Walking on the Treadmill

This morning I am proud to say that I walked for 13 minutes on the new treadmill.

Now, before you laugh, remember who is talking. I am a septagenarian carrying at least  an extra 15 pounds.  I have a replaced left hip, and at present, walk with a cane. And, I am, as my doctor says "disconditioned" which means that not only have I gained weight but I have also stopped the regular daily walking I was doing every day a couple of years ago.

The hardest part of this morning’s walk was not having the support of a cane. I had to keep my back straight and clench the left buttock without locking my left knee. And believe me, that is difficult. I keep catching myself hunching forward with my butt stuck out. {I have to say that Dr. H.’s lengthening of my cane has done a lot to help me get out of the habit of hunching forward. And Fred’s reminders to keep my back straight are helpful, too.} I still keep catching myself locking my knee, too, because that is easier that controlling the muscles. And then, of course, there is the deliberate heel-to-toe movement of my left foot I have to be aware of. In brief, at the moment walking properly requires a lot of concentration so I am pleased that I managed 13 minutes at a slow-ish pace. I can’t tell you how many mph I did because it was not until after I got off the treadmill that I read the directions more closely and discovered how to have the machine  show the mph I am doing.

Another nice thing is that the treadmill has a book rack into which my Kindle fits easily. I upped the font to 6 which is the biggest font {and the one I use to read at night without my glasses} and it was very easy to read. I didn’t get much read because I was constantly having to monitor myself re straightness of back and whether my knee was locked, but I can see that as these things become more automatic, there will be more reading done. But I do need a clip-on light. I had the ceiling lights on this morning and I do not like the glare of top lights!

I had actually forgotten how much I enjoy walking and the exhilaration I get when I get my pulse up. And this morning I stopped when I was exhilarated and not exhausted!


"There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way."

Christopher Darlington Morley (1890-1957)


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October 22, 2008

I think that you did wonderfully considering all that your body has been through! I know how you are, so I have no doubts you will be going further and further each week!

October 22, 2008

Yippee for you!! 13 minutes is a HUGE accomplishment considering what goes into your walk! That is truley amazing — Keep up the good work, girl!!

October 22, 2008

“it was not until after I got off the treadmill that I read the directions” LOL!!! That’s exactly the same thing I would do! Congrats on doing this. I’m sure that practicing walking in a controlled environment like this will improve your ability to get used to the proper mechanics. Outdoor terrain is unpredictable, so you can’t focus nearly as well.

October 22, 2008

i think you did wonderfully well considering it’s your first time. i am younger than you but i have about 50 extra pounds on me. so, i know i’m gonna go slow, too. but, will build up as the winter goes on. take care,

October 22, 2008

I really want to get a tredmill. With the work schedule I’m keeping right now, walking with the dog is dangerous because it’s dark by the time I’m free to do it. And I need to keep my activity up so my weight will go down. I’m glad you’re feeling exhilarated 🙂

October 22, 2008

I think you’re doing very well. I’m sure that I won’t be able to do that in twenty years or so!

Lady, I know people less than half your age with their own perfectly good hips who would be hard pressed to keep up with you – on or off the treadmill! I think that’s fabulous and you’ll be back up to your miles-a-day walking habits in no time!! This is one of the reasons you’re one of my Heroines!

Congratulations on the treadmill! I get on my treadmill most mornings, and of course I find myself wondering how long it will be after my hip replacement before I’ll be allowed to get back on it. Reading your description of how you have to focus on how to walk, just makes me realize how much is involved with hip replacement. Oh, and I’ve really become aware of the fact that I don’t stand up straight with shoulders back, I lean forward. I’m trying really hard to focus on that, I don’t want to be all bent over like my great-grandmother was in her old age!

October 22, 2008

🙂 – – – –

October 22, 2008

You inspire me.

October 22, 2008

Good for you! I’m glad you stopped when you were exhilerated and not exhausted! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

October 22, 2008

Soon it will be so natural for you that you’ll be able to read with no trouble. Congratulations!

October 22, 2008

Well done on your first treadmill walk! Like any skill, it needs practice… but I’m sure you’ll get used to it and it’ll help your regular walking too. (huggles)

October 22, 2008

I think music or the tv always helps me walking on the treadmill. i enjoy it rather than walking outside and having everyone’s dog running up to me. Or even the hard surface on my legs. Enjoy. You will get back up there again.

October 22, 2008

Good for you!

Good for you! My friends who are really into the exercise have instructed me on clenching my butt and walking like someone is pushing on my chin to straighten my back. It works!

October 22, 2008

Yay! I hear you when you talk about all the stuff you now have to THINK about just to walk. I’m having the same sort of issues. Who’d have thought just plain walking would ever take that much concentration? But you know, after you do it for awhile it starts to come more easily. Good for YOU. I agree that I feel really pumped and exhilarated when I’m done. Love to you! ~M

October 22, 2008

You’re fantastic. Not just because of walking the treadmill but the fact that you even got one in the first place. 😉

October 22, 2008

I think it’s fantastic that you are walking with such awareness! this is what life is about. I love to have a fan blowing on me when I use the treadmill, the extra breeze just feels right, more ‘outdoorse’. This is another tool in your box to return to optimum health, encouraging us your readers, and admirers to new heights of health. Thanks and be well….dan

October 23, 2008

That’s terrific! (insert applause here) I think this is going to be very good for you once winter hits.