Goodbye, Rube.

ASPEN, Colo. – Hunter S. Thompson, the hard-living writer who inserted himself into his accounts of America’s underbelly and popularized a first-person form of journalism in books such as “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,” has committed suicide.

Thompson was found dead Sunday in his Aspen-area home of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, sheriff’s officials said. He was 67. Thompson’s wife, Anita, had gone out before the shooting and was not home at the time.

Besides the 1972 classic about Thompson’s visit to Las Vegas, he also wrote “Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72.” The central character in those wild, sprawling satires was “Dr. Thompson,” a snarling, drug- and alcohol-crazed observer and participant.

Thompson is credited alongside Tom Wolfe and Gay Talese with helping pioneer New Journalism – or, as he dubbed it, “gonzo journalism” – in which the writer made himself an essential component of the story.


Log in to write a note
February 21, 2005

Hmm. I hadnt heard this yet.

February 21, 2005

Yeah, we got this news last night. Sad.

February 21, 2005

I JUST watched Fear and Loathing yesterday! (I read it back in college, but never saw the movie). What a shame.

February 21, 2005
February 21, 2005

Yeah, I heard about this on the news this morning. Eric

February 21, 2005

Man I did not hear about this…read and own both of those books. Shocker.

February 21, 2005

Looks like he went out on his terms, and I doubt he would have let it happen any other way.

My thought was that this was the inevitable end of an egomanical, disturbed man. The cynic in me says, “Good career move.” The better person in me hopes that he rests in peace. He sure didn’t have any while here.

February 21, 2005
February 21, 2005

I heard this on the radio this morning. It’s very sad. They said that he was found by his son. I didn’t realize that he lived in CO – near Aspen – not that that means anything.

February 21, 2005

I’m more of an Arthur Miller mourner.

February 22, 2005
February 22, 2005


February 22, 2005

I heard about this in a divey diner, on the radio, watching an old man make me eggs. It seemed the right way to find out, and I got inexplicably sad, sadder than I thought.

February 22, 2005

ryn: thanks. you have…once again… made things crystal clear for me. you are so wise 🙂 –

February 22, 2005

so strange…i was on a date when i heard, and the first thing i thought about doing was getting to a computer so i could check in with you and leave you a note. love you,

February 24, 2005

yeah. that’s really sad. the saddest part of it is I…don’t know…who…that was….

February 28, 2005

RYN: With their current salary cap problems, it might end up being the janitor from the weight room. He can’t really read a defense yet, but I hear he’s got one hell of an arm. Yes, I’m crying.

February 28, 2005

Hey, I know a guy that can help….all you have to do is match his ~$10M salary and cough up a couple of first round picks.

my ass was on readers choice… oh lord!

February 28, 2005

ryn: so what do you think her deal is? I am not sure why this bothers me so much, but she is just so out there. LIke she’s pitching a new 90210 type show where girl runs off from horrid job, cuts her hair, dies it blond and hits the road landing in NYC, etc. Like Rainy in the City. Ugh.

March 2, 2005

ryn: exactly. My imaginary book advance is going to be HUGE and fabulous. YOu know the one, the one for my imaginary book. My lack of motivation is just slightly less than my lack of talent.

March 6, 2005

Rest in peace, man! Aims

March 6, 2005

ryn: I have the BEST feet.

March 7, 2005

RYN: What a great note that was! I would soooo love for you to talk to Jeff. I can hear the whole conversation in my head right now, and it makes me laugh! I think that Jeff does need a guy to talk to, a real guy, an experienced guy unlike any of his friends. I’m sure you would scare him though. He bruises easily.

March 8, 2005

RYN: It’s hard to pronounce “F” when you’re all numbed up. But thanks.

I start rehab tommorow. Thought you might be glad. 🙂

Thank you. I can’t wait! I don’t know WHY! I am scared I will be a boring, non fun person, but then again, how exciting or fun is someone whom is always WASTED or hungover? YEAH. I KNOW. So, anything, is going to be better. I will be strong, and it will turn out good. 🙂

ryn- how can I request it form her if I cant even note her…..? Or is there some other way I am not aware of??

March 10, 2005

Yeah, He lived life the way he wanted to, and ended it when he wanted to………. I guess he was done with living……….

March 11, 2005

RYN – Yes! When’s your birthday?

