Bugs, election day and other stuff…

Last night I wrote a killer Monday School entry. It was a perfect entry regarding religion and politics and I wanted to post it last night before the election. I had been trying repeatedly since 10pm last night to post tne entry, but it didn’t work out. It’s a shame too, cause that was the perfect entry to post the night before a major federal election in any country. I might save it for another pre-election night…

Things are all right over here. Jonathan was sick today, so I came down to the Ex’s place to watch Jon so she wouldn’t miss work today. I didn’t mind and love extra time with the boys so no arm twisting was required. I just hung out with the little dude, watch news coverage of today’s election in the US and just chilled most of the time there. Jon was on and off the computer and just hanging out. I’m sure he apprecaited the extra day off.

So today is the big election day in the US. There’s already been some voting issues, such as machines in PA that were not functioning properly, giving a vote to Romney when someone tried to tap on Obama. Those machines according to election officials have been removed and will not be used this year.

As tight as the news would like you to think this race is, most unbiased pollers who are looking at it don’t see it that way. Some sites have given Obama a 90% chance to win, pretty much saying it’s not going to be even close. We’ll have to wait and see I guess but I think we’ll know how things are going by 8pm… if Virginia and Ohio go to Obama, like they did in 2008, that will spell the end for Romney very early in the night.

But enough talk, let’s sit back and see what happens. We’re less than 90 minutes away from the first polls closing. I hope my American readers had no trouble getting out to vote and that the lines were not too long. Take care and I’ll be around!


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