Best/Worst Movies of 2005 Survey…

Even though I have been extremely lazy on the movie reviews lately, that doesn’t mean I have stopped watching movies… just means I haven’t had the time to post a reasonable review lately. Work, taking care of two kids now and other stuff has made doing everything I want a little hard to accomplish, so the reviews got tossed to the back burner for now. I might start up again later, but until then… here is an end of the year survey for the best/worst movies of 2005. Enjoy!


1. 10 Best Films of 2005:

10. The Upside Of Anger

9. Ladies In Lavender

8. Batman Begins

7. Kung Fu Hustle

6. Serenity

5. Dear Frankie

4. Walk The Line

3. Sin City

2. Layer Cake

1. A History Of Violence

2. 10 Worst Films of 2005:

10. Are We There Yet?

9. Cursed

8. Be Cool

7. The Pacifier

6. Electra

5. Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous

4. Chicken Little

3. Doom

2. XXX – State of the Union

1. Stealth

3. Biggest Guilty Pleasure of the Year: Fantastic 4

4. Best Title: Sin City

5. Worst Title: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (was there a need to make the titled so huge? I mean just go with Lion, Witch and Wardrobe… fools)

6. Movie Titles That Could Be Confused with Porn Titles: Fun with Dick and Jane, The Ringer, Kicking & Screaming, Just Like Heaven, Hustle & Flow, Kingdom Of Heaven,

7. Sequels We Didn’t Need: Be Cool, Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous, XXX: State of the Union, Legend Of Zorro

8. Best Sequel of 2005: Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire

9. Worst Sequel of 2005: XXX: State Of The Union

10. Biggest Disappointment of 2005: War Of The Worlds (seemed to drag too much and got boring after a while)

11. Biggest Breakthrough: March Of the Penguins (Nice to see last year’s documentary rise in popularity wasn’t a fluke)

12. Most Bizarre Film Trend of 2005: Remakes. This year we had more than the usual batch. Movies like Bad New Bears, Longest Yard, King Kong, etc. Also hasd the usual batch of bad horrors as well with The Fog and House of Wax. So this was definitely year of the remake.

13. Best 2005 Acting Portfolio: Daniel Craig (Layer Cake, Munich, also announced as new James Bond)

14. Worst 2005 Acting Portfolio: Ice Cube (Are We There Yet? XXX: State Of The Union)

15. Most Fun I Had at the Movies in 2005: Serenity (Joss Whedon truely is my master now)

16. Best Movie I Saw in 2005 (That Wasn’t Released in 2005): Layer Cake and Ladies In Lavender while released this year in North America however released last year in Europe.

17. Paris Hilton Award for Worst Movie Premise: It has to go to Beauty Shop, which was a female ripoff of Barbershop. They were definitely pushing their luck with this one…

18. Best Villain: Chiwetel Ejiofor as ‘The Operative’ (Serenity). This character was cold, brutal and yet honest. He knew what kind of empire he was fighting for, but was honest to admit that he was too evil to be a part of the Paradise/police state he was fighting for. A very brutal and cilling villian indeed.

19. Worst Villian: Darth Vader (Star Wars Episode III). I’m not kidding here folks, all we hear of James Earl is less than 2 min on screen. That’s not fair… and Star Wars deserved to see more of the man in black and even see him kick a little Jedi ass. Even if we saw just enough to witness Darth kill Jar Jar, there would have been much celebration. So much potential, one of this year’s biggest disappointments.

20. Best Onscreen Death: The end of ‘Devil’s Rejects’ when the three outlaws go screaming to their death by making a run for cop blockade and go out in a blaze of glory…

21. Worst Onscreen Death: Padme in Star Wars Episode III, where she just ‘lost the will to live’. What the fuck is that shit? I mean can’t she just die of delivering twins and domestic assault like everyone else?

22. Thora Birch Award for Hottest Female Actress of the Year: Aishwarya Rai (Bride & Prejudice)

23. Best Actor: Joaquin Phoenix (Walk the Line)

24. Best Actor Runner Ups: Viggo Mortensen (A History Of Violence), Daniel Craig (Layer Cake)

25. Worst Actor: Ice Cube (XXX: State Of The Union)

26. Worst Actor Runner Ups: Jamie Foxx (Stealth), The Rock (Doom)

27. Best Actress: Reese Witherspoon (Walk The Line)

28. Best Actress Runner Ups: Maria Bello (A History of Violence), Emily Mortimer (Dear Frankie)

29. Worst Actress: Sandra Bullock (Crash, Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous)

30. Worst Actress Runner Ups: Jennifer Garner (Electra), Queen Latifa (Beautyshop)

31. Best Supporting Actor: Mickey Rourke (Sin City). The fact that this guy isn’t getting any buzz for an oscar nomination is this year’s biggest sin.

