finger twitching

omg.  its a double entry kind of night.  i don’t know what this means, maybe that something is actually going on in my life? nope, don’t get your hopes up.

i feel that i’ve kind of given up on poetry, to tell the truth i haven’t written a good poem since i was a freshman in college.  we had a discussion that year about how some people peak early.  if thats me, my peak wasn’t that impressive, so i strive to carry on.  although, i’ve only written one poem this entire semester (minus the one about chicken sex, cause i mean, i know that had potential and all, but…) 

my publishing career isnt that exciting for me.  i realized that i’m never going to make much money, but that’s me, i had to pick the english major.  all because i wanted something i enjoyed, i thought that would pave the way to a happy life.  nope.  let me tell you kids, pick a major with security that will ensure you will reach your goal of realizing the life you envision for yourself.  at this point and time i’m going to have to kidnap a doctor and a walton make them marry me. 

i think i have an ulcer, either that or i’m lactose intolerant, either way my tummy hasn’t felt well lately. 

i have fun friends though.  friends that pick the exact moment to call and tell me exactly what i need to here, things like if they won box seats i would be the first person they asked (take that mom) and that i rock out with my cock out… (i appreciate the sentiment i guess) 

the cleaning situation is getting out of hand at my apartment.  i spent almost three hours on saturday cleaning just the kitchen and my house was a pigsty by monday afternoon.  i scrubbed everything, cleaned out the sink, etc.  all my roommates had to do what clean up whatever messes they made from then on our and put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher until it was fool and then turn it on, well i guess what is just too much to ask. 

the walton i steal better be a neat freak.

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June 8, 2006

i loves you. and i’ll help you kidnap a walton if you need me to.