Morning Thoughts; EDITS in RED

I looked at the photo on the right and the sketch on the left and widened and thinned the mouth on the sketch a little.  The sketch looks more like me now. Of course, I mean the sketch I have here at home. There are no changes to the photograph. {Umm, if you don’t know what I am talking about, please go back one entry.}

Since I am finished with the drawing {except for cleaning it up} which is due tomorrow, I decided to go to Walmarts this morning. Now, normally it takes, oh, maybe 15 minutes on the Interstate to get out there usually, but this morning the traffic was backed up to such an excess that it actually took me twenty minutes to get between one exit and the next. Part of the road was blocked because the mowers were out and, of course, the lane I was in was the one that was blocked. It was impossib;e to know why the right lane was blocked until one got right up to where the cones were on the road  and then, of course, very few of the people in the left lane were willing to drop back a bit and let anyone in front of them! To make it worse, there was also a line of cars on the right from a lane to let people into the Interstate  and people in the right lane were not being too helpful about letting these folks in! Anyway, as I said, I timed this and it all took twenty minutes before we were back to a two-lane highway.

When I got to Walmarts the first thing I did was to go into the optician and get the nose pads on my glasses replaced. This cost me a whole $2.01 and was worth every penny. I brought up the idea of bringing in my two pairs of glasses and having pair of trifocals made and she said this should be simple if I wanted a framed pair {not a pair like I have now that had to have holes drilled in the lenses} and if I wanted lines. Well, of course, this is exactly what  want. I can’t stand those that move gradually from looking into the distance to looking at something close up. I want to know where the glasses change. I had the gradual kind for three years and hated them every moment. I wish I had gone along with the eye doctor’s suggestion to get trifocals the last time.However,  I probably will wait until I get my next eye test and see if I need a new prescription. if I do, trifocals definitely.

I went to look at their precut matts for my portfolio presentation at the end of this month and although they did have some, the biggest I  found were for 8 by 10s and my drawings are larger that that. I have found some on line that are a reasonable price but I have just realized that the course ends in ten days or so and I am not sure if  could get them sent by then. Fred is now looking up the phone number of a local art supplies place and—I just called them and they DO have precut matts the size I want. So, he has gone to get gas and then he will drive me out there. This will get him out of the house, he says and help me because then I will know where this place is. Oh, and we won’t be held up on the interstate because when I was coming home, I noticed that the mowers were gone and traffic was flowing freely!

We just got back and I am SO glad Fred drove. The art supply store wasn’t where either of us thought it was but we did eventually find it since Fred is a man who WILL ask for directions!  And I purchased three precut mattboards and know know where to go to get more! It is a lovely place and next time I go I will spend more time looking…

Until later..

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June 20, 2005
June 20, 2005

The second one is a PHOTO? LOL!!! I thought you drew it!!!

I love Walmart optical center…I get my glasses there whenever I need new ones. Fast, friendly and not too expensive.

June 20, 2005

Hehe. Yay for a man who will ask for directions. I had a similar experience camping, and thankfully my male friend DID ask for directions. btw- thank you for the comments on my poetry yet again. I will go back and look at the one poem you suggested I change (shards vs. shard). 🙂

June 20, 2005

He asks for directions!? Oh, but that makes him a treasure beyond all measure. God bless you both!

June 20, 2005

awesome. I was going to suggest a craft store when you wrote it further down. And I cannot imagine Wal-Mart being that far away.