Got the Assignment Done!

This week I have no "official" physical therapy sessions booked. This is not because I don’t need them but because Laslie and Candace got booked up  ast week in a big hurry. So, excluding Tuesdays and Thursdays, my class days, I told them they could call me any time there was a cancellation.And there was one at 9:30 this morning. When I got in, Candace told me she had spent some time over the weekend at a class on hip and low-back therapy and she had some new things to try on me. So after I had done the squats and pliès, I lay on my right side on a table with seven {Yes, SEVEN} pillows between my knees. This meant I had my leg as high as I could raise it but without the effort of getting it up there. Then I had to try to raise my leg without actually raising it. This had the effect of using the abductors {I think} without the effort of raising the leg. I know I can definitely feel it in there now!

After that, I went home briefly for my Ipod and a bottle of water and then headed downtown for the ceramics open studio. When I got there I was surprised to find three or four other students mostly from the other class all working on their thing. It took me about two hours but eventually I finished the assigned four beakers. One thing I learned was that I don’t do well trying to do all of this at one time. My original plan of doing the first  two on  Sunday and the second two today would have been much better if I hadn’t had a massage appointment on Sunday. Today, by the time I had gotten to the fourth one, I was ready to go home and I know I didn’t spend enough time slamming the clay for the last one to get out the air bubbles so I will not be surprised if it breaks in the kiln! But, once again, I realized that I dread things that need to be done and then find they were nowhere near as difficult as I expected it to be! I was dreading this assignment so much that I was actually thinking I would drop this class! Once I told myself that there was no problem if I only got two done, I was fine!

For lunch I got a veggie bagel and cream cheese. I am not a vegetarian but my sister was so I had got into the habit of trying out vegetarian dishes so I could recommend them to her. when she came to visit.  I tried this one and liked it and have had it many times since then. After that, I came home and took a nap for an hour. It was much needed and I feel much better after it. I think Fred is making home-made chicken soup.  The whole apartment smells wonderful. {He just came in and asked me if I wanted a meat-loaf sandwich along with my soup! YUM!}

Oh, and my Italian workbook arrived today. I was hoping the text book would too, but it should be here by Thursday.


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

None will improve your lot If you yourself do not.

Bertolt Brecht, 1933

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🙂 no time to read, but congrats on the title!

January 28, 2008

“Abductors” is correct 🙂 That’s an interesting way to use that muscle without putting any weight on it. Are you going to take a picture of your beakers when you’re done?

Good for you on all counts. Mmmm, wish I could drop in for dinner. It sounds yummy.

January 28, 2008

I agree, that dinner sounds wonderful to me!

January 28, 2008

So you are doing a clay class. Ceramics to me means all pre made. I loved reading about it. I teach clay to the children. I’m not good at it but I love doing it.

How smart to use pillows to support your leg as you raise it! I bet you’ll get the knack of ceramics in no time.

January 28, 2008

ooh….*whimpers pitifully*….if only I had a meatloaf sandwich and some soup right now, I would be soooo happy! *sigh!!*

I rather like vegetarian food myself too, though I’m not a vegetarian either. But it’s often quite easy to prepare. 🙂

January 29, 2008

lol, I’m definitely not a vegetarian…. 😉 I read that about the bagel & thought “ooo that would be so good with some grilled chicken!” LOL!

ryn: LOL! Now missy if you’re going to act like a child, I’ll treat you like one! 🙂

February 1, 2008

The physical therapy sounds very hard. I had to do something similar before (long story involving a broken leg) I hate every minute of it though. You sound like you’re doing very well though. RYN: I just wrote about my side of things, and I’m on the outside looking in. Things are much different from David’s point of view. Hugs, John

February 3, 2008

ryn: You are one of my inspirations when I keep thinking about going back to school. You’re not afraid to do it and you just go!

February 3, 2008
February 3, 2008

Sunday, the 3rd, about4PM. Thanks for the tip. I wrote the complete line down. However, I mispell may words. But I take comfort in the rumor I have heard that Winston Churchill was a poor speller. His several secretaries were vigilent not to let a spelling boo boo slip by. However he was very indignant if one of them tried to improve his sentence structure. However that story is probable untrue. Still, it comforts me to think that its possible that I might share a shortcoming with that great man who was such an artist with the English language.