New baby in the family…

Last night, after almost 24 hours of labour… my little brother’s wife gave birth to a baby girl. At 10 pounds, 4 ounces… she’s a big girl but only two more pounds than Jonation was when he hatched. So here is a picture of my first niece, Emma Frances:

First thing I noticed when I saw this picture is what a head of hair on that kid! She’s definitely going to have hair a lot darker hair than the two blondies I have over here on the go. I’m happy to hear that both Mommy and baby are doing well, and my brother sounds exhausted when i talked to him last night.

So it’s cool to no longer be the only member of my family to have a little one. Now Mom also hasx a little girl in the family. Now her and Leah can buy pink for the first time in a while. I can’t wait to see the little runt the next time Leah and I travel to Ontario. That won’t be for a while, but we’re used to not seeing everyone. I plan to use the next cheque to get something for Emma, and will ship it in the mail early next month.

I’ve got to run, but I have the day off so I’ll be back later today to post again. Until then, take care.


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awwww how cute, yeah she is kinda big my lil girl was 6lbs exactly. but shes gaining nicely now, hehe. xx

August 24, 2006

well congratulations to you and your family, I hope they buy lots of pink frilly things, lol

August 24, 2006

congrats to them!

August 24, 2006


August 24, 2006

My oldest was 10 pounds 6 ounces at birth, but had no hair. She (and her sisters) didn’t even try to grow hair until they were almost one. The runt in my family weighed in at 9 pounds 2 ounces, and she was a month premature.

Ten pounds. Oh the pain! I hope she had an epidural. Congrats to you, new uncle!

August 24, 2006

Congrats to your family. Its lots of fun to buy little girly things. My brother had a baby a couple months ago and its been fun shopping for her.

August 24, 2006

I was 9/9, and my mom said I was a pain… Congratulations! Just at random… I was in Windsor for the first time last weekend since before 9/11… and one thing I realized is how much the value of our dollar has lessened during Bush’s presidency. I like Canada…

Tell me she had a C-section! that is a big baby but very cute!

September 9, 2006
