Meandering Thoughts

When I look back on the last four entries, I think I got carried away somewhat, but it was an interesting walk down Memory Lane.

Today is the Fourth of July, a day I don’t celebrate since today is the day we lost the Colonies! Although I will watch the Pops concert on A&E tonight…but only as long as it doesn’t interfere with Stat Trek Voyager…

I just got up from a two-hour nap, something that I enjoyed but will regret tonight when I wake up at 2 am

I am really enjoying my ability to check my bank accounts on line. When I first started this three months ago, I had to transfer money from one account to another by typing in the transfer every month. This morning when I went to check that the money had been transfered from my personal account to our joint household account, I noticed that a new feature had been added and that I was able to set up a regular monthly transfer so that it only had to be done once. This is a new feature and one I very much appreciate. I also set up a monthly transfer from my checking account to my savings account. There is the ability to pay bills from this site, but since they charge $5 for this, I usually just write checks and use snail mail. I have very few bills.

So, it is my week to cook…and I hate cooking. I think I will make a salad and heat up one of the frozen pizzas we have in the freezer. Cooking has become more complicated recently since my partner has been told to cut down on salt. It is amazing how much salt there is in everything. Actually, I usually cook with only a minute amount of salt since I was on a salt-free diet for a while as a child and I got to quite like the taste of food without salt. My older son used to dip his finger in salt when he was a child the way most kids dip their finger in sugar, but then he was an odd kid in some ways. Once he climbed up to a high shelf {he was about two} and ate a whole bottle full of cod-liver oil capsules! One thing I have introduced into this household is the idea of a nice cuppa tea at around 4:30. And, of course, we have to have what my sister refers to as “something to suck the tea through…” Today it is chocolate cake.

This morning after my shower I went out on the balcony to dry my hair in the sun. Yes, I do have a hair dryer, but for some reason this morning I wanted to use the sun. In this last year, I have decided to grow my hair and wear it in a braid {I am planning to be a stereotypical Vermont woman} and now it is shoulder length and I wear it in a short pony tail since it is not really long enough to braid. When I was 18 and in college, my hair was so long that I could sit on it. I am not going to let it get that long again, but I do like the fact that one can do lots of different things with hair that is about shoulder-blade length…

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September 21, 2002

I am like your older son…I crave the salt…however, that “something to suck the tea through” sounds good too.

4th of July gets ya down, huh? I’m american, but I re-enact as a member of the 42d Royal Highland Regiment during the rev War. Such a hoot to wear the Red Coat and Kilt, even if I’m always on the losing side. Cheerio!

June 24, 2012

I wonder if your hair ever got long enough for a braid! Or if you got tired of growing it and chopped it off.