Handwriting Analysis Part 2

And here is the rest of it…..

·        Fluid thoughts, fast thinker, mental discipline obvious, rapid thinking patterns

·        Emotions are under control, respond first to logic, emotions rarely control your actions

{Nodding} Spock is my hero!

·        A need for routine is evident, you are mildly upset when routine is disrupted

Mildly? Much too mild a word!

·        Some ambition present

Hmmm, I have always thought of myself as unambitious.

·        Positive attitude obvious

·        Independence shows up in more than one trait

·        Determined and practical

·        Organizational ability

·        Healthy ego, and keeps opinions private

My healthy ego is a product of much professional help and hard work on my part.

·        Directness is evident


Signature indicates:

·<span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman’; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 7pt; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal;”>         desire for physical activity

Yes. This is actually the reason I am having this surgery. I could continue the rest of my life with the very minor pain I am having now I am doing nothing physica. But when I made my peo and con list, the desire to walk without pain was very high on the pro list…

·        intuitive and practical (an interesting combination)

I am learning to listen to my intuitive side. In the last 10 years or so, or as long as I have been checking on this, I have NEVER known my "gut" feeling to be wrong…

·        honesty and openness

·        directness is a strong trait in signature and throughout sample


Curiously, the following traits show up in your signature but are not evident anywhere else in your sample:

·        acquisitiveness – be it money, knowledge or friends (at least one)

Interesting. I have never pursued wealth but I have known povery and have been a single parent with two jobs living from pay check to paycheck. However, even then, I always socked away a small amout each month into a savings account. As for knowledge, yes, indeed. I LOVE learning…

·        tenacity regarding your beliefs

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June 17, 2007

That’s amazing that they can show so much from a handwriting sample! Very interesting.

June 17, 2007

That’s very interesting! I enjoyed the one she did for me also! Here’s wishing you a good day! hugs, Weesprite

June 17, 2007

Interesting. This was a friend doing this? How much writing did you have to show him for this analysis?

June 17, 2007

This is way cool! And part of me keeps thinking “our handwriting must be really similar!” because we have SO many traitsin common. Did you have to write a lot for this? Does this person do this fora fee? I’m wondering how much it would be to send them a sample. It seems really accurate and (being a list maker) I’d shy away from sending a sample to just anybody, but since you had it done and got accurate results, I’d be less hesitant to send it to this person. Anyway, I loved your inserted comments.

June 17, 2007

that’s interesting. My handwriting changes too much to be the same all the time. I dislike that about myself.

Unambitious? How many other 70-somethings completed that Italian class! LOL You are too modest.

June 17, 2007

Being gone for so long I might have missed this but please do tell me how you found this analysis. Knowing you I can find enough common ground to intrigue me to get my own done.

June 17, 2007

ryn: Thank you! I’ll have to check it out.

June 17, 2007

I’d like some ifo on how you got this done as well…if possible. YPU UNambitious??I disagree I believe you are very much so…getting the hip done, learning italian, GOING to Italy. I guess it all depends on what one considers ambitous…but in my book you are the model of! lol

You do set ambitious goals and you work hard to achieve them. Loved your comments!

This was really interesting. I’m like everyone else: You? Unambitious? That one is almost a joke. L Hugs, M

June 17, 2007

Very interesting.

June 18, 2007

There’s an awful lot of information just from a writing sample. Very interesting!

June 18, 2007

Thats really cool. Ive always been interested in things like this!