RYN: No, it didn’t offend me. I deleted several notes from that entry which is something I tend to do. Hell I delete my diary about every 30 days. I’m weird. 😉 I’ll take plenty of preggo pics just for you.

March 14, 2005

RYN – I read it, too. So? Address? Birthday?

March 14, 2005

Not so much what?

ryn: I wonder if Bruce should be creating a Garage Door-Challenged section in Interests. 🙂

Came across these, they are interesting and another perspective …

March 16, 2005

RYN- Your anal reviews? I agree. Careful.

March 16, 2005

RYN: You are the lone dissenter. Sorry. 🙂

March 16, 2005

Go back and Refresh.

March 16, 2005

RYN: Amazing. Regarding #8. Who do they call when their ROUND STOVE breaks!? Some of them, though, I would LOVE to live in. That candy apple red bidet!? So hot!

RYN: Hey, thanks for stopping by 🙂

March 19, 2005

RYN: Well eventually I’ll feel better… Like August or something.

March 21, 2005

RYN: “Somebody needs to do it.” Why? Because it’s “illegal”? Well, driving 60 MPH in a 55 zone is “illegal”, but I don’t think they should make a federal case out of it. And yeah, I’m comparing steroid use among ‘adults’ to a traffic violation. I just think that it’s a classic case of using the wrong tool for the wrong job. Eric

March 21, 2005

wanna double down? want a lap dance? i’m reaching. i just randomed here and read back. hm. hi.

March 21, 2005

ryn: cool, you’ll have to let me know if that happens. What would you be doing?

I will do, dont worry.

March 22, 2005

ryn: Vibrating controller? I’m all over that. ;o)

March 22, 2005

RYN: REALLY? Hmmm… I didn’t notice. Maybe it’s a random rotating ad, and when I went it was different? *shrug* Eric

March 23, 2005

ryn: oooh secretive 😉 –

March 23, 2005

ryn: Thanks for the addition. In reality my question was about YOU ALL HAVE (ya’llve)? Doubting it’s a word, but if I’m using ya’ll, I might as well use ya’llve, right?

March 24, 2005

RYN – Because he doesn’t wave back. And he’s ugly.

March 25, 2005

So how do you meet women? Is the bar/club crowd any better? Have you tried the singles groups? Friends of friends? What do people do to meet people in the real world?

Ha ha, nice joke cock fu#er. Is that your baby on the front page? Cos its fuc#ing ugly.

I am definitely interested in your scar. Please add me to your faves, read on about the project and let me know what you think. Where you are located, your impressions, etc.

Damn. You have a lot of noters (please feel free to post info about my project in such a fertile place as this!) Anyhow…RYN: what is craigslist? (Internet/computer moron here). I have heard of it, but don’t know what it is…I will have to check it out. Thank you very much for the info. PS..I liked Hunter from Rolling Stone.

O.M. f’in. G! Craigslist is so cool! I just gave it a cursory glance and I haven’t looked at prices etc…but thank you so much.

March 27, 2005

that was such a crazy movie!

March 28, 2005

RYN: awww honey buns! I’m flattered!! FYI: today’s pink bow day!

March 28, 2005

RYN: Thank you, you made me feel better. STILL! Ack! I can’t even imagine. I’d be mortified. Be well,

March 28, 2005

ryn: I don’t know if he meant to insult me or cover his own ass, but wierdly enough. I’m totally wanting to have sex with him again, but be really good at it this time.

March 29, 2005

ryn: ummm, not sure what I did to deserve that note…..

March 29, 2005

rywhatever: Dang, someone’s snarky today!!!! (or maybe I’m just reading you wrong!) You know I love you Duke! Of course, I had to stare and stare at my outfit to figure out what was “wrong” with it – other than the spit up I discovered shows on the picture, I figured I was lucky I was clothed at all – there are many weekends I don’t make it out of my pjs!

Ah yet another pointless note from my number one reader. Oh by the way, that is an exceptionally ugly baby you have their, musy take after you thatn. Come back again somtime.

Yo dick head, why no note me back, cant take sh#t from someone else eh you ugly mother fu#ker.

March 30, 2005

Looking dayum sexy on the front page too! Hell NO I won’t tell you who she is! And she keeps forgetting it anyways. Arg.

March 30, 2005

I don’t know who you think you are but you are a complete jerk. I read your notes from 25 years later and I would have to say that you obviously are too much into yourself to realise that some people do make mistakes and that they can change and become a different person. Why do you have to be so mean to the guy? Don’t you think he has suffered enough?


