Trying new things, Movies, and Meatloaf!

This week is flying by, and while I’m enjoying my time with the boys… I can tell they not only miss their mom but also school as well. While it’s been an exhausting week, to know these little buggers is to love them and I enjoy all my time without complaint. This coming weekend was supposed to be my weekend off, but because I won’t be available to do my weekend next week, I’m doing this weekend to make up for it. So Leah (my ex) and got two weekends off in a row, and since I’m going to be in sunny Florida this time next week, I think it’s a fair swap.

One thing I’ve tried this week was to introduce Jonathan to some new foods. My youngest boy is Autistic, so it’s hard to try new stuff when he’s set in his ways about what he does and doesn’t like. This week I was determined to use our time here this week to switch things up knowing that we had time to recover before he went back home this weekend. Usually Jon has waffles and Peanut Butter for breakfast almost every morning, so I bought some cereal and extra milk for the week and went with that instead. I picked up Fruit Loops and Honey Comb, and so far he’s been receptive to the new first meal. This Sunday I’m making over easy eggs, toast and peameal bacon for Ethan for breakfast. I’m going to cook up the entire pound of bacon I’ve got here and see if Jon will try Bacon & eggs this weekend.

Speaking of new stuff, tonight I really took a chance and made something very new for Jonathan. Tonight, I made a meal unsure if he would eat it or toss it aside. I made Meatloaf, with cornbread stuffing, and broccoli & cauliflower in a cheese sauce. I know I was pushing my luck with the veggies, but I already knew Ethan loved them so he’d woof them down if Jon needed any help.  So I took a chance, and whipped this up for the boys tonight:

My meatloaf kinda fell apart cause I didn’t spray/lube the loaf pan very well. The important part was that the Meatloaf itself was fully cooked and wasn’t as greasy as I feared it might end up being. I thought about making Meatloaf cause I had a pound of ground meat in the freezer and I knew the boys had pasta a few times already this week, so I wanted to shake things up again. I had a pound of ground Veal in the freezer, so this was something different for me too. I had never made meatloaf with Veal before and I think the tender meat might why it didn’t stick together that well too.

The stuffing is your basic Stouffers brand, something easy to whip up. Ditto for the veggies as it’s a Green Giant frozen pack that I keep in the freezer.I like to buy the Broccoli and Brussel Sprouts whenever I hit the local grocery, and stock up my freezer. Ethan loves the veggies so I always try to toss it into his meal to keep his veggies up.

So even though I had a pizza in the freezer on standby, turns out I didn’t need it. As expected Jon resisted the greens, but much to my surprise ended up eating most of his Stuffing and Meatloaf!


Earlier this week, Ethan and I watched the Dark Knight, and the little guy loved it. I was afraid Ledger’s Joker might scare him but he handled the movie really well. To keep my end of the bargain I made a few entries ago, Ethan and I will be watching Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla, which came out in the 90’s so we’re not going that far back. Ethan is excited to check it out, and a deal is a deal… So that’s our plan for tomorrow. We’ll pop some popcorn and take in a old Japanese subbed Godzilla film. Should be amusing if anything else. I’d rather be watching something else like Flash or the new Jessica Jones season on Netflix, but I’m a man of my word. The little guy took the Dark Knight well, so Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla it is. It can’t be worse than the one Ethan and I watched during the Xmas holidays. One can hope at least…

Speaking of movies, Ethan and I watched the new Avengers: Infinity War trailer this morning and the movie looks amazing. Ethan’s solo weekend comes a week after the movie comes out, so I’m going to take Ethan to see it the 2nd weekend after its release and hopefully the theatres won’t be so packed. My brother wants to see it with us, and since it’s his birthday in May… I’m going to go out of my way to by IMAX tickets and we’ll see this movie on the biggest screen possible. Might cost a few extra bucks, but I think my bro and Ethan will enjoy seeing it on the bigger screen.

I wasn’t the biggest fan of Thor Ragnarok, but I did enjoy Black Panther and hope this Avengers movie has a similar tone to Panther because this film needs to be serious and not crack too many jokes. Some humor is fine, but the last Thor cracked too many jokes and it ruined what could have been a decent film. This next Avengers film is the epic battle that Marvel has spent 10 years building up to, so I really hope they take it seriously so we can too. I’m not trying to set the bar too high, but everyone is excited so let’s hope it’s good and not a shit storm like The Last Jedi in December.

Overall, It’s been a great week with the boys, but it’s almost over. Time flies when you’re having fun but more fun comes my way. Right after the boys head back to their mother’s place, I’m on a plane heading for Orlando. Two sleeps away… I can’t wait cause it’s freezing here today!

So that’s it for now, I hope everyone is having a bitchin’ weekend.

My best,


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March 16, 2018

I have a recipe for meatloaf that is *fantastic* and easy… has never failed me…. if you need one…

March 16, 2018

I’m glad you are enjoying your boys so much.  Hope they go with good memories.  It has been cold and rainy here the last day or two (NE KS.) after being in Arizona for 2 mos. it is really miserable.  Can’t blame you for wanting to get to Florida.

March 17, 2018

Your meatloaf dinner looks good!  It really does.  Good for you cooking up that wonderful meal and leaving the pizza in the freezer.  Maybe pizza would go well for dinner tomorrow evening since you’ll be watching Godzilla and all.

March 26, 2018

do you have scene points? we have scene points on our debit cards so we see a LOT of free movies.
I find you need eggs and rolled oats/crackers/bread to get it all to stick together 🙂