A Two-Class Day!

Tuesday is my two-class day.

 I remembered:

  • to put my new workbook for Italian in my backpack
  • to put a couple of bananas and some money in my backpack
  • to put my water bottle in my backpack

I forgot:

  • to put my notebook for Italian in my backpack {But someone gave me a couple of sheets of paper}
  • to put something else to eat besides bananas in my backpack {But I brought money so I was able to get some overpriced Doritoes from the vending machine.}

The ceramics class was very interesting. We started on coil pots today and I am quite pleased with mine although it is unfinished. But it is wrapped in plastic and I should be able to get it finished in an hour or so. I got a comment on my little beakers that helped me see what I was doing wrong although I also got comments on what was good about them. The instructor demonstrated how to use a wheel and he encouraged us to come in during the week and play around with them. He said he didn’t expect us to make a pot but just to get a feel for using it. Oh, and about half way through the class, we got to watch a mixture of sleet and hail hit the third-floor windows! I dashed out from ceramics to get to Italian in such a hurry that I forgot to give him the written homework assignment so I hope I can give it to him next week.

The second male student in the Italian class came back this week and we learned he was from Bosnia. We are still pottering along doing vocabulary and grammar at a fairly slow pace because most of us {including me} haven’t got our books as yet. Actually, I am getting a bit irritated about this because the work book has been here two days and the text book has not yet shown up. I paid for expedited shipping, but, unfortunately, they came from two different sellers.

I was a bit tired when I got home but not stressed or exhausted so I am pretty pleased with myself. Oh, and when I got home, the drive where we park was a sheet of ice. Fortunately, our landlord was out there doing something about it and he kindly got my stick and purse out of the car for me. {I usually walk around the car to get them out of the passenger’s side} He offered me his arm but I managed alone because I used my car and Fred’s for support.

I have a heap of homework for Italian on Thursday…


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

None will improve your lot If you yourself do not.

Bertolt Brecht, 1933

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January 29, 2008

I’m glad your ceramics class was so interesting, and glad your landlord was out there doing something promptly about the ice! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

January 29, 2008

Right now the mental picture of you mosying about Burlington taking pottery classes and Italian and eating in the bagel shops is nostalgic. Does mangia mean good appetite in general or particular to food? Funny what we remember fondly. Right about now I’d give a lot for a vacant weekend on Church Street.

January 29, 2008

Well, just keep reminding yourself that the grade doesn’t matter!!

What a day!

Be careful on that ice — it can be treacherous.

January 29, 2008

I didn’t know that you were still studying Italian. Are you planning another trip?

January 30, 2008

Oh, ice is NOT good. Neat about the coil pots. I remember that from art class as a kid. I always wanted to “throw” one, but never did. Love to you! ~M

January 30, 2008

The class sounds interesting, and it sounds as though you have artistic talent!

Glad the landlord was doing something about the driveway!!! Sounds like you are enjoying your ceramics class!! Hugs, M

You’ll be making your own dinner service before you know it. 🙂

January 30, 2008

Be careful of the ice.

January 31, 2008

I’ve always wanted to take a ceramics class.