March 30, 2005

RYN: Yes, I suppose you are right. Until I feel safe again though, this is the way it’s going to be. Besides darling, you have access, what more could you possibly want? 😉 Be well,

March 31, 2005

ryn: i think i’m just gonna ignore it, but man is your offer tempting! i’d love to see what YOU’D come up with!

March 31, 2005

hmmm…Thanks for the hate notes. Grrrr. I guess I’m not a ‘favorite’ any more. ;o/

March 31, 2005

RYN: Ok, I’ll bite. What exactly was it about Top Gun that you hated? Eric

March 31, 2005

RYN: I know what you mean about not liking something because everyone around you is bonkers over it and it drives you nuts. I was that way about Friends. I didn’t even watch one single episode until after it went to syndication. However, with Top Gun, I never saw it in the theater, when all the big hoopla was being made. I didn’t see it until they had it on TV. Eric

March 31, 2005

ryn: Ok, is it my imagination that you have some entries missing since I last looked…or am I losing it?

RYN: Laughing my ass off!!

April 1, 2005

So when shall I move in with you?

Yo ugly, you be smoking crack. What diary you be talking then gay? Damn, ugly and stupid, your the total package. Life be crap.

So you admit that the baby on your min page is ugly? Thats a little harsh, but if thats what you honestly think of it, I mean her, ah well.

April 1, 2005

RYN: Thanks for the encouragement.

April 2, 2005

RYN: That’s kind of you to say. 🙂 Be well,

April 2, 2005

ryn: he is amazing. email me at and I will forward your email onto him and intro. thanks so much

RYN: No, but its funny you say that, because I think that is all that might help me as I just keeping going further downward on my own. I was just thinking about going inpatient today. We’ll see. Thanks. I know you care and its good to know.

April 5, 2005

RYN: I was like “Toitle? What is a toitle?” I actually googled it! I feel so stupid now! A site for Teenage Mutant Ninja Totiles came up. LOL

April 5, 2005

RYN: Well I did say maybe I was being harsh, and that American’s work hard and might just be exhausted. I know I’m American… it’s just that… we could be better, don’t you think? Like better dressed, environmental, and on-board with Metrics. That’s all. Oh and the gun thing. Maybe we could do something about all the guns.

April 5, 2005

sweetie: write. that is all. love!

April 13, 2005

RYN: I agree with you. You always have great advice, by the way. But what do I say if he reverts to the herpes excuse? Is there a come back for that?

April 14, 2005

RYN: You seem a lot wiser regarding relationships than I, so I think you will be the winner here. I expect a full report! I kind of expect my answer will be: settle.

RYN: Ya think? Actually, I’m not weird at all…just midly amused at certain things from time to time 😉

RYN: I knew that…or at least, was hoping that 🙂

RYN: Oh yeah! Thanks. I fergot. 😉

Speaking of which, when are you going to write another entry?? *smiles*

RYN: LMAO…again! Unlike most others, you appreciated the humor in my entry. Major points for that 😉

April 20, 2005

RYN: Matthew had training wheels for two years. It didn’t help at all. As for the pope, I stand by my comments. I think the pope is just as dangerous as the president at this point. This is not the time to be electing extremists.

April 20, 2005

RYN: They may not necessarily get worse, but I can’t see it getting any better.

April 24, 2005

Poor old Hunter S Thompson..

April 26, 2005

RYN: That isn’t the way the term is meant. Yes, there are feminists out there who blame men for the problem. There are also feminists out there who simply realize that men and women have to work together to eradicate sexual violence. Simply arming women isn’t enough–that would turn life into a war zone.

April 26, 2005

Did you just stay in Vegas or what? Have you even GONE?

Parli, reading your notes is fascinating, sort of like hearing only one side of a phone conversation you shouldn’t be listening to. I had a look at the 25 years later guy, I can’t believe all the huggers here fall for that shit. It would be nice if the fake diaries were at least well written, don’t think I’d mind then, especially if they weren’t bizarre pity parties. What’s your email now hon?

May 4, 2005


May 4, 2005

Happy Birthday 🙂

May 4, 2005

You are THIRD from the bottom of my faves, followd ONLY by Chuck and Joebug. And I think Joebug’s is deleted.

