Good Stuff

Today Fred said he has high hopes of being able to walk down the stairs and back up again next week! I was astounded. I had no idea he was even thinking of it. He wants to try it one day when Mike {our landlord} is home so that if he is unable to get back up himself, Mike will help him. {This is how he got up these stairs right after he left intensive care. Apparently, Mike put his hand in the middle of Fred’s back and propelled him upwards! And I missed it all since I was at that time trying to park my car and failing abyssmally due to stress and a lot of tears!}

And, another good thing today was that he asked me if I would like to play Scrabble. I had the game out last week but he didn’t seem interested. However, today he said it would be a nice thing to do. We played one game and he beat me, but not by much. After the game, I told him I had to get on the treadmill because I hadn’t gone out for a walk that morning because we had a lot of snow overnight and, since it was Sunday, I wasn’t sure the roads would have been cleared. I didn’t do too well on the treadmill because it was too late in the afternoon and my small store of energy had run out. But no matter how little, it is better than nothing, right?

The DVD I was watching while I was walking was the British TV show “Cracker” with Robby Coltrane. It was riveting. I noticed that Netflix has the other seasons with Coltrane, too, so before I send back the present DVD, I am going to move the “Crackers” to the top of my queue. The program ran over here for one season only with Robert Pastorelli. I can see why it failed here. Pastorelli is a good actor but he is too good looking. It is absolutely necessary to the plot and the character that the actor be not only talented {as Coltrane is} but fat and crumpled.

I am thrilled that a couple of my favorites are recommending movies for me. Thank you!

Ok, tomorrow:

  1. Take a 30 minute walk. It is at the top of the list because it is the highest priority. {The rest of the list is as things occur to me.}
  2. Put “Batman” in the mail to send back to Netfix. I loved  that movie when I first saw it and it has only improved with time.
  3. Watch “Cracker:The Madwoman in the Attic” again. I don’t like it enough to want to own it but I do like it enough to want to see it again.
  4. Wash, dry, and fold clothes.

I have just had a cup of that chicken in curry sauce I made yesterday and it is one of those meals {like Crock Pot stew} that taste better the second day.

Until later…


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January 9, 2005

that chicken sounds tasty. so glad fred is improving

January 9, 2005

I love chicken curry, it is one of our fav dishes. Do you use coconut milk or water when you mix the curry? We put potatoes, onions and carrots w/the chicken then serve w/rice. With my diet I am not allowed to have rice, so I steam a cauliflower (not all the way done), put it in the processor and chop it up to rice size bits, toss in the pan on saute for a minute and viola “rice” *huggs* : )

I am just not a movie watcher or I would recommend something. My favorite movie was “Close Encounters” with Richard Dreyfus. I love anything with him in it. I can’t think of anything else.

Fred must have liked winning the Scrabble game. I’m sure you took the loss with Grace. 🙂 Yes, good idea Fred waiting until Mike gets home before trying the stairs. If he feels better he will be going stir crazy, or getting cabin fever by the time he can go out.

January 9, 2005

Ah, as ever, you are busy & popping with energy & things to do! I sure hope Fred gets up & down those steps! I do believe he will! Re Harold & Maude: read my Sunday night entry. I may have thrown you a curve. Claire doesn’t remember it being funny & when I viewed it with George 20 years after I had first seen it, he HATED IT & SAW NO HUMOR IN IT. Anna

January 9, 2005

It may have been the timing with Patty & I. That, and the fact our family is so dysfunctional. It’s the happiest memory I have of her & I together. And the movie is good, though it has a morbid streak running through it & a powerful ending. But don’t rent it for humor’s sake, because I may just be wrong about that. Love, Anna

January 9, 2005

Sounds like things are going well. 🙂

January 9, 2005

hmmm, that show sounds interesting. We watched ‘Office’ here a lot, at least the season that was out and it got on my nerves a lot. But Rich loved it, the english accent and the whole thing. Wasn’t my thing. Plus that guy was super annoying!

January 9, 2005

I so enjoyed the cracker series and was sad when it came to an end, it is being rerun here on one of the lesser channels. any exercise is better than none use or lose, is my motto. So pleased to read the postive tone back in your writing Best Wishes

January 9, 2005

🙂 – – – –

January 9, 2005

wait did I miss something? Did you also get one of those little personal dvd players? hmmmmmmmmmm Movies that are my favs I bet you have already seen. But we watched Collateral tonight with Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx and it was really good. sounds like Fred is coming along great. Hugs to both of you.

January 10, 2005

Glad that Fred is slowly improving.Who won the Scrabble game?

Good news about Fred’s climb! Have you ever watched “Bridges of Madison County?”

January 10, 2005

So glad to hear of Fred’s progress. I guess I am not very good at movies. Seldom want to watch one twice. My favourite one and one I do watch again and again is Steel Magnolias.

January 10, 2005

Cracker is great — very gritty, and so realistic I stopped watching. But the acting is incredible!