the Dem nominee is to win, that they are collectively trying their damndest to f0ck up. As a senior stateswoman of the party, GF should have known better than to make such a statement regardless of whether it has any basis in validity. And she isn’t doing herself or Hillary or her party any favors by continuing to try and defend herself. She should just say “it was a stupid thing to say” and go away. This has nothing to do with McCain at all.

Oh well. I already have a front row seat in hell waiting on me because of many, many other things. I doubt the beef and wine are gonna make a dent.

ryn: lol, she was too paranoid about swallowing it! So, instead she ended up swallowing her tooth instead of having something in there to keep her open that there is NO way she could have swallowed. She actually wanted to hold the doc’s hands on the pliers as he pulled! We had out a reg adult bite block and a pediatric one but she wouldn’t let us use either of them.

Next time you & your friends are hanging out in the Missouri Valley Special Collections part of the KC Public Library, I’ll let you photocopy 5 pages from 2 books for me. I think there is a road block because his wife died before they had kids. Willie hopes that he remarried & had kids but given this dude’s story, I doubt it. I think he too had a bachelor manifesto, minus the manifesto.

You are such a nerd.

April 11, 2008

ryn: We spent $1500 apiece on the platinum package. That included our hotel for three nights, Midday Madness tickets, Hall of Fame tickets, two-day passes to Universal Studios, and of course, it guaranteed us ringside seats at the show. The price for just the ringside ticket was $750. Totally worth it. 🙂

I was sitting here gaping at the number of notes you have received for this entry, then I realized it’s over a year and a half old. Why don’t you write more? *groan* That picture of me is NASTY. But hey…they asked for unflattering.

RYN: You’re alive! 😉 Good to see you’re still around. How ya doing?

Uh! What a pahty poopah! I think the headset is fun.

May 9, 2008

RYN: I think that was the nicest note you’ve ever left me. Okay, well, besides the one where you told me I looked hot, but whatever. I wonder how you’re doing. Married yet? I’m coming to KC sometime soon….

May 12, 2008

RYN: I’ll update my interests when you update your diary =P

May 27, 2008

RYN: Of course…going back to re-read…

lol You jerk!

June 2, 2008

RYN: Say what you want, I know you have a man-crush on me.

June 4, 2008

RYN: Rome is… it’s okay. But you’re right. Huge gaps in time and it felt arch and over the top. They completely glossed over Caesar and Cleopatra. I think they tried to do too much and didn’t let the storylines & characters breathe as a result. Friday Night Lights, on the otherhand, is masterful. It’s an AMAZING show. I can’t get over how good it is and how compelling the characters are. You feel everything they’re going through… and it’s *just* football, but of course, it’s not – it’s about love, security, community. The stakes feel higher for them to win a game than it ever did for Caesar to conquer Gaul or rule over Rome. And that, in the end, was the biggest problem with Rome. I never felt like anyone (other than Titus Pullo or Veronus) had anything real to lose.

June 4, 2008

RYN: *leaves my Les Paul at your feet* Slayer kicked my ass so hard.

June 6, 2008

2006? so are you going to tell us what happened?????

June 9, 2008

Seems to me like you’ve had your time to think about it for sometime and it would be prudent to make it clear to Mark whom by your account won’t have a ripple in his pond. Go get yours.

Oh, I know. But I have a knack for picking out the tools. And with him it’d be comfortable and safe. Which sounds nothing like new and exciting. Scratch that. – I implore you to either write something new or just put up a blank page. My finger gets tired scrolling all the way down, and it seems I’m not in the minority.

Just noticed you’re no longer a robot!

June 12, 2008

I don’t know if you ever write anymore but I just wanted to tell you that I see your notes everywhere and you give such excellent advice. Just an observation not a solicitation:) Hope you are well.


June 16, 2008

ryn: I don’t think so, but it does look like a lot of his stuff. I’m not sure who did that one. But it’s going to be my next tattoo.

June 16, 2008

ryn: Wow, that looks really similar. Maybe he is the artist here and just isn’t credited on the website where I found the drawing. That is a badass thunderbird.

You get out of town, you…you…unbeliever!

June 23, 2008

RYN: I give up, what happened in 1208 A.D.?

Ok, Mr. Mackey.