May 5, 2005

RYN: Terrifying. Are you trying to tell me something? 😉 Be well,

May 5, 2005

Happy birthday, Duke. I didn’t send you the card 🙁 Did you get the other one, though?

May 11, 2005

RYN: Probably because I am using pictures as backgrounds and they are not saved to the OD hard drive. If you are still using a dial-up that would compound the problem.

May 11, 2005

I miss youuuu! More diary writing, more diary writing, more diary writing!!!

May 11, 2005

Hey, you never know. You could be a cheap bast@rd.

May 11, 2005

I would love to retire in the next six months! But I’m anal, I must check it. Every month. I’m a Virgo! Don’t you know my head will explode if I don’t open the envelope?!

May 11, 2005

And write some damned entries, dammit! Unless of course you are and they’re all Favorites Only and I’m not a favorite, in which case I’ll just say this: “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

RYN: Thanks for the note. It’s always cool to be reminded I’m not the only one from Kansas City floating out here in the void of cyberspace. *smiles* I was checking out your AOL instant messenger name…stupid question here, are you or did you go to Park University?? Just had to ask. Take care and thanks again for the note.

May 13, 2005

RYN (and it’s nice to see you noting): I drove by Deadwood and was tempted to go visit because of the name…. *smiles* Hugs

May 14, 2005

Well hell, have you stopped writing?

May 16, 2005

:: must see current entry ::

May 16, 2005

Where are you? Why no writings? Hm? HMMM?

May 16, 2005

ry gay n: thanks babe! If you were here I’d hold your hand in public and everything. xo-

Hey. I am doing somewhat better. 🙂 Four days. On my own. I know to you that may not be shit, but to me, its like a month to normal people. 🙂

Had a dream about you last night Parli, I tracked you down at your apartment and you wouldn’t talk to me until I told you I had Blather with me in the car. Then you came out and you and I played with children on the roof of the building.

May 26, 2005

Where ARE you?! Not even a drunk dial lately. Have I offended you in some way? At any rate, I miss you and hope you’re okay.

May 27, 2005


May 28, 2005

ryn: Hi. I dont’ understand your note to me…the link. It takes me to a diary that is favorites only. and why are you calling me a hooker, pimp?

Seven days of normalcy. (sp?) I feel good. 🙂 I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Its going to be a great memorial day weekend I think. 🙂 I am sure you have big plans with your pack. 🙂

May 29, 2005

ryn: so what was thast note Lincoln left about? hookers? huh?

May 29, 2005

Write a new entry already, will you. I”m tired of noting this same one. Pimp.

RYN: No, I didn’t know, but I don’t really care. I still have, and use, my Nintendo 64, lol. I get hooked on certain games and that is all I need to be perfectly happy. I’m easy that way 😉

May 31, 2005

Update this bitch huh? Be well,

May 31, 2005

The Ass Muck Continues in the new saga “Back in Ann Coulter’s Ass-Saddle Again”….the Fart Funnel Strikes Back…

Hello? I look for you on AIM but you are never there. Where are you P?

June 1, 2005

Thompson was a dick.

June 2, 2005

ryn: I usually try to comfort him first, if that doesn’t work than I see if he’s hungry. He usually is. He eats about every hour and a half to every two hours during the day too. He’s just a hungry, hungry little hippo. When are you going to write an entry dude?????

June 3, 2005

ryn: LOL

June 3, 2005

ryn on Fat Rey Slim’s diary: this place is nothing but crack whores and hookers.

June 3, 2005

RYN: You are wrong, sir. I have already fallen apart. ;^) Eric

🙁 I don’t have yahoo. I might have to get it just for you. I tried to call the number you gave me to have a chat but it doesn’t seem to work, might be something to do with cell phones and international calls. I thought that if you can’t make it to Chicago, which I doubt, we could chat on the phone while I’m there. Do you want to resend your number to me at

I’d email you, but again I only have your old work address. You’re elusive these days 😉

Oh, and in case the double negative above doesn’t read well I mean that I doubt you’ll be able to make it. Not the reverse.

June 6, 2005

nice talking to you saturday.

June 6, 2005

ryn: I wasn’t speeding! I turned left after the green arrow had changed to red… but I was already in the intersection! Buttheads that they are, the police don’t care about INNOCENCE dammit!

June 7, 2005

How do I say Oh well? Oh, that’s right… “Oh well.”

