Penultimate Day

I woke at 3 am and lay there trying to sleep until 3:30 when I gave in and got up. At 6:30 I went back to bed and got up at 10 am. I was SO hoping to see a message from the hospital on the answering machine, but nothing there yet. I am resisting the tempation to call partly because I would have to look up who to call and partly because my thinking is that if they want me there for surgery, they need to tell me the time!

I went to get my last massage  yesterday and made an appointment for a month ahead. I told Beth that if I found I was able to get there sooner {or later} , I would call her. I did tell her that if I called her and she had plans, to please not be concerned if she needed to say no. She feels very obligated to do what I want to do because I paid her a HUGE amount of money in advance!

We all went out to eat at Moe’s,  a Southwestern chain eating place, last night partly because I was not able to go the last time they all went. I had some intestinal problems and had to stay home near my own bathroom. I quite enjoyed it  although it was horrendously noisy when we got there at about 7 pm. But all the shouting people cleared out eventually leaving us to eat in peace! Our company went back to their hotel at about 9:30 and both Fred and I went to bed early. For him, it was VERY early since it was before midnight and he slept solidly all the way through until 10 am. We were both exhausted.

Since I finish the last paragraph, I got a phone call but, alas, it was not the one I was hoping for with the time for the surgery. it was the pre-registration one where they ask the same interminable questions about when I was born and where do I live and what is my insurance! However, out of it I DID get the number to call to ask for my time. I have decided I will give them until 3 pm to call me. If I don’t hear by then, I will call them.  I am eating half of the very hearty burrito I had last night for breakfast this morning. It is good!

Our landlord just came in to replace the shower head with a hand-held one. This will be good for both of us. I will be able to wash my hair much more easily than using the sink in the bathroom. Until I am able to bend my hip enough to get into the tub, it will be spinge baths for me!

QUOTATION: If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.

— David Viscott

To-Do List: {My way of coping with anxiery!}

  • move my car {I have done this}
  • pack up some clothes to come home in after the surgery and put them where Fred can get them easily
  • reread the paperwork I got from the surgeon’s office so I will know what will be expected of me before I can come home.

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June 18, 2007

{{{Hugs}}} – ScaryExciting all at once, indeed!!

thinking of you.

June 18, 2007

Are you going to ask them to keep the old hip for you? A friend of ours did that, had it bronzed, and uses it as a paperweight.

June 18, 2007

I hope your surgery goes smoothly and that you recover rapidly!

June 18, 2007

You must be getting very nervous by now. I hope it all goes well. I’ll be thinking of you!

I hope that you get the phone call soon. 🙂

June 18, 2007

I’ll be thinking of you. I hope everything goes well and you are back to your new and improved self in no time!!

June 18, 2007

I’ll be thinking of you sweety! (huggles)

June 18, 2007

I will be thinking about you tomorrow. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

wishing you well Patrica, a quite peaceful night, anaethesia that is kind to you and a wonderful new hip that will help you gallop around Italy. I hope everything goes well tomorrow.

June 18, 2007

I want to wish you all the well during your recovery from surgery. I hope you have some good neighbors who can come and help out if you need it. We always feel bad asking people to help but I truly believe they want to help or they wouldn’t ask. Good luck I will be thinking of you thru this process. I hope Fred can update us.

June 18, 2007

Think good things. Take care.

June 18, 2007

Spinge baths? Is that a new kind of thing, like dry cleaning? *wink* I was thinking of you this morning. Tomorrows the Big Day. I will be thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way for a speedy recovery. Hugs,

June 18, 2007

I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow. 😉

June 18, 2007

I do hope everything goes well and recovery is short.

June 18, 2007

I hope all goes smoothly, Patricia, and that your recovery is rapid. frank

June 18, 2007

I always had to wait until after 3 pm to call for my surgery times. You should have it by now though (4:28 pm est). All will go well and I’ll be saying a prayer for you tonight that you will wake up painfree and ready to go. 🙂

June 18, 2007

I will be thinking of you all day …. very best wishes.

June 18, 2007

That’s aggravating about the hospital! You’d think they’d make the effort to let you know long before the day before surgery! Good luck and you are in my prayers.

I’m so glad the surgery is finally here! I was thinking about you quite a lot today, hoping you got the scheduling call early. We have a Moe’s in Saratoga, and we like to go there once a month or so when we all get a few moments off together. It is, indeed, ALWAYS really noisy there, but the food is pretty darn good. I love the salsa bar. My friends are all about the Queso.

Surgery is Thursday isn’t it? Yes, the handheld shower is great. I’d like to go further and remove the tub and get a walk-in shower. Mmmm, wish we had a Moe’s near us. Your burrito sounds yummy.