June 23, 2008

*perks up* WHAT?! REALLY?? Now Duke, you just can’t drop the M-bomb in my notes and run. I demand answers. Especially because it isn’t ME you are marrying! 😉 Be well,

It’s great that I could look at them and make fun of them now at age 27. But as I type they are now in the recycling bin. I did keep the pin up girl one, but only because she wrote a long typed letter with it and she mentioned my grandfather.

July 1, 2008

RYN: Gravel, just gravel. It had been sprinkling, but the ground wasn’t wet. The gravel felt like marbles in a cartoon. My feet slid and I felt my face hit the sidewalk. As rotten as my memory is, I can CLEARLY remember hitting and cringe whenver I recall it. Strange, huh? My medical is good, I think so far I only owe a little over $1,000. But that doesn’t include everything I’ve SPENT mindyou. But the medical bills are being covered and my boss is waiting to look into making a claim against the school district that owned the lot. Apparently they KNEW there was gravel on the sidewalks and were going to get it cleaned up……..

July 3, 2008

Are you still writing? I saw a note from you on one of my fav’s entry just now. Is it because I’m not a fav? Boo hiss

July 3, 2008

What the heck is going on with your Chiefs’ fans code of conduct???????? Are you serious?

Yeah, that too. Stupid light house.

I’ve dated two (2!) friends of exes, and in one case, I think it could have worked had he not been so skeeved out by that whole rule, which he’d never broken before and thought should be upheld no matter what. *sad sigh* Oh well. *random noter*

July 8, 2008

i came here to leave you one of those sad “add me to your favorites” pleas, but are you public? i realize that this is the equivalent of talking to myself.. i’m adding you anyway.

July 18, 2008

WTF lurker! I think it’s time for an update. Say YES?!?!

Hell no, my body is WaY better than that chick

July 22, 2008

ryn: thank you for your note about the PSO job. Yes, I’m aware that I will mostly get weird requests because I’ve been reading up on PSO for a year. I also write on here about sex and others’ ideas, fantasies, etc…and get a lot of “interesting” things we’ll say 🙂

lol It’s not that great. If you added a few inches it’d be a habit.

It’s a shame you don’t write in here anymore. I read your back entries to 2003 and they were really entertaining.

July 27, 2008

ryn: haha i know but he won’t file me the in booty call category, he just won’t. i just think it would be tacky and petty not to respond at all, and even if he did file me as a b.c., i don’t have to comply, right?

Shouldn’t you have some photos to share right about now? Seriously though, congrats on the wedding which if I remember rightly should have been really recent. I hope it was wonderful and beautiful and fun. And if you do have a photo or two I’d LOVE to see them, and you still have my email address right? (catherine.kelly@history.ox.ac.uk) xx

July 28, 2008

ryn: under normal circumstances i’d agree with you but he’s really not like that. and i’d totally agree with you if i’d just met him but we’ve known each other for like fifteen years. but i don’t expect to hear from him at all quite honestly, late on a weekend or otherwise.

July 28, 2008

ryn: oh to the contrary..i have lost someone who was dear to me… just last year. 🙂 why can I not be happy about it? you also have to know what my views of death are and if you imagine i have typical views then yes, my happiness and welcoming it would seem strange wouldn’t it?

July 28, 2008

ryn: you are correct, witnessing someone dying is quite painful… my mother used to do hospice like work…i went with her to Esther’s house all the time..this woman I knew for a few years..I was in high school..I saw her once a week, she told me stories…gave me knick knacks… I watched her die …she wasn’t a relative, she wasn’t either of my parents but..she was a woman who I was close to..as close as a high school girl can be to a woman in her 80s 🙂 its all painful …very painful indeed…I felt my body wracked with grief for …i don’t know how long…you cannot say it lasted for a certain amount of time…it lasts with you…forever.. but i also feel death is not the end..and t his isn’t because i am afraid or because i am affiliated with any particular religion..it is because i feel energy of people who have passed on, people have just been in the room..i’m very sensitive. i can’t explain it but..it was never sad …for me..in the sense of feeling regret or…umm..i never asked “why?” it just is… it was..a grueling time for me..to know this woman was dying but. it was beautiful too…what an extraordinary process…even though she was in pa

