A Stolen Idea

Things that make me happy. This idea was stolen from this favorite:

  • today I have physical therapy in a pool. The physical therapy in itself doesn’t produce a smile, but I LOVE being in the water. Last week I got there ten minutes early and the other person doing physical therapy was already there and in the water, which tells me I can go a bit earlier this time and steal some floating-around time before the work !
  • cool days with sunshine like today.
  • the fact that I had to clean dirt out from under my fingernails this morning. Now, before you think I am some kind of weirdo with a dirty-fingernails fetish, it is the fact that my nails are actually long enough to get dirt under them that makes me happy. I was a nail-biter as a child and for far too many years after that…
  • hearing Fred get up in the morning and getting his coffee for him.
  • my massage last night. I told Beth that it was lovely to have absolutely NO pain at all for a short while.
  • the positive effect that the oils and lotions have on my skin after the massage.
  • walking half a mile! {I just got back from doing that}
  • cold water from the refrigerator after walking half a mile. {I am making sure you know I walked half a mile! }
  • having something to look forward to —and of course you know I am referring to the trip to Italy, right? 
  • the fact that I can now walk up and down stairs using alternate legs instead of the way I was having to do it by using one leg and then bringing the other leg up to the step.
  • my IPods, which, I swear, can all read my mind and know exactly which music I need to hear.
  • My new Kia Rio which is as lovely as the day I drove it home.If it could speak, I know it would tell me how happy it is to be out on the road again after a six-week period languishing in the drive…
  • reruns of Judging Amy.

What I DO  have to work on is some positive visualizations. I have a few worries about this trip so I am thinking my next entry will be a positive visualization…


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.

— David Viscott

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I like having to clean dirt from under my nails, too. It means that I’ve gotten something accomplished, digging in the garden. This is a good idea. I’ve been dwelling on negative stuff for a couple of days, so maybe I should have a go at this. BTW- you got me looking at another diary and I spent about a half hour there, and her diary led me to another site. There IS life other than OD, isn’t there? LOL

August 9, 2007


August 9, 2007

You know, I just had a thought…I think you’re ready to put in half a mile…whaddaya think? *wink* Love these entries.

August 9, 2007

I’m also a fan of Judging Amy. I just love Tyne Daley and her character.

August 9, 2007

When you said “things to look forward to” I immediately thought “walking half a mile again tomorrow!” :o) !! I bet floating in the pool feels absolutely fabulous! hugs, Weesprite

Okay, if you can walk that half a mile you are so rightfully proud of I have NO excuse not to lace up my Reeboks and get my butt back on the treadmill when I get home today! Thanks for the kick in the pants!

August 9, 2007

I used to love watching Judging Amy but after so long watching the reruns on TNT I just started to not like the character of both Amy and her daughter, Amy just starting sounding whiney to me and the girl was just so snotty. I know teens are like that in real life but I just couldn’t watch it anymore.

August 9, 2007
August 9, 2007

A lesson. Look back a see how you doubted you would EVER get to this point and how much power you gave it over your thoughts. Then look at this entry and the feeling of wonder and health and total wealth and being that you have right now. You are terrific and KNOW it and this can do attitude will serve you in all you do if you can remember this day. have fun…dan ENJOY!!! with love

August 9, 2007

You’re making great progress Patrisha. I’m thrilled for you. I believe that you’ll be fully ready to enjoy Italy when the time comes. Congratulations. ryn: I appreciate your support. Thank you so much.

August 9, 2007

Judging Amy always makes me think of CT… So glad you’re making such good progress!!! I want a massage!!!! Oh, to feel that liquid! Love you! ~M

great entry!!! Hey, did you realize that you walked a half a mile today?LOL Way to go!!!!! Hugs, M

August 9, 2007

: ) just lovely! *huggs*

August 9, 2007

That’s great about the half-mile. And the no pain.

August 9, 2007

Good idea for an entry. Very positive.

So glad to hear your walking and exercise is going so well. Been so hot here, walking to the Y in 103 heat wore me out yesterday! That was before my workout!

I LOVE water. Being in a pool is the best…or ocean…or lake…on the praries, I’m happy with a warm pool.