Tuesday Evening

Earlier today, I tried to write an entry and each time I clicked on “Write an Entry” I got tossed into write-an-entry page of OD complete with advertisements and popups galore! I sent a letter of complaint to the proper place and it seems to be fixed now.

This morning I walked for 10 minutes on the manual treadmill and for 10 minutes this afternoon. I was a bit disappointed with myself because  a week ago, I was doing 15 actual minutes at a time. However, two ten minute sessions is better than nothing, right? And nothing is what I have done for the last few days.

Today Nikki the visiting nurse came and the general consensus is that she will make one more visit and then, unless there is a severe deterioration in Fred’s condition, she is through with him. However, the physical therapist, Jean, will then take over as his case manager. He can continue having a physical therapist come to the house as long as he is working towards a goal, Nikki said. Since he no longer has the need for the adult diaper pullups, I donated them to the Visiting Nurse Association. Nikki said she had clients who will be happy to get them. We are fortunate that we have enough money for necessities and a bit left over to frivol away on books and DVDs. I occasionally wonder if I could afford to live in Vermont i if was not that Fred and I share the cost of rent, food and utilities.

It has been horribly cold today. The wind chill was minus 29 degrees. I walked in that last year but now since we have the treadmill, I use that instead. Tomorrow we are to expect a toasty high of 20 degrees! Then, back down into the minuses again for the rest of the week and the weekend. I will go buy a few grocery necessities like salad stuff and milk tomorrow.

Now I am off to watch the two DVDs I got from Netflix–“Cracker,” {Season 2 disk 2} and “Billy Elliot.” I have seen “Billy Elliot ” before but put it on my list because I think it is a movie well worth seeing twice. This is actually my third time of seeing it. I saw it for the first time in a movie theater, the second time on tape when one of Fred’s daughters, her husband and the two kids were here and now this time. The second time I didn’t really enjoy it much because I was too busy “translating” the Yorkshire dialect into a form of English  the visitors could understand! LOL

As I am sitting here thinking about today, I am {again} wondering what I did with the day. I have washed dishes and cleaned up the kitchen but that, basically, is it. This afternoon I lay on the bed and read which I enjoyed.

I hope everyone kept warm today. I am sitting in front of my computer with my feet on a hot pad! Bliss! I am unhappy if my feet are cold.

Until later…

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January 18, 2005

I loved Billy Elliot 🙂

January 18, 2005

I bet these people will appreciate it a lot… the things you donated that is.

I had the same experience when I tried to write an entry, Patricia. I finally wrote an entry after a week and I lost it.

I also enjoyed Billy Eliot but had a difficult time understanding parts of the dialogue. Same thing with Calendar Girls. I needed a translator. 🙂

That’s cold in any language