July 28, 2008

she wanted to go..my grandmother is dying (well technically we all are) now..she has deminsia (argh i cannot spell it) pretty bad…its difficult that she does not remember who i am or who my father is..she’s loosing it and dying but…she seems happy and okay about it..i think she wants to.. i also almost lost my own life 2 years ago. i was in a bad car accident. i was getting on the expressway, it was Dec..in Ohio..sky was clear but there was a patch of ice on the entrance..i fish tailed couldn’t get out of it, a semi hit me at 50-60 mph..my entire car wasa crushed..i climbed out myself, no coma (although i did throw up the next day…doctors couldn’t say i had a coma though..nothing showed up) i have one tiny scar on my knee…i had bruises.. you would think i would have panicked..i know i screamed because i had glass in my mouth but i don’t remember it..instead..i felt this immense peace..i felt calm and rational and liberated.. not that i was ever really afraid of dying but…i always had that normal healthy dose of fear of the unknown … it was the most beautiful moment of my entire life. so far anyway 🙂

July 28, 2008

so you see, this is why i welcome it, why i welcome other people dying..because i have already been there. because i have had a glimpse of what it means to die, what it is like for those people to pass on…it was wonderful and while i am grief stricken when people i know have passed on…i also remember my moment..and i am happy for them.. does it make sense? and…i know i have blabberedon and i *really* hope i have not been insensitive…i’m really really sorry if i have…because even though i have not said anything offensive it can still affect someone in a negative way and..well you know what i mean i’m sure.

July 28, 2008

🙂 and in regards to your entry…maybe you should give it a go!! technically your buddy has given you the nod, a while ago it sounds like…obviously there is a connection. 6 years ago i started dating a man for 3 years…my current fiance and i definitely had a bit of chemistry but dismissed it…we were living in close quarters (we lived on a train, at the time we both worked for a circus)…my now fiance heard my ex and I screwing al lthe time, he saw me go to the shower, blah blah.. 3 years after my ex and i broke up i reconnected with my now fiance and well you can guess things are fine 🙂 at first my ex was mad at us but only because we didnt say anything to him for a while… now my ex is engaged to someone else and well honestly, everything is fine. its great! so i say go for it.

July 28, 2008

My god you must have over a hundred notes! How do you get so popular? The most notes I ever had was like 30 but usually I have 5-10 notes.

July 29, 2008

ryn: haha i already did, and i guarantee you i won’t get the 2 a.m. call. i don’t think i’ll hear from him again period but my email wasn’t gushy or girlie, i promise.

July 29, 2008

Only because they SPELLED it right! Jesus dude, when are you going to WRITE.

July 29, 2008

ryn: yeah, was that a bad call? 😉

August 20, 2008

RYN: Ahhhhh, the rare note from Parly! I loved it. About your note now. I KNOW!! Totally granola, right? Yeah, they live in Ashland, Oregon and every year for Christmas I get a spliff from my stoner Tio and a copy of We’Moon (http://www.wemoon.ws/) from my Tia (gotta keep my natural womyn Gaia rhythms in order!). On the opposite side of my family spectrum, I have my Grandma, who lives on acattle ranch with my other uncles: a bunch of NRA cattle ranchin’, Copenhagen dippin’, rodeo-ropin’ good ole boy Republicans. Family Reunions are HIGH-LARIOUS, to say the least.

August 20, 2008

If I could get him to talk about it in person, it would be. But neither one of us is good at “talking” and so I got my feelings out there and if he will talk about them tonight, then he will, if not, I’ve said what *I’m* feeling at least.

RYN: Thanks, sweet.

Hey I’ll be in Las Vegas in October!!! You have to give me suggestions for what to do there, where to go…

September 3, 2008

RYN: Ahaha! I called her on that this morning and she said “I wondered how long it would take you to remember that conversation.” I told her that I didn’t, someone else did it for me and she said I reallllly need that vacation time. True dat. Be well,

September 5, 2008

ryn: YOU bumped into the CEILING which now needs to WASHED and STERILIZED so you get NOTHING! I love that shizz. Also, I PARLAYED you an invite to the next ram fam damily family reunion. Let’s get drunk! Rednecks and Ganga. It’s going to be epic.

September 15, 2008

Thanks for the charity win =)

September 15, 2008

RYN: Because without me, so many more would die. That is why I took it on in the first place. I can’t let them all die. It would kill ME.

October 1, 2008

RYN: I’d rather electrocute myself, but thanks for the offer =P. If things hold true to form, Kiffen will be introduced as the new head coach of the Chiefs the day after the season ends. It’ll be fun to have each one of the division rivals hate the Raiders with such a personal burning passion that those six games every year become a vendetta. Oh yes, so much fun in the future.

