It’s been a very long time.

 It’s been a very long time. I just really need a place to vent. 
So this guy I have a child with, we got back together march 2010 after spending time with our son and getting to know eachother again. We lasted a year and a half about. Through this year and a half, he turned down a summer of living with his son and working in the same city, and chose to work in a different province. He cheated on me  and let his son down. He accused me of keeping our son from him and accused me of cheating on him at my best friends wedding. He threatened to come and take our child from me. He resides with me full time as his father lives in a different city still. Then after a damily meetig and what I believed to have been an agreement, he went back on his word and tried to file a court order while telling me it was for mediation. Because now all of a sudden he wants 2 weekends a month unsupervised visitation when hes never asked for it before. So I caught on to his stench of lies and filed for a parenting orde do that I would have a say in his visits. He never makes an initiate now to call and talk to his son. And his son has not heard from his father in almost a month. Nor has his father asked about him. Now all of a sudden he wants this time?  He’s always been encourage to have time to his son and he has always turned it down. 
So we had court yesterday. We agreed that neither of us shall introduce our son to a new partner until it has been decided as agreed upon by both of us. And it was also agreed upon to no overnight guests on his visitation weekends so when he was asked about living alone he said yes. 
The bastard lied. He’s living with a woman. And he almost refused to tell me her name. But he had no issues refusing to pay the court assigned amount of child support. 
coward. Still after being caught in that lie and lying about his work, he still managed to get out with one weekend a month and two weekends starting in may. 
I have no words for how I feel. 
I didn’t go in this to stop my son from seeing his father but I still somehow feel that I’ve lost. And I dont know why. 

anyways… I may vent later…

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