June 7, 2005


June 8, 2005

RYN: That might also depend on the gauge it was pierced at. It’s typical for them to be pierced at 14ga, which is what mine was done at, but you can get larger or smaller. My friend Carrie had hers done at 12 and I’ve seen some done at 16. The stud also plays a big part, plus the person skill as well. Duck has said he’s been with girls that had them and he couldn’t tell muchof a difference either.

June 9, 2005

ryn: I’m not sure what a mud hole is.

June 10, 2005

No, it’s Arabian Prince feat Eazy E. You’re slipping.

June 14, 2005

ryn: ideally, yes, but who in nyc even has a car let alone a truck.

June 14, 2005

ryn: stalker! that place made me so mad though. we never got inside and got pissed off and went to Tom Fooleries instead. i heard it sucks anyway. were you inside or outside? you shoulda said hi! and you need to write an entry dammit! –

June 14, 2005

ryn: do YOU feel like coming here and driving me to IKEA?

June 16, 2005

RYN: As long as he uses bar-b-que sauce, because I’m a little gamy. ;^) Eric

June 18, 2005

he’s not only the richest but most into me guy I’ve ever been with. Still money is only able to buy so much. Other than Hawaii trip, most guys can take me to dinner and movies, which is mostly what we do. I was once crazy about GP, a bartender/actor who still lived with his parents. He only called at 2am though. Most guys here are so lazy/spoiled and commitment phobic that cartman is a rarity

June 18, 2005

hard to believe but he’s one of the nicest guys, in the fact that he wants to be married with kids so badly and is really mushy and romantic

June 20, 2005

RYN: read my entry today.

June 21, 2005

ryn: am I sensing some frey jealousy? hows about sending me a black and white of YOU with your shirt off? anyway, when are you coming to NY to be my new boyfriend?

June 22, 2005

The baseball game I feel I should’nt have had to pay since they(3 guys) invited us and tix were only $5. Cartman has way more issues than his dangling $ carrots at me. Plus I’m thisclose to breaking up with him regardless of how much money he has. The neighbor is right next door and single. If he were butt ugly and mean then it wouldn’t matter either.

June 22, 2005

Point is, yes money matters. It’s like guys liking thin, young big breasted girls. But it’s not the most important thing. If I met a cute, nice British guy who spoke Chinese, he could be broke. I’d still date him. Cartman whines about his addictions, loneliness and pain all the time. It was nice to be loved/needed but it’s starting to wear on me..especially when I feel he exaggerates/manipulates

June 27, 2005

Do you ever go to Rhode Island? I’d love to meet you in person next time you go. I’d even drive down to that awful state to meet you.

June 27, 2005

ryn: actually I don’t give a f*ck about my credibility. I can type and manage to get from bed to computer chair. it feels like hell, but I can make it to the bathroom and eventually I can get my pants down to pee and do all the little motions you take for granted. i can’t open cupboards, etc for food. I can’t open bottles. most importantly, mentally I’m completely spent…

June 27, 2005

I am depressed and scared out of my mind being 4 flights up when I can’t walk down them. I’m scared alone with my thoughts. I can’t stop picturing it and feel isolated. Of course I have friends. Some say they will come by tom. after work and walk the dog. The dog peed all over the floor NOW and I cannot reach and grab to clean it up. these things are depressing and upsetting. knowing pool

June 27, 2005

is more important than being with me is just completely destroying me. weak, I know, but again, I dont’ give a f*ck.

Do you hate me P? Did I do something wrong?

Well, I don’t like any type of upsets, or arguements, or negative things, and I am sorry for that, I know how you feel about me, I have known for awhile. I’m sorry for upsetting you. I wish you would not remove me, but if you chose to, I understand. Take care and I will greatly miss you. It hurt what you wrote, for a reason, because I care what you think of me, (cont’d)

I just kind of, I don’t know. I feel like I am losing a friend, cos I am. I don’t think I have ever been deleted off someones favorites before……………

I actually cried over this, thats what a baby I am. Take care. 🙁

July 6, 2005

ryn: Thanks, I thought I had heard that somewhere. I’ll try it!

July 7, 2005

ryn: The news article can be found here: Apparently they figured it out through people that know him and also via IP address.

