If All Goes as Planned…

If all goes as planned, I should sleep on my own memory-foam mattress tomorrow night.

I talked to Lance, the apartment complex manager this morning and here’s what my plan is for tomorrow.

In the morning pack all my stuff up and put it in the car. Wash and dry Jake’s sheets and put them back on his bed.

Call Lance at noon before he goes to lunch and make sure all is going as planned. I have physical therapy from 1 PM until 2 PM. After that drive to my apartment where at least one person with muscles will be there to put my furniture back where it belongs.

Relax in my own recliner.

Sleep in my own bed!

I went to get my mail today and stopped at the apartment to see how things were going. There was a man who had just finished putting down the new padding under the carpet. There was a woman who was cleaning the carpet.

Blow trumpets! Bang drums!  Yeah!!!!







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