32. Best Supporting Actress: Frances McDormand (North Country)

33. Best Screenplay: Serenity. Filled with great dialogue and amazing twists, Joss Whedon proved that Sci-fi can be smart.

34. Worst Screenpley: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith… Lucas on the other hand proved that proof reading is a good thing. Such a shame he didn’t have any on staff.

35. Best Director: David Cronenberg (A History Of Violence)

36. Worst Director: Peter Jackson (King Kong) I’m sure when he first pitched this, people thought he was kidding. Universal had no sense of humor and was dumb enough to give him a $200 million dollar budget. Someone needs to grab that freak by the beard and ask him the important question: did we really need a 180 minute King Kong movie?

37. Best Animated Film of 2005: Madagasgar

38. Best Horror of 2005: The Devil’s Rejects

39. Best Comedy of 2005: The Wedding Crashers

40. Best Musical of 2005: Bride & Prejudice

41. Most Overrated Movie of 2005: King Kong

42. Most Underrated Movie of 2005: Serenity

43. Most Overrated Actor/Actress of 2005: Jennifer Aniston. She couldn’t act before Brad came into the picture, she can’t now.

44. Most Underrated Actor/Actress of 2005: Philip Seymour Hoffman. I really hope he gets nomianted for Capote.

45. Movies From 2005 I Still Need to See:

My current must see hit list (in this order):

1. Munich
2. Good Night And Good Luck
3. The Matator
4. Brokeback Mountain
5. The Constant Gardner
6. Syrania
7. Memoirs Of A Geisha

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December 31, 2005

I think Pride and Prejudice ought to be on the worst list. It was totally lacking in the wit and irony of Jane Austin and was nothing more than a soap opera. Even Donald Sutherland and Judi Dench could not save it. I don’t understand why critics loved it. Probably because they have not read the book and did not see the mini series on A&E.

January 1, 2006

Great survery! I would totally steal it, but my list of 2005 movies still to see is longer than yours.

January 1, 2006

I havent see sin city yet ans would like too. Chicken little wasnt good?? Thats sux. I didnt know anyone that had seen it but know that I do and u say it sux I will I usually like little kids movies. I a dork =)

January 1, 2006

Let’s face it: Mickey Rourke won’t get any Oscar buzz until he’s made several outstanding films in a row, with extremely good behavior in between them. It was his behavior that all but got him banned from acting in the first place. Russel Crowe is acting like his understudy in petulant bad boy behavior, and look where that is getting him. Hollywood will accept a lot of prima dona crap, but

January 1, 2006

ogysical violence isn’t one of them. It took Sean Penn nearly 20 years to get back into acting.

January 1, 2006

re: #5 – it was just following in the Potter and LOTR trend :-)re: #22 – what’s the answer? I must know!! LOL

January 1, 2006

Some really cool films there, I’m looking forward to finally getting round to watching Firefly and Serenity. Just to butt in on a note you left on another diary, you should definately check out Oldboy, fantastic film, the same direstor’s done a film called Sympathy for Mr Vengence which is also really good.

I’ll definitely drink to “History of Violence.”

January 2, 2006

Bride & Prejudice has many critics, but I really liked it. It was a good marriage of Eastern and Western cinema. The Constant Gardener was one of my favourite films of the year. I highly recommend it. Memoirs of a Geisha, however, was among my least favourites.

January 3, 2006

Memoirs was beautiful and boring.

About #7, what is Be Cool a sequel to? I liked King Kong and Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, but will agree that they are over-rated.

I am stealing this survey!

January 4, 2006

“a history of violence” is another film i have not seen but may deserve a place on my list had i seen it. cronenberg is always interesting. of your worst films list, i think number 11, had you put an extra one on there, would be a place deserved by ‘constantine”. =)

Best movie of the year for me is Brokeback Mountian. Best Actor, Heath Ledger for same. Best Supporting Actor is a tie between Jake Gyllenhaal for BBM and Paul Giamatti in Cinderella Man. A History of Violence was a great film and I really loved Walk The Line.

January 8, 2006

I dig the Star Wars III bashing, and the Ice Cube bashing. It’s hard to believe he used to be in NWA.

February 4, 2006

RYN: I can imagine life must be a bit hectic now 🙂 Cheers for the link to this.