Friday, Lovely Friday

Italian Phrase of the Day: {These come from An Italian Phrase a Day desk calendar} Ha un vestito che posso prendere in prestito? Do you have a dress I could borrow?

My comment on this: No, non ha un vettito perchè non indosso  i vestiti. No, I don’t have a dress because I do not wear dresses.

Reading what I wrote above, reminds me that I must ask Carol {the friend of la prof who went to the same school where I am going} if there are any regulations about dress. Oh, not in the school, but I know in Rome women with bare arms and/or jeans are not allowed into some of the churches. Of course, I read about that some time ago and things may have changed. I should maybe pack a skirt just in case… Which  means I would have to buy a skirt since I gave all mine away on Freecycle.

I love Fridays. This is the day when I have no homework to do–the day I give myself to be off. So far I am sitting around in my pjs and robe which is something I don’t usually do. However, last night I was so tired I didn’t load the diswasher and set it to go off in the middle of the night. So, this morning I loaded and started it and then realized I hadn’t had my shower yet. The diswasher has reached the final stage and I am still in my robe, but I have showered.

Talking about homework, perhaps you remember how I have mentioned that all of us have been telling la prof that yes, there are many things we like about this new grammar book, but what we don’t  like is how much it jumps around in the grammar section. She had been assigning the whole section but yesterday,  she told us to time ourselves and do two hours of homework and then stop. This would give her an idea of what would be a reasonable assignment! I la prof!

I had an email last night from J., who used to be my boss when I worked at the library round the corner. She went off to be the children’s librarian in the little town where she and her husband now live. She wrote to tell me she has given up that job and now she just works part-time as they need her. It was really nice to hear from her and I told her I was in school two days a week and if she was in Burlington, we could meet one day for lunch. I like her a lot as a person and the two bosses I had afterword were ok but we never became friends as J. and I did.

Ok, possible tasks for the day.

  • clean the living room. Actually, this is not a possible but a definite. I am trying to go back to my former schedule of one room a day .
  • possibly go down to the library
  • possibly get my hair cut
  • possibly do a little homework.
  • possibly do laundry

Ok, now I am off to get dressed which is not a possible but a definite.


photojojo! we find the best photo shiz anywhere

QUOTATIONS FOR THIS MONTH: "There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so."

Hamlet 2.2.255-256

“Every life form seems to strive to its maximum except human beings. How tall will a tree grow? As tall as it possibly can. Human beings, on the other hand, have been given the dignity of choice. You can choose to be all or you can choose to be less. Why not stretch up to the full measure of the challenge and see what all you can do?” Jim Rohn (motivational speaker/philosopher)

Get your own countdown at

Ci vedo dopo…. see you later…


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March 9, 2007

That is a neat idea how the prof said to do homework for 2 hours to see how much homework is reasonable. That is so obvious yet I wouldn’t think of it! Of course there will be a ‘span’ of what each individual can do—but it will be interesting! I would be in the ‘slow’ group, I’m sure.

March 9, 2007

Good idea to get dressed…we can’t have you running around town in your PJ’s. Only teenagers do THAT (*eye roll*).

March 9, 2007

Is it Burlington, VT you live in? It was rated the cleanest town according to some magazine. I heard it on the radio while I was working out this morning but of course didn’t pay attention to what magazine. Our city was ranked 15th so that is why it made the news. I couldn’t quite remember where you lived though but I think I may be close.

March 9, 2007

If I ever need a skirt or dress again, I shall have to buy something that fits!!!! Also….bravo! on spending part of a day in jammies! I have not done that in ages. I think I SHALL do it sometime!! hugs, Weesprite

March 9, 2007

La prof sounds like such a sensible instructor — and she sounds like she actually cares about her students. That’s a very rare quality!

March 9, 2007

It sounds like you have a very nice professor. I hope you’re able to meet up with your ex-boss. It’s nice to keep in touch with people from the past.

March 9, 2007

I wish I was still in my jammies! I think I would have a hard time accurately timing “two hours” of homework–I tend to get distracted and wander away and then wander back. But then, the last class I took involved reading facsimiles of 17th century pamphlets, so those weren’t easy to read for long stretches. And I love your Italian phrase of the day! It doesn’t seem like that would come up very often, but then, I guess you never know!
