Making a comeback…

I haven’t been online in the last while and I have various reasons for that. I needed to take some time to myself to relax. Having the eye thing combined with some killer migraines has left me not in a mood to write anything, which has made working on anything rather difficult.

I’m also cleaning the place up and getting ready for Jonathan who is coming over for two weeks starting this Sunday. I’m not worried about having Jon here so long as he’s been pretty awesome here the weekends I’ve had him here on his own. He’s also still going to IBI over the summer so most of our days will be me taking him to and from his program. My plan is to hit the library (which is very quiet) to get some writing projects finished for a few hours and the pick Jon up after he’s done.

While I’m still a little miffed that Leah wants to take Ethan home to visit her family but not Jonathan, I am still going to do my best to make sure Jon has a really good time. We have a pool to swim in everyday, parks to hit and play at. I’m gonna try to get the little guy to a ball game at the dome, and we might check out a movie too. I don’t have much resources to use, but I will make sure the little guy has some fun.

I’ve been doing more painting events and they’ve been going rather well. I did some new designs and they seem to be a big hit with the kids. I’m also working on some new books but like I said before, writing anything (even here) has been a bit of a challenge. I’m going to make a better effort over the next few days and see how that works out.

Right now I’m going to clean up a big more, do some laundry and then visit a friend later this afternoon. I hope everyone south of the border is having a pleasant and safe 4th of July. Take care!


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July 4, 2013

Why would she take one child and not the other???

July 6, 2013

RYN: Ugh! No words…