Thinking back on work history

Todays just another day.. its only Tuesday 😯 these weeks are so long joe left for work out of town yesterday an katy went back to neals for the week. Its just me joseph and randy till joe gets back Thursday night.

Today needs to be the day I get more motivated to do what I need to get done. Start my work outs again, study for my GED, do school stuff with joseph and actually do my dishes. 😂 Yesterday was such an unproductive day I need to get back on schedule!

One of my biggest regrets in life was not getting my Diploma I just needed one more credit to get it and I dropped out. I know this was my fault but I feel like If I wasn’t smoking pot and messing around with friends I would have it. I was about 17 when I dropped out. I was working for subway at the time and worked my way up to be the store manager.

I feel like when I say I worked at subway people think I’m just making sandwiches and cleaning all day. YES AND NO. I was literally running the entire place. It was nice at first I made alright money , made the schedule, in charge of food orders, was the boss to employees, hired and fired people, managed numbers, incharge of all the money and so much more shit. I never saw the owner maybe 4 times the first 2 years I worked there. Eventually I was done the same shit different day, money missing, I had a hard time not being friends with employees, I started taking short cuts, started to not care to much anymore and was working 65-70 hrs a week. me and neal started to do week on week off so spending time with katy was hard. me and joe were going through a really really rough patch which is an entry I’m not ready to write about, its to long of a story for this entry anyway. I ended up quiting and that same day I found out I was pregnant with randy.

I was shocked, scared, adoption was on my mind. I didn’t know what I was doing with my life. I have always wanted to go to school to be a teacher so I decide to work at the daycare that my kids had gone to for years. That was the best decision I had ever made. I loved that job I loved my co-workers loved all the kids that were there but after a year of working there the owner had decided to retire and closed the daycare down.

Worst decision I had made was I went back to subway because at the time we needed more money. I loved working at the daycare but only made $8.00 and hour and that just wasn’t going to work out because we had three kids now and more financial responsibility’s. It was easy because I already new how to do everything. But eventually it turned out to be just the same, but joe had switched jobs and made three times as much as he did before so I decided to quit and look for another daycare job.

I wanted to take a break and get a couple things done and stay home with the kids for 3 months as ive explained in my first entry but like I said it worked out way better for us that staying home might be a permanent thing until our kids are all in school.

During the second time i went back to subway Because we are not married I was getting assistance from the state with daycare. I had always said that me and their dad were not together and boy did that back fire… the state went after him  for child support which he was paying for until he switched jobs and never switched it so he got behind and they put a lien out. I felt like we were taking advantage of the system and digging a hole we shouldn’t have. So I called and cancelled all benefits and cancelled all child support stuff. so if I go back to work my daycare bill will be 1600 a month which is so pointless to work because my whole checks besides maybe 200 a month would go to daycare.

So for right now I’m a stay at home mom and I’m going to try and get as much schooling done as possible so when my kids go school I can go work during what I actually want to do instead of working at subway for forever!

I love how supporting and hard working joe is for us. Its like anything that I want to do in life he will tell me how it is but will always be supportive and does whatever it takes for our little family we have created together. I couldn’t imagine life without him. I love him so much I cant even find the words to describe what he means to me.

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February 6, 2018

Hope the schooling works out.