July 8, 2005

Hey! Did you just call me a whore you filthy slut?! Be well,

July 8, 2005

Where’s your f’ckin entries you f’ckin slut?!!!?!?!?!?! =) =) =) =) =)

July 8, 2005

ryn: but I have a lovely evening bag!

July 8, 2005

Amen brother… A-f*cking-men…

July 8, 2005

Dear God, if popularity were judged by notes you’d be prom king. I love you hon and you’re not retarded my friend… you will value the right woman when you meet her and start your family… the timing is different for everyone. Sometimes I wish I’d had the right mindset when I got married. We can’t lament over the past though can we? love,

U did not totally delete me, which means you still must love me in some way, please hang on Parliment, I am going to become all you want me to be, I promise you, its going to be hard – but I am soberly on my quest, please, hang around every once in awhile, I miss and love you. – Hollye *ps*B one day down, a million to go.

July 9, 2005

ryn: Oh God, I know. That person is, though. She’s both. You’re so right, though.

dang. you must mostly write favorites only entries. I remember reading this way back in February. Hunter S. Thompson was the idol of many of my classmates when I was in journalism school in the early ’80s. I was sad that he couldn’t go on. I’m here from Fat Rey Slim’s diary to tell you that (hahahaha!!!) she confessed to me that I am that combination of Sylvia Plath & Bridget Jones. (c)

Oh! There she is! Telling you what I’m about to tell you! I AM both (well, except that I can’t write like Sylvia, but my experiences as a wife have occasionally led me to believe that my husband was hoping I would end up a famous poet with my head in the oven). tra la.

July 12, 2005

ryn: well, my LAST entry happened to be bitching about my husband. Great thing for him to see, “oh, that’s the site she goes to to bitch about me!” I wish I had something exciting and scandelous to write about. Nah, not really!

July 12, 2005

ryn: and I think YOU are secretly enamored.

July 13, 2005

That was gonna be private. My bad. Oh well.

Parliament is a dirty slut …. who NEVER UPDATES!!! Write already! 🙂

July 18, 2005

ryn: I don’t understand your note. Can you please explain?

July 18, 2005

RYN: We aren’t allowed to use that function in my office. It’s “rude” and “invasive” or something like that. Be well,

RYN: i have no idea what your note to me, bob, et al means. please explain

RYNRMN: hmm, i don’t remember that line of conversation but it doesn’t sound like a question that i would ask. i know kelly well enough to not have to wonder.

July 18, 2005

You made me cry, but that’s o.k. I needed to. Be well,

July 21, 2005

Thanks for the tip. I tried to do system restore, but it was not successful 🙁

July 21, 2005

If you don’t watch out someone might call you Hermione Granger. I think the horse was nervous, because he rode her up to the water, I took her to the water walking by her side, and she had water in her stall and she never drank any of it.

July 21, 2005

Thanks again. Yes, I was able to restore via Spy Subtract.

July 21, 2005

Not including tools purchased that will be used in future projects? about $140 for the wood, another $30 for the screws, stain, and sandpaper.

July 25, 2005

RYN: Till tomorrow. Help me. Please?

July 26, 2005

This brings back 7ht/8th grade to me like it was yesterday. 🙂

July 26, 2005

My note above meant for previous entry. ‘sigh’ I’m such a geek….still. Thanks for your note. 🙂

July 27, 2005

ryn: again, if you think so, take me on a date, why don’t you. This offer won’t last forever.

July 27, 2005

ryn: showering at the gym is a brilliant idea! now if i could find one in my area that doesn’t have that balley’s fitness vibe. maybe yoga instead. looking forward to you returning from your writing hiatus and in the meantime, catching up on your musings since my hiatus. xo

August 2, 2005

ryn: I don’t understand the correlation between my comforter and breakdancing.

August 2, 2005

RYN: You’re right about the Gameshark hack for the PS2. Thanks. I didn’t think of that, and didn’t run across it. I googled it and found the codes for it. Thanks for the heads up. Eric

August 2, 2005

what happened to you? did you leave the site or did you just stop reading my diary?

RYN: LOL, I hear that ALL the time. Trust me, I know this. 😉

August 4, 2005

ryn: pretty much. I grew up 10 mins from midtown. I coudln’t wait to be able to afford living in the city. Since I’ve moved to midtown I have never wanted to leave. I had a brief Brooklyn apt. but didn’t like it and moved back to nyc.

