This Day

So, today I started on  a couple of small changes that have been thinking about for a bit. I moved my earrings into the workroom. When I get up in the morning, I dress in the workroom where I have left my clothes so as not to slam-bang around in the bedroom waking Fred up. So, once I have left the bedroom, I try not to go back. Well, that has meant that I didn’t wear any earrings because in order to get to them, I have to navigate the clutter on the bedroom floor on my side of the bed. So, the first step is to get the earrings moved. And what, you may ask, is special about the earrings? Well, to me they signify that I am making a little effort with my physical appearance.

 Next, I am going to put my big Sony laptop into the workroom so I can use it as a DVD player in there and {hopefully} get back to yoga again. Then, i need  to get up the books that are on the bedroom floor on my side of the bed, sort out the ones I want to put on Freecycle., and clear a place in the bookshelf to put the library books which are now in the backpack which is, yes, you guessed it, on the floor!
I didn’t go to physical therapy on Wednesday because it was just too cold and icy to drive or walk. I have an appointment to go tomorrow afternoon and I hope I can get out of the house to get there… Part of the problem is that I am letting the fears of others affect me too much, and also not pushing myself the way I used to. And again, although I am doing much better than I was, I am still not completely recovered from the combination of major surgery and a major trip!
This morning after the frozen-food man had delivered our order, I asked Fred to put the stuff in the freezer because he is better at organizing than I am. I have been out of frozen fudge sticks for abuout a week so we had ordered two boxes of them for me. Well, much to my surprise, Fred found that there was an unopened box of the 50 calorie fudge sticks that I had no idea was there! So, now I have three boxes! {Small things please me a lot.}


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

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Hooray for FUDGE STICKS!!!!! Especially the ones from Schwanns! Mmmmm!!!!! Hugs, M

January 3, 2008

Oooooooo. 3 boxes? I wanna come to YOUR house!!! Love ya! ~M

January 3, 2008

You need to develop a new pose that uses mountain pose with prayer hands holding a Fudge Stick for a true union of all things good. I haven’t had but I guess you have some true adherents. You can be the new leader of the Schwann. have fun…dan

January 3, 2008

I sometimes let other people’s thoughts or viewpoints affect me, too…. I need to try to put that to rest this year!! Good for you for the work you did today! Small changes can make things go a lot better sometimes! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

What a nice surprise….almost as good as finding money in your winter coat pocket!

January 3, 2008

Yay for getting organized!

January 3, 2008

Hopefully you can get to PT tomorrow. And hurrah for the three boxes. 🙂

January 3, 2008

I love Schwan’s fudgesticks! We haven’t gotten our online delivery for this week, so I’m not very happy with our delivery guy right now. I think you were wise to skip the physical therapy while it was icy. What good would the therapy do you, if you broke a bone? (((Hugs)))

Yea for fudge sticks! I don’t feel dressed until I’ve put my earrings on. =)

January 3, 2008

hey 3 boxes of 50 cal fudge sticks would make me cry for happiness right about now! *huggs*

January 3, 2008

I understand about the earrings, self-care becomes very hard for me at times. And, alas, about the floor situation, as far too much stuff ends up there instead of being where it should. I need to find an Edith Wharton quote for you, I think you will appreciate it.

January 4, 2008

Frozen fudge sticks sounds good!

January 4, 2008

Frozen fudge sticks and Yoga are two things we both MUST HAVE! I mean, have in common. ***Grins*** How neat, finding you had an extra box all along! Woot! Woot!

What an unexpectedly nice little discovery. 🙂

RYN: The juicer brand is “Hamilton Beach” and I like it much more than my mother-in-law’s juicer. I used mine last night for the first time. The pulp jug is easier to clean because I can put a plastic grocery bag inside of it to catch the debris, unlike hers. I look forward to getting a supply of fresh vegetables, to experiment with.

January 4, 2008

fudge sticks are a wonder! I used to drive miles to get the weight watcher toffee bars. *g*