It’s been a while…

Fighting a self inflicted inflammation is a royal pain in the ass… or eye that is. My first Iritis attack in over six years has proven to be such a pain, a royal one at that, and for that reason use of the internet during that time has been very limited. I haven’t written anything in over a week, especially on this diary and I’ve been suffering from OD withdrawal. While I am not fully recovered, my light sensitivity is improving and I’m able to function in front of a monitor again.

Being away from both the computer and the television forced me to sit down and read a few books, something I didn’t have the motivation to do for a while. I’ve started reading the ‘Jack Reacher’ books by Lee Child, and I have to say… I am VERY impressed with these books. I’m halfway through book #3 of the series and the movie with Tom Cruise while decent is nothing compared to the books. The books are ten times better and I can see myself reading the rest of these books by the end of the year.

I did watch a little television this week. Game Of Thrones was off the hook on Sunday… with the ‘Red Wedding’ episode. It was a very brutal scene but its nothing compared to the stuff I’ve been watching on Spartacus for the last few seasons. Still, with one more episode to go, episode nine of each season is starting to become the one to look out for. I wish HBO would actually extend the seasons to 15 rather than 10 episodes. They did it for the Sopranos, they can do it for GoT.

After a big of arm twisting, I started watching the first season of Dr. Who, that season with Christopher Eccleston. I’ve watched a bit of the show here and there, but now I’m going to watch them all in order. So far so good… I’m eight episodes into season one. The goal is to be fully caught up when the big 50th Anniversary episode airs in November.

I’m doing better health wise and it’s good to be back, writing on OD again. I hope everyone else is doing well and I will catch up with my favourites and leave notes in due time. Until then… take care!


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June 6, 2013

I’m glad you are feeling better, take care

ryn: it wasn’t the bloodshed that shocked me about GOT. And the end of the first season/first book they kill off Ned and I had the same reaction. I was shocked. I thought he was the central character and then BAM, he’s gone. Then he kind of lulls you back into a false sense of security about the characters and just when you think the main ones are safe again, BAM, two more get killed off. Andyou see them make all the little mistakes that lead up to it. Also, it was just brilliant television–going back to the scene in the book–when the Rains of Castermere starts playing, you KNOW and you see that Cat KNOWS and then it all unfolds and it was just really, really well done. As for Spartacus on Starz, I watched that for a few seasons. It was good in a very different way. THAT is a show you watch for gratuitous nudity and violence and just red-blooded, raw fun. Not for the plotting–though, at times the plotting wasn’t bad, but nowhere near GOT.

June 10, 2013

Episodes 9 and 10 of the Eccleston season of Who are two of my absolute favourites – enjoy them!