August 4, 2005

RYN: Thanks for the advice. Strangely enough, I only missed myself once today and that was when I got flustered. It’s amazing what ‘change’ will do to a person. *smiles* But thank you, between you and my ‘dealing circle’, I just might actually get it. Hugs

August 5, 2005

Where are you my good man ? Much respect.

August 8, 2005

RYN: Yes. Now call the WAHMBULANCE. Be well,

August 8, 2005

ryn: wow! your note was not only insightful, but it also rhymed. from now one can they all be rhyming?

August 9, 2005

RYN: yes it most certainly is a sledge hammer. No sweet jumps for me. *cue to napoleon hurting his gonads off the jump* i dont have gonads, but if i did, damn wouldn’t it hurt?

You’re a sissyfag! From your buddy William-

August 11, 2005

Yes, 2 of them… and I have trained them as well as my daughters…

August 11, 2005

LOL… ryn and you’re right. But every once in a while, that old blood pressure goes up and I get worked up. That’s why I don’t write about politics often and left the politics boards I used to post on. LOL i blocked the dude, and will be much happier as a result, LOL

August 12, 2005

RYN: “Your final quote from above is actually from a statement released by her family.” Yeah… it was the quote her in-laws made, but in this case it was used by a poster over at Red State. Anyway… yes, I’m sure you’re quite right. While the right slams her, the left will use her. That’s the way it goes. But my point is that she has the right to her protest, and vilifying her for (cont)

August 12, 2005

… exersizing that right is just… well, unAmerican.

August 15, 2005

RYN: You’re great. Can I hire you as my personal “Dr. Phil”? I have no idea if he saw stars… I’m gonna have a good think about this.

August 16, 2005

ryn, no, he’s not fat! and he’s only on grass at night! LOL

August 16, 2005

RYN: WOW! You were so DEAD ON with your response to my female noters about Linda and PMS. So much so, it’s scary. She DID know last night, she even said so while she was screaming at me and insulting me about how I raise my son. She just couldn’t calmly talk about it until this morning. Eric

August 16, 2005

Who? Me or him?

August 17, 2005

HEY! I see you leaving notes for people. WHERE is the update? And where is MY note?!?!? Eh???! *chases you down and tackles you*

August 19, 2005

“understand my pain and anger”? i bow in deference to your large, albeit metaphorical, ovaries. now lay off the dr. phil, you pussy.

August 23, 2005

ryn: no the reins are not around her leg, they’re around the saddle horn. You can see it better in the second pic. I might would have put the camera down for that.

August 23, 2005

I have a couple that you can borrow.

*shyly walks into your diary*….I am doing well, thought you might want to know…………I wish you would read my latest entry………………I have a sponser and everything, and this is the longest I have done anything right in years. I hope you are doing good. Miss ya. 🙂

August 29, 2005

RYN: Um, rushing into buying a house wouldn’t be on an 18-24 month plan, now would it? Plans change and people do too. I’m just happy that he’s back to thinking about OUR future as opposed to HIS present being the dominant thought. Hugs

Happy Memorial Day Parliment. 🙂 miss ya. Been doing good, for me.

RYN The point of the article was not gather the dead before the living, thats an absurd statement, the point is why are they there in the first place. Govt and everyone below bungled the crises and bush made it worse. Clearly we can see the racist nature of govt agencies when blacks are involved.

September 14, 2005

Don’t count on 7 turnovers to help your cause this week. In fact, you better pray that the Priest isn’t the one that suffers a “blowout”.

September 15, 2005

RYN: AHAHAHHAHAHAH! No! Fishy hoo-has are from YEAST infections, Pariament. So. My hoo smells exactly like nothing. It’s the pee-hole that has the issue.

September 16, 2005

RYN: I’ve never heard his show.

September 18, 2005

It’s game day, pookie. You scared yet?

September 18, 2005

So, how much did you pay the officials?

I miss you. I know I am still a ridiculous creature, but I miss you alot. You were one strong and honest voice in my diary, and I miss you alot.

September 19, 2005

RYN: Yeah, she was married to the same man for most of her adult life, from ages 18-47. Why? Do you know something that I don’t? Eric

September 20, 2005

ryn: that link…proves my point even more. read it more carefully. I did (for the last 2 years) let my boss know abou tmy blog, never named names nad never gave out trade secrets. He even told me to continue the diary–he loved the idea.

