When friends make life go wonky

Last night, just as I was about to settle down for sleep and much needed recuperation, my friend (since 15 yrs old!) called. Whilst they called to check on me and the recent shenanigans of my life,  the timing was all wrong, but I couldn’t hang up because they were trying to be a good friend when their life permitted. And in truth, if I didn’t talk to them, no one else would bother listening. However, because I spent that little bit longer awake it has made today all wonky. Literally.

I have woken with a fuzzy head, ringing in my ears and the inability to walk in a straight line and keep my balance. For outsiders it appears that I am drunk, and a grumpy drunk at that.

A simple task of letting the dog outside for his morning toilet break resulted in me missing 1 step on the stairs, bumping into 4 walls in total, needing to blink several times so I could see clearly and nearly falling over when there was no wall to bump into. These are the daily symptoms of MS no one sees. Yes, i can still walk, but my daily life is often wonky at best. I get so frustrated that a simple phone call has this much of an effect on my next day. I didn’t even have a late night, I was asleep by 11pm. But for me that’s late I suppose.

I should really be laughing, because years ago when I was like this I had a great night out on the town with friends a few hours previously, and was probably still drunk trying to get into work. I would be dying by lunchtime with a hangover. But now, I’ll be asleep by lunchtime trying to hang on to normality.

I was supposed to have a long list of errands today. Food shop, laundry, school runs and making dinner just to name a few. Instead, I will be only doing school runs, probably a quick freezer dinner and sleeping. I swear I sleep most of my life away! It’s so frustrating!

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