October 4, 2008

more diary writing, more diary writing, more diary writing . . .

Errant butt cheek.

thanks, buddy. that note was every bit as comforting as a sympathy card in a time of sorrow. you rock.

I was going to hurt you but you redeemed yourself with the other note.

November 7, 2008

RYN: YES. Thank you. I was so hoping you’d weigh in! Be well,

You’ve not already seen the video?! It’s always my luck. There was the time I got a Photobucket and uploaded unmentionables, not realizing the album was automatically public. Or the time my mom came visiting and found bikini pictures of me that looked like I was mid-orgasm. Makes me want to writhe on the floor punching myself in the face.

I hate you sometimes. And I know I have no argument because you were right about Christopher and BOY WAS I WRONG.

Btw, I did not get hit in the head by you so I’m not sure if you knew how right you were… http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D288424&entry=20613&mode=

December 13, 2008

ryn: today we are both a little heart broken then.

ryn- Really? hahaha I guess I can see that!

December 30, 2008

*flashes you* Just seeing if you were awake. 😉 Be well,

Are you ever coming back?

January 26, 2009

Well, at least your nightmare is over.

February 13, 2009

2 1/2 years without an entry is an awfully long time. I know you’re still around – I see your notes. What’s up Duke?

March 12, 2009

O.k. Seriously. 🙂

I think this entry has more notes than Blather’s last.

May 1, 2009

Phuck!!! Get many notes? Kitten…..cast your net further afield! Oh you corn-fed boys! How I love you! Now keep it in your pants, skippy. kisses,

June 1, 2009

RYN: hi.

Ever coming back?

OH MY GOD, I fell off my chair. I thought you died. Not really. But still. The doc is pretty effing annoyed with my grandmother and actually thought we were taking him home. Turns out what the doc says is opposite f what my grandmother tells us. It’s so messed up. My grandmother wants to wash her hands of every thing and be the kissing wife ONLY. He doesn’t qualify for much andshe’s living in la la land because she thinks everything will be free. It’s all falling on my mom and Willie, with me as the go-between. If I have to do this again with my parents, I will move to Thailand and never come back.

It’s almost 2014. How have things turned out?

August 6, 2009

RYN: no shit, but I can’t afford one right now!!!

September 9, 2009

ryn: OMG. OMMMMMGGGGG. I can’t believe it, but like, I didn’t even KNOW you lived in the KC! I totally would have met up with you, and probably like, got drunk and then frenched you inappropriately. I LOURVE YOU! But since you don’t write, I don’t know anything about you. So, maybe you have, you know, a girlfriend, and she might punch me in the FACE for the inappropriate frenching. And that wouldhave been a bad Kansas City Missouri experience. Or maybe you have a boyfriend. YOU SEE PARLIMENT, I KNOW NOTHING. All I know is that you leave the best notes and I love your face.

September 25, 2009

You are KILLING me!!! But that’s why I love you sooooooo much! Jerk.

October 6, 2009

RYN: You’re not a shithead. I love you.

October 9, 2009

I’m looking for the way out to happy not dead. Never fear dear P. I have to travel through all this darkness if I am ever going to find a way to let it go.

November 2, 2009

I want to be the LAST NOTE !!!! Hey MAN, How ya been ?? Are you married and all tied down yet ?? I’m still around, doing lots of other stuff……. nice to see you are still reading your notes. Let me know how you’re doing, hope all is well !!!……Cheers…..

November 9, 2009

Dammit, Parliament! What do you want to know? If we had sex? No we didn’t.

January 4, 2010

Hm. My last note didn’t post. RYN: It depends on what you mean by normal business hours. CC is the boss, and he doesn’t really have “normal” hours. He comes and goes. But yes, he gets in touch with me throughout the day…some days. Other days I don’t hear from him at all. I’m being cautious. I hope I’m being cautious enough…without being TOO cautious. *sigh*

January 6, 2010

ryn: I’m sure I’ve noted it here before, but you were right with all your guy advice during the B.E. era… it just took a while for it to all sink in but it finally has and with the right man to boot! Thanks again for all your two cents. 🙂

January 21, 2010

ryn: Your words mean more to me than you know. 🙂

February 1, 2010

RYN: I haven’t been in a relationship with anyone else. Bleh.

February 4, 2010

RYN: yeah, you’re right.

February 5, 2010

wait a minute.. i just realized this dinosaur of an entry is about your wife! I guess it did work out for you ha ha. when are you going to write again?

April 2, 2010

You’re MARRIED now? Woo Hoo! Good for you! Wishing you all the happiness! RYN: I get it about teenage girls. I mean, I have a couple of them… only my girls are… well, mine, and I know them so well that it doesn’t occur to me that ALL teenage girls aren’t like they are… until I talk to my teenage son! :}

April 2, 2010


April 8, 2010

RYN: Not sure who you’re talking about with Stephen. Never dated one…

April 8, 2010

RYN: Also, I’ve never dated a referee… or anyone that works with the referees… coaches or players or any of that.

April 8, 2010

RYN: No, James never had a password… never wanted one. I offered a couple of times. And even if he had, he doesn’t know any of the refs I work with. Doesn’t know anyone I socialize with in any way…

April 20, 2010

RYN: It was NOT! There will be no sucking going on in my diary unless I specifically say so! Um. That said… Really, you were the fourth person to tell me. 😉 xoxox,

May 5, 2010

I see you leave notes but never write anymore. How goes it?

June 3, 2010

randomed in from ginger snap – i’d say you waited exactly the right amount of time. enjoy.

June 21, 2010

I don’t FUCKING believe it. You’re ALIVE. xoxo

July 8, 2010

RYN: You shut it or I’ll send your kid a litter of puppies. And a PONY. And fingerpaints, the non washable kind! 🙂

July 12, 2010

RYN: I think you’re kinda douchey to call ME douchey because you don’t agree with a stupid diary entry. Nice way to present your point of view, by calling me names and saying that I suck at my job. What’s the matter with you? Why do you think it’s okay to lash out at me in such a personal way, just because you disagree with what I say? Plus, you spelled “condescension” wrong.

July 14, 2010

RYN: The new job allows me to telecommunte eventually, but in the beginning I will have to work on-site to get things kicked off. I’m not sure how open they’d be to me working from out of the area completely…hmmmm

July 14, 2010

reading this entry now makes me giggle, duke. guess you answered your own questions, yeah? i wish you were writing here. i know a little one and life in general makes it tough, but i really, really miss the golden age of OD…you were such a big part of that for me. 🙂 big love!

August 27, 2010

RYN: Big Daddy…. YES!

November 16, 2010
January 10, 2011

RYN: I don’t even understand your note…what do you mean by recycled? It’s only happened once that I can remember.

February 28, 2011

Are you smokin crack? I’m confused.

April 4, 2011

Believe it or not, hilarious is what I was shooting for…well, with the intro song, anyway. 😀 Eric

I appreciate the suggestion. Ziggy loved salmon and would go bananas anytime I bought a can as a treat. However… we buried her last night. She’d been getting better or at least had perked up, it seemed, but I guess not. Ugh, I thought I was fine until I typed this out.

I knooooooooooooow. You’re right. I know this completely. But it sucks, it’s hard and I did go out Saturday night. But it sucked, it ****ing sucked. I swear I’m working on getting over him. I swear. I really swear. I’m just moving at a snail’s pace. I need to rip the band-aid off like last time, but I don’t want to just yet.

RYN: Yes, she was.

July 22, 2011

Hey Kiddo, How ya doing??…… ha…… When we gonna do that Kansas City Football game???….. I’m still waiting….hey, are you on Facebook??….. look for me at “Michael Mike Colly Howlett: on Fb…. Hope all is well and you are doing GREAT….. keep in touch!

October 20, 2011

miss you.

November 21, 2011

ryn: you see what you want to see.

June 1, 2013

ryn: I used to be on medication a few times but there were always severe side effects (mainly being completely unable to eat and massive weight loss). With all the pregnancy and breastfeeding the past 5 years I haven’t even bothered trying again.

Well, knock me down with a feather! And NO. Unless I’m an invalid and then all bets are off. I’ll take whatever I can get!

September 19, 2013

RYN: You’re absolutely right about “ED”. I laugh at myself every time I think of it, to the point that I really like it now. Besides, I like “Easy Diary”, because that’s my goal; to make it as easy for the diarist to use as possible. 🙂 Eric

September 26, 2013

I miss you. You’re one of my original favorites from 14 years ago.

January 31, 2014

You are one of the first diaries I read, way back when. I hope you are well, and wish you luck in the future.