
I have been for a 30 minute walk already and it is a gorgeous  day. One thing {among many} that I am enjoying about being retired is the freedom I have to get out in good weather and to stay at home in bad weather. It is supposed to rain over the weekend and I feel sorry for all the workers of this state who are stuck indoors today and who will not even have good weather for their weekend.

When I have finished here I need to go to the bank to deposit the $100 refund from when I paid off the radiologist and buy a few things in the supermarket where the bank has a branch. I needed to get:

  • Marmite
  • Strawberries {buy one get TWO free!}
  • bird seed {probably the last for the year}
  • olive oil
  • check on gluten. {I just got two new bread-machine baking books!}
  • Cottonelle wipes which are necessary because of a combination of a compromised bowel from pelvic radiation in 2000  and one of the Inevitable Indignities of Getting Old…

Fred just left to go to see his kidney doctor. Yesterday he got to visit an audiologist who told him that, yes, there WAS some hearing loss in one ear. I could have told him that. Actually, I have told him that but no one pays me for passing on this information.

His next step is to decide what to do about it. He may go for the hearing aid or not. I told him that if I had to shout at him and/or the television was blasting out he would get a hearing aid! LOL Neither of those things are happening right now so I am with him on the waiting for a while. The audiologist told him that if he decided to get one of the tiny little aids that are in use these days that he would have a couple of weeks {maybe a month?} to evaluate if the aid was working well for him and, if at the end of that time he decided not to wear it, he could get all his money except for $50 back. I told him that if he went that route to be sure to get it in writing!

Tomorrow he gets to see his primary physician –he schedules all this stuff as close together as possible so he gets it over and done with for six months–and he says he is going to ask for a reference to a bone doctor since his knees are giving him a very bad time. He needs to walk but can’t because of this pain. So, we shall see.

Ok, time for me to gather up my purse and keys and go downstairs to see if my car will start.

Until later…

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March 30, 2005

merlyn and i have been for a walk after dropping blake off at school and we just now got back from another walk at the park. he’s put on 2# over the winter. walking will help him get it back off. enjoy your day. hope your car starts…if not you have triple a! take care,

March 30, 2005

Yum, strawberries! Thought of you when I made my big BIG salad last night (for today’s lunch). I’ll be walking soon. I love the warmth of a spring afternoon.

March 30, 2005

My mom, bless her heart, is really losing her hearing. I’m such a bad daughter that I tease her about it and when she says, “What?” my reply is, “Beltone

March 30, 2005

Hi! What’s Marmite? Probably something that only Vermont homemeakers know about?

March 30, 2005

ooh, eat some strawberries for me!!

March 30, 2005

We went thru the hearing thing with my dad. Then he finally got one and he’d turn it off and forget . We had strawberries last weekend (free too!) and they were yummy.

March 30, 2005

*huggs* I got some strawberries 2 for $5.00

March 30, 2005

Oh as a voice of experience keep pressing for that hearing aid if his hearing does get worse because I’ve found bad hearing really interferes with a relationship. With the best will in the world it does get very frustrating to have to repeat everything, speak louder, have confusing conversations etc. etc. & sometimes you don’t bother having a conversation because it’s such hard work. Which is sad.

March 30, 2005
March 30, 2005

It’s a beautiful day out here too… Just walking across campus has been nice.

March 30, 2005

RYN: I suspect I’d miss the squirrels if they ever disappeared completely and right now, when there are only three or four in the yard, they’re fun to watch. It’s only when I’ve ten of the varmints raiding the feeders at one time that it gets a little frustrating. Thanks for stopping by.