September 20, 2005

btw, that is indeed press, while just a blog, that guy also happens to write for the most prominent nYC social scene magazine. Everyone knows him, reads the blog and his actualy magazine.

September 21, 2005

Anything is better than Madden in the booth. Anything. And when one bad call means the difference between losing and winning, pointswise, you sort of cling to it. When it happens EVERY G’D*MN year, you start to feel persecuted. In any case, it was a good game. Hopefully, we’ll return the favor the first Sunday in November.

September 21, 2005

I don’t take anyone on OD seriously. Too many arm chair lawyers and people who walk on water here. It is a place to express feelings and tell out your life if you dare, or just post fictional stories. There is no reality to it so to take reality and try to apply it here is a waste of time. People are always beautiful and right in their own minds even if the world doesn’t revolve around them.

September 22, 2005

sheesh, I’ve already told you my backup plan. MOVE IN WITH YOU. Better get the spare bed ready.

September 22, 2005

And Stephanie Klein got a book deal–um—her book deal was that they turn the diary into a book. duh, again. If that slut can do it, there is a small chance I can too. When I spend most of my day prone and crying, please let me have a little innocent daydreaming to make it not a total dismal road to offing myself, k?

September 22, 2005

what I need (and want) far more than your chicken soup of advice is to be taken out to dinner. I want to get dressed up, straighten my hairs (!), smell lovely and go out for wine and fancy adult food. If you can’t provide that, shut up. Thank you very much.

You leave the most thought provoking notes ever.

ryn: Who is the headcase? Misty or Lori? Because both of them have just acted totally retarded. Did you even see what happened last night?

ryn: AFter writing the entry wonder what happened to Misty, someone left an unsigned note with her new diary name. When I went to it, it said I was blocked. I was so shocked that she blocked me. I wrote an entry saying I wanted an explaination for being blocked. Just a few months ago she was fine and now she has me blocked. Who the hell is she to do such a thing? …

janeanger noted the entry saying I was rude and judgemental, and that Misty can do whatever she wants. Reading peoples diary’s is a priviledge and obviously she didn’t want to extend the priviledge to me. I told janeanger she is taking open diary way too seriously. As a result, janeanger removed me from her favs list out of “caution”. Because, you know, I’m so dangerous.

I left janeanger a halfass apology and I said I was fine with her removing me. But I”m able to access Misty’s diary through another name and it’s not like Misty is writing about something great. It’s the same stuff she always wrote.

September 29, 2005

RYN: I really adore you, you know that? Be well,

September 29, 2005

Am I missing something? Where are you??? I got your note… thank you hon… I miss you. Write more if you get the chance…

October 3, 2005

I responded to you on Scorchcake’s diary, you mean note -policer.

October 3, 2005

i know! i guess this is something they do in the southwest. in new york they are mostly on the side of the house. i’m not sure why they do that here but i’m pretty sure it has something to do with stupidity. heh!

Well, I am not doing any better, but I am not doing any worse. I finally got out of all that legal crap, and I need to get on with my life. You are my conscious, you know, always back there, always someone I think about, and know I am messing up and should I not mess up, you might be proud of me. I want to apologize for the entry that made you go away, when I tried to say you don’t know me and

and would never know me if you met me on the street. I think you would, and I think you were right when you said what you did about all the ‘nicey nice comments’. Alot of my favs are alcoholics themselves, so of course they smooth things over. I don’t know. Anyway, hope you are doing well. You are a great guy. I think so anyway. Still. 🙂

October 3, 2005

In my other persona, our noting paths cross quite often. I assume that you write “faves only,” and yet I could wish it were not so – your notes are so witty and cogent, I’d like to read more of you. How about giving the hoi-polloi a chance again? We’re not ALL ‘tweens, out here.

RYNs: Thank you for your suggestions. I will give them consideration. As for taut and curly… maybe you’re not hanging out with the right girls… or is that TMI?

October 5, 2005

*tackle* We got it. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Be well,

Did you quit writing here or are you one them there fancy “Favorites Only” diaries?

October 7, 2005

Never fear, my anonymous friend. A new entry is on the way. —

October 7, 2005

oh good.

why bother? no one gives a sh*t.

October 10, 2005

ryns: you made me laugh and then you flattered me. that’s pretty much all a guy needs to do for me to marry him.

October 11, 2005

RYdreamN: Really? Was it good? Pheremonally yours,