February checks out

2013 is already two months old. That didn’t take long, did it?

Even though it’s my weekend off, I’m going to take Jonathan for the weekend. Just me and the little guy for Friday, Saturday and most of Sunday. Jon is going to have oral surgery to repair some teeth next week and won’t be able to come over for his usual visit. So I’ll take him this weekend before the procedure and then next week I’m going to take Ethan while Jon stays home and recoups with his Mom. This way I’ll be able to give each kid a little one on one attention, and that’s never a bad thing. I don’t mind giving up my weekend, cause more time with the little guys is always welcome.

I might have a few auditions in March, some that I am looking forward to. It should be interesting to see how things go. I’m a little iffy about a few of them, considering the projects themselves. But there is one that I am definitely going to make an effort to attend. I’ve been very picky about what I audition for based on the condition I have. One of the roles I considered auditioning for asked for stunts, and I passed on it almost immediately.

The writing is going well. I’ve been working on some poetry and short stories over the last week or so. I’m going back to last year’s Nano project very soon and work on the last few chapters. Whenever I finish 50K in less than thirty days, I like to put it away for a few months. After working on one thing for thirty straight days, I prefer to take a break and not rush the ending. I’m only have 14 poems left to finish my new poetry book. I’m going to try to push out a few next week after Jon’s visit.

Speaking of writing, now that February is over… we’re only 12 days away from Amazon announcing their Quarter-finalists. 2000 books that made it to the second round will be narrowed down to 500. I really hope my book makes the cut. If it does a portion of it will be posted on Amazon for people to read and review and the entire manuscript will be reviewed by Publisher’s Digest. I’m nervous but I also have to remember that the last time I submitted a novel for this contest, I didn’t make the 2nd round. It’d be nice to move on to the next round, but I’ve already made a personal best. I will update everyone on the 12th whether or not I made the next cut.

So I’m going to get some rest. I’m going to pick my Jon tomorrow and spend the weekend with the little guy. I’ll be back tomorrow with an update and I hope everyone has an awesome Friday!


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March 1, 2013

have fun with your son ths weekend and good luck with the Amazon book list!

March 1, 2013

Holy crap, you’re right. It really is March already